Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Here Are Some Memes About How Badly The Iowa Caucus Went

The Fyre Fest of the 2020 campaign.

Wellllllllllllllllllp. The 2020 campaign has officially begun, and it's not off to a great start.

The Iowa caucuses took place Monday night in 1,682 precincts around the state and 87 satellite locations around the country and the world. But, as the night wore on, it became clear that things weren't going quite as planned.

The Iowa Democratic Party revamped the process for 2020, taking a number of steps to make the caucuses more transparent and accessible, including a new app for precincts to report results. They did so after a contentious outcome in 2016, when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders finished neck and neck. But by late Monday, precinct chairs were struggling to report results to the party, and the party announced that the results would be delayed until sometime Tuesday.


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