Saturday, August 15, 2020

Chile: Mapuche People's Spiritual Advisor Stops Drinking Water

Mapuche People's Spiritual Advisor Machi Celestino Cordova. | Photo: Twitter/ @portadasonada

Published 15 August 2020

Machi Celestino Cordova holds President Sebastian Piñera's administration responsible for his eventual death.

Mapuche people's spiritual advisor (machi) Celestino Cordova early Saturday stopped drinking water after Chilean authorities rejected a petition in favor of the Mapuche prisoners.

In an audio message of farewell to the Mapuche community, Cordova said he holds President Sebastian Piñera's administration responsible for his eventual death.

"I am willing to give my life for the freedom of the Mapuche and non-Mapuche political prisoners, for the rights and dignity of the Mapuche people, and the return of our ancestral territories," Cordova said.

"I will rest physically on this earth, but my life will continue. In my next incarnation I will continue to fight," the machi said.

VITACURA: Marcha en apoyo a Machi Celestino Córdova al cumplirse 100 días en huelga de hambre.
"MACHI CELESTINO A SE REWE"— PIENSAPRENSA 220,6 mil Seguidores (@PiensaPrensa) August 11, 2020

In an audio message of farewell to the Mapuche community, Cordova said he holds President Sebastian Piñera's administration responsible for his eventual death.

"I am willing to give my life for the freedom of the Mapuche and non-Mapuche political prisoners, for the rights and dignity of the Mapuche people, and the return of our ancestral territories," Cordova said.

"I will rest physically on this earth, but my life will continue. In my next incarnation I will continue fighting," the machi said.

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