Thursday, June 20, 2024

PETA calls for 'sex strike' against 'meaty' men: 'Don't Give a F---'

PETA previously promoted a sex strike against men back in 2022 for contributing more greenhouse gases

By Lindsay Kornick Fox News
Published June 20, 2024 

PETA president discusses her grizzly post-mortem plans for her that she announced Monday.

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is calling for another sex strike until men agree to become vegans to save animals and stop climate change.

PETA announced on its official blog that it will be launching a new campaign to promote a sex strike to target men for their eating habits.

"PETA is erecting—ahem—launching new ads warning that eating animal flesh can cause impotence and is calling on people to join the sex strike, and stop having sex with their meat-eating husbands and boyfriends until they go vegan. Why? A study found that men contribute significantly more to the climate catastrophe than women through their consumption of animal flesh," the post read.

It included an ad that read "Don’t Give a F---. Meat is linked to IMPOTENCE and clogs other arteries, too. Join PETA’s sex strike until men stop eating meat. Please, go vegan."

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) launched a new ad campaign calling for men to become vegans. (YANN SCHREIBER/AFP via Getty Images)

PETA cited a study from 2021 that claimed men contributed 41% more greenhouse gases than women, likely due to their diets.

"Leave the Meat in the Sheets—Go Vegan in the Streets," one slogan read.

PETA told Fox News Digital: "Women went wild for PETA’s call for a sex strike on meat-eating men in 2022, and with a new study showing that men’s meaty eating habits cause 41% more greenhouse gasses, we know it’s time to ramp it back up. Women have always had power in the kitchen and the bedroom—so we’re combining them to save animals, the planet, and our men’s health. After all, vegans don’t need Viagra and all its attendant risks!"

As the animal rights organization noted, it put out a similar call for a sex strike back in 2022, citing the same study and attacking men for "hurting animals" and "harming the planet."

PETA cited a study that claimed men eating meat contributed 41% more greenhouse gases than women. (Leigh Vogel/WireImage | istock)

"Men need to take accountability for their actions. Now that research shows that their impact on the climate is so disproportionately large, they should take steps to rectify that. And the easiest, healthiest, simplest way to do this is by going vegan," the post read.

It continued, "For all fathers who still are grilling meat but want their children to have a healthy future on a habitable planet, it’s time for a lifestyle change. Pledge to go vegan today."

PETA has faced increased mockery in the past few years over its public statements and ads. In November, the organization was attacked online and fact-checked by X’s Community Notes after posting a picture of turkeys sitting around a human meal for Thanksgiving and claiming "turkeys would never do this to us."

PETA previously called for a sex strike back in 2022 for men to "take accountability." (Photo by Wodicka/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

"Turkeys are not vegetarians," according to the Community Note. "Turkeys eat mice, lizards, frogs, and just about anything they can fit in their mouth. If turkeys were larger or had the technological means to farm and eat humans, their current diet reveals they likely would."

‘Don’t Give a F**k’: With Meat-Eating Men Killing the Planet, PETA Calls For Sex Strike

For Immediate Release:
June 20, 2024

Norfolk, Va. – Because men apparently don’t give a f**k about the planet, as a new study shows that males contribute significantly more to the climate catastrophe than females through their higher consumption of meat, PETA is asking people to stop giving a f**k—literally—by withholding sex from their meat-eating husbands and boyfriends until they go vegan. New ads from the group asking people to join its sex strike against male meat-eaters will soon be popping up across the country. 

“Animal agriculture is a killer, spewing methane that’s destroying the planet, hardening humans’ arteries with cholesterol, and sending billions of animals to their deaths,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA urges lovers everywhere to ditch deadly meat and reach for vibrant vegan foods instead and has free downloadable vegan starter kits for everyone ready to make the switch.”

According to the United Nations, about a third of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are linked to food production and the largest percentage of these emissions come from the meat and dairy industries. PETA notes that growing water-intensive crops just to feed animals raised for food consumes more than half the water used in the U.S. and that up to 80% of deforestation in the Amazon is linked to meat production, either for grazing or for growing food for cows. Vegan foods—such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas, nuts, and lentils—require less energy, land, and water.

Additionally, each person who goes vegan spares nearly 200 animals every year and reduces their own risk of suffering from cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and obesity. 


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