December 19, 2023  From Anarcom Network (UK)

2023 has been the first full calendar year of AnarCom Net being formally constituted as an anarchist communist organisation. We came together as activists who recognise the reality and strategy of the social class struggle, and despite our small size and wide geographic spread in these islands, we seem at least to have made some mark.

Looking at the statistics for our website as a year end exercise was both interesting and encouraging. We have had views from all over the world, and our reach has exceeded our expectations.

The following is our Top Twenty web pages this year, as voted for by your clicks. We think it’s a pretty good representation of us as an organisation, and covers many of our concerns. We might have chosen others, but the choice wasn’t ours, dear reader, it was yours.

If you are new to us, we think the following is a fair representation of us; if you are familiar with our output, it’s a reminder of the year that’s passed; or if you are simply an interested visitor, it’s a selection of what our readers come to us for, decided by their clicks.

Have a revolutionary Festive Season!

Why We Should NEVER Vote For ANYONE

“Neither one State nor two
States! No ‘State’ will end the slaughter of our Class!”

War – the faces of Capitalism unmasked.

Internationalist Solidarity against the slaughter of capitalist war!

When a flood is not a flood

Have a Revolutionary 2023!

Pathologising Resistance

On the Anti-Refugee Protests

Why is being against war so hard?

Lead Belly, the Scottsboro Boys, Staying Woke, and Class

The Tanks Roll East

Brianna Ghey: The Tragic Victim of a Culture War

Capitalism’s war without end or
Class War?

War for Peace is the Orwellian logic of genocide

Sunak, Lies and Planetary Rape

Constructive Self-Activity and Community Self-Empowerment

Neither Hamas Nor Israel

Class Report ’23

On The Eve of Invasion

Ukraine’s Two Floods

AnarCom Network