Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hungary agrees not to veto NATO support to Ukraine as long as it's not forced to help out


Updated Wed, June 12, 2024 

BRUSSELS (AP) — Hungary agreed on Wednesday not to veto NATO support for Ukraine but Prime Minister Viktor Orbán insisted that his government would provide neither funds nor military personnel for any joint assistance effort.

At a summit in Washington next month, U.S. President Joe Biden and his NATO counterparts are expected to agree on a new system to provide more predictable, long-term security help and military training to Ukraine’s beleaguered armed forces.

Ukraine’s Western allies are trying to bolster military support for Kyiv as Russian troops launch attacks along the more than 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) front line, taking advantage of a lengthy delay in U.S. military aid.

“Hungary made it clear at today’s meeting that it does not want to block decisions in NATO that … are decisions shared and advocated by the other member states,” Orbán told reporters after talks in Budapest with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

“I asked the Secretary-General to make it clear that all military action outside NATO territory can only be voluntary in nature, according to NATO rules and our traditions,” said Orbán, who has tried to style himself as a peacemaker. “Hungary has received the guarantees we need.”

As an organization, the world’s biggest security alliance does not send weapons or ammunition to Ukraine and has no plans to put troops on the ground. But many of its members give help on a bilateral basis, and jointly provide more than 90% of the country’s military support.

The other 31 allies see Russia’s war on Ukraine as an existential security threat to Europe, but most of them, including Biden, have been extremely cautious to ensure that NATO is not drawn into a wider conflict with Russia.

NATO operates on the basis that an attack on any single ally will be met with a response from them all.

Stoltenberg confirmed that Hungary would not take part in NATO's plans and said: “I accept this position.” NATO's top civilian official said he and Orbán had “agreed modalities for Hungary’s non-participation in NATO’s support for Ukraine,” but did not elaborate on how that would work.

“At the same time, the prime minister has assured me that Hungary will not oppose these efforts, enabling other allies to move forward, and he has confirmed that Hungary will continue to meet its NATO commitments in full,” Stoltenberg added.

NATO takes all its decisions by consensus, effectively giving any one of the 32 allies a veto.

U.S. envoy to NATO, Ambassador Julianne Smith, played down the impact of Hungary’s decision.

“I think the message that was delivered is not dissimilar from what we’ve heard from other allies throughout the alliance’s history. Not every member of the alliance always participates in every single NATO activity or mission,” Smith told reporters.

But Hungary’s stridently nationalist government has increasingly become a thorn in the side of NATO — and the European Union — by undermining their efforts to help Ukraine. Orbán is also holding up moves to nominate outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the alliance's next secretary-general.

Orbán, one of the friendliest European leaders toward Russian President Vladimir Putin, has labelled his EU and NATO partners assisting Ukraine as being “pro-war.” He has also advocated for former U.S. President Donald Trump's victory in the November election.

Since Russia’s full-fledged invasion in February 2022, Ukraine’s Western backers have routinely met as part of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, run by the Pentagon, to drum up weapons and ammunition for Kyiv.

Stoltenberg has spearheaded an effort to have NATO coordinate that process, partly by using the alliance's command structure and drawing on funds from its common budget.

Plans are afoot for NATO’s leaders to commit on July 9-11 to maintain the level of military support they have provided Ukraine since the invasion began. Stoltenberg said later Wednesday that this amounts to around 40 billion euros ($43 billion) worth of equipment each year.

“The purpose of this is to make it possible to end the war,” he told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels. “Now, President Putin believes that he can wait us out and therefore the war continues.”

Stoltenberg said that he hoped NATO defense ministers, meeting in Brussels over two days from Thursday, would be able to seal agreement on details of the plan.

At their summit in Lithuania last year, Biden and his counterparts promised that they would “be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the alliance when allies agree and conditions are met.” The consensus among members is that it should not happen while war rages on.


Associated Press journalist Bela Szandelszky in Budapest, Hungary contributed to this report.

Hungary won’t have to send military aid to Ukraine in NATO carve-out deal

Joe Barnes
Wed, June 12, 2024

Jens Stoltenberg (L), Nato's secretary-general, and Viktor Orban, the Hungarian PM. Hungary will not veto any Nato plans to support Ukraine - ATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP

Hungary will not have to contribute money or military personnel to support Ukraine under a Nato carve-out deal negotiated with the bloc.

The concession was granted to Budapest to ensure smooth passage for the Western alliance’s planned “Mission for Ukraine”, which will raise and co-ordinate an estimated €40 billion in annual military support for Kyiv.

In exchange Hungary will not veto any Nato plans to support Ukraine, despite Budapest’s harsh criticism of the war and soft stance on Vladimir Putin.

The Mission for Ukraine scheme will hand Nato control of the US-led Ramstein group of more than 50 countries and allow the military alliance to manage deliveries of lethal aid to Ukraine for the first time since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Hungary has raised objections to the mission, arguing it could drag Nato into a direct conflict with Russia.

‘Support must be voluntary’

Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, has refused to supply arms to Ukraine, and recently suggested he would “redefine” Budapest’s position in the alliance to prevent any participation in operations “outside Nato territory”.

The nationalist leader has been repeatedly accused of cosying up to Putin throughout the war by delaying sanctions, refusing to provide military support to Ukraine and objecting to its accession to the EU.

But Mr Orban assured Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s secretary-general, that he wouldn’t stand in the way of the alliance’s plans to support Ukraine, as long as they were “voluntary”.

“Hungary has made it clear she does not intend to block decisions in Nato that might be different from our, we believe rational, analysis,” the Hungarian said in a joint news conference in Budapest.

“I have asked the secretary-general to make this clear that any out-of-area military operation can be voluntary. Therefore, Hungary has been granted the guarantees that she requires.”

Demands approved

Deals inside Nato require the backing of all 32 members before they can be fully signed off, often leading to months of tricky negotiations.

But with Mr Stoltenberg stepping down from his role in October, he is determined to reach an agreement before the Nato leaders’ summit.

To prevent Hungary from blocking, the top official approved demands to make the scheme voluntary.

“At the summit I expect allies to agree on a leading role for Nato in coordinating and providing security assistance and training for Ukraine,” Mr Stoltenberg told the news conference.

“I also expect that allies will agree to a long-term financial pledge… prime minister Orban has made it clear that Hungary will participate in these Nato efforts, and I accept his decision.

“I’m glad the prime minister and I have agreed the modalities for Hungary’s non-participation for support to Ukraine. No Hungarian personnel will take part in these activities and no Hungarian funds will be used to support them.”

He recently urged member states to commit to providing Ukraine at least €40 billion a year in military aid to ensure long-term support for the war-torn country against Russian aggression.

The pledge is part of a strategy known internally as the “three Ms” – money, mission and membership.

The money will help sustain Ukraine’s war efforts for at least two more years, with future negotiations expected to tweak the figure depending on the state of the conflict.

‘Trump proofing’

Contributions from Nato’s 31 participating members will likely be determined by a percentage of Gross Domestic Products – in line with alliance defence spending goals – to ensure the burden of supporting Kyiv is shared equally, sources said.

This particular element of the package has been dubbed as “Trump proofing” ahead of November’s US presidential elections because the expected Republican candidate has previously railed against European nations not paying their way.

The envisaged model would still see the US foot the bill for over half of future aid to Ukraine because of the size of the country’s economy compared to its European allies.

The mission will see Nato’s Supreme allied commander, a US general, take over Ramstein – also known as the Ukraine Defence Contact Group – as well as a separate training scheme run by the UK.

It will leave Nato commanders making decisions on arming Ukraine and drilling its troops while the conflict is still raging as well as developing a post-war force capable of deterring Russian aggression and preparing Kyiv to join the alliance.

However, Nato will not take over any role in assisting Ukraine’s armed forces with targeting advice or battle plans from the US because this could trigger escalation from Moscow.

“There are certain elements that will stay where they are,” a source said.

The Ukrainian bid to join Nato will not be progressed from a previous promise that the country would one day become a member at the Washington summit, as The Telegraph previously reported.

But Kyiv will be offered language in a summit communique that suggests promises of future finance and weapons deliveries will act as a “bridge” or stop-gap until the alliance is ready to extend a full invitation.

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