Friday, June 07, 2024

Why South Africa’s ANC wants a national unity gov’t after election setback

A broad coalition like the one President Ramaphosa outlined on Thursday leaves the ANC less vulnerable to pressures from any one partner.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, centre, meets with senior officials of his African National Congress party on Thursday, June 6, 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa [Jerome Delay/AP Photo]

By Qaanitah Hunter
 7 Jun 2024

Johannesburg, South Africa — Reeling from its worst electoral performance in 30 years, South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) on Thursday said it would seek to stitch together a “Government of National Unity” to administer the nation.

After days of internal debate within the party, President Cyril Ramaphosa told a meeting of the ANC’s top leadership structure, the national executive committee (NEC), late on Thursday, that South Africa was at a moment of “fundamental consequence” and that the country required extraordinary leadership. In last week’s elections, the ANC lost its majority in South Africa’s parliament for the first time since the end of apartheid.

“We therefore agreed to invite political parties to form a Government of National Unity as the best option to move our country forward,” Ramaphosa said.

In effect, that means that the ANC – instead of entering into a direct coalition agreement with its main rival parties, the market-friendly and right-leaning Democratic Alliance (DA) or the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) – will seek a broad multiparty alliance.

And while Ramaphosa framed that decision as one taken in the national interest, analysts said the move also bears the hallmarks of political savvy, with the ANC’s own interests front and centre. A broad, multiparty coalition reduces the ANC’s dependence on any individual political rival.

Lessons from the past

South Africa was governed through a Government of National Unity between 1994 and 1997 when former President Nelson Mandela appointed former apartheid Prime Minister FW de Klerk as his deputy and appointed cabinet ministers from the National Party and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), the ANC’s rivals at the time.

Three decades later, the ANC, bruised by the May 29 election results, now needs to negotiate an agreement with other parties before a June 18 constitutional deadline to elect the country’s next president. The ANC’s vote share dropped from 57 percent in 2019 – already the lowest until then – to 40 percent in last week’s election. It also lost its majority in the key provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

Since then, party leaders have been locked in talks about the most viable options for government formation while some members of their youth organisations protested outside the NEC meeting against a deal with the DA.
(Al Jazeera)

Many ANC members have long described the DA as “anti-transformation”, labelling its market-leaning policies as “anti-poor”. The ANC has fashioned itself as a centrist party that is pro-poor.

Maxine Rubin, research fellow at the Hamburg-based GIGA Institute of African Affairs, said Ramaphosa’s dilemma lies in finding coalition partners that “would not weaken his own position in the ANC while avoiding major compromises of the ANC’s policy positions”.

Forming exclusive coalition agreements with either the DA, EFF or the new uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MK Party) led by former President Jacob Zuma could have compromised those aims and led to internal ructions. The MK Party has openly said it will only work with the ANC if Ramaphosa is removed.

A grand coalition, by contrast, would keep South Africa’s second largest party, the DA, in the tent, while also engaging smaller parties, eliminating too much dependence on any one coalition partner.

“It will send a good signal to business internationally and domestically,” said Rubin. The DA, in particular, is seen as pro-business.

The DA gained 21 percent of the vote, while the MK Party secured 14 percent and the EFF, 9 percent  

Al Jazeera
Challenges ahead

But it’s not just about Ramaphosa’s political survival or international investors. Political analyst Ongama Mtimka said that should the ANC form an alliance solely with either the DA on the right or the EFF and MK Party on the left, there would be serious consequences for the internal balance of power in the ANC. That, he said, would in turn have implications for how the market perceives the South African government.

He said a move by the ANC to make a deal with the DA could cause an “internal rebellion”.

“[It would be seen as] going right goes against the liberation movement’s myths and traditions,” he said.

While the details of what this broad government of unity would look like are yet to be explained, Ramaphosa said the new administration “will take into account the conditions prevailing at this point in our country’s history”.

The new South African government faces enormous domestic challenges, which are stimulating economic growth, job creation and confronting structural inequality.

According to the World Bank, South Africa is the most unequal society in the world, with a few wealthy individuals on one side and widespread poverty on the other. It also has the world’s highest unemployment rate, at 33 percent, and a youth unemployment rate of 45 percent. Homes and businesses face frequent rolling blackouts, while the country also battles systemic corruption.

(Al Jazeera)

Ramaphosa argued that a national unity government would focus on building an inclusive economy, creating jobs, ending crime and corruption, and improving service delivery.

Yet, getting that grand coalition together by June 18 will not be easy. The ANC will need to trade positions in the executive and parliament in exchange for support from opposition parties. It will also likely need to commit to reforms, such as taking a harder line against party leaders who have been implicated in corruption and state capture.

The DA has been open to talks with the ANC but has ruled out an agreement with the EFF.

The EFF has signalled its willingness to co-govern with the ANC but has demanded the deputy presidency position in exchange for their support. The MK Party has said it won’t join an ANC-led coalition if Ramaphosa heads it. The MK also campaigned on a platform that included a rewriting of the constitution – something that the ANC has opposed.

Ramaphosa said social cohesion was urgent following a “particularly toxic and divisive” election campaign. As ANC negotiators meet with other political groups, the party has insisted that constitutionalism was a non-negotiable principle for any deal.

“In establishing a GNU, we are building on a very rich history of cooperation across divides and ideologies,” he said. “We are drawing on an experience South Africans are familiar with, and that served the country well.” Now, that experience is about to be tested again.


South Africa’s ruling ANC to form government of national unity: President Ramaphosa

ANC, in power since 1994, failed to get a majority for first time and will have to put together a coalition to form next government

Hassan Isilow |07.06.2024 - TRT


South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) party has agreed to form a government of national unity after losing its majority in last week’s election, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced late Thursday.

“We have agreed to invite political parties to form a government of national unity, the best option to move our country forward,’’ Ramaphosa told reporters after concluding a day-long meeting of the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).

He said the modalities of the government of national unity will take into account the conditions prevailing at the moment in the country.

“The purpose of the government of national unity must be, first and foremost, to tackle the pressing issues that South Africans want to be addressed. These issues include job creation and the growth of our economy that will be inclusive and the high cost of living,” he said.

Ramaphosa also said the unity government will look at service delivery, crime and corruption, all which were main election issues raised by political parties.

The ANC, once led by the global icon Nelson Mandela, dominated South African politics for the past three decades until losing its majority in national and provincial elections on May 29.

The party, which used to secure more than 60% in all elections since 1994, except in 2019, when its share dipped to 57.5%, got only 40.18% of the vote. This has put it in a difficult position to form a government on its own.

Ramaphosa said his party has recognized that the people of South Africa made their wishes known during last week’s elections and they accept the outcome.

“We now say as the National Executive Committee of the ANC that we have heard the concerns of the people of South Africa and heard their frustrations and recognize their aspirations,’’ he said.

He said the NEC agreed that for the country to successfully overcome the challenges it faces, there is a need for a unity government and collaboration among political parties.

“From the results of these elections, it’s clear that South Africans expect their leaders to work together to meet their needs. They expect us to find common ground to overcome our differences and act together for the good of everyone,’’ he said.


DA proposals to ANC: protect Reserve Bank, give powers to provinces, outlaw cadre deployment

07 June 2024 - 
Thabo Mokone
Parliamentary editor

DA Western Cape premier candidate Alan Winde reacts at the election results centre in Cape Town on May 31 2024.
Image: Reuters/Esa Alexander

The DA has placed the protection of the constitution at the centre of its coalitions negotiations framework, but also wants certain powers to be devolved from national to provincial governments

The party also wants the proposed coalition government to set up a mechanism to allow “multiparty access” to and “input into” the budgeting process, which has thus far been the sole domain of the ANC-led national government and the National Treasury.

These are among the six constitutionally-based foundations laid out by the DA’s high-powered negotiation team as priority areas, which they will put to the ANC and other parties as formal negotiations are set to start in earnest in the coming days.

The priority areas are detailed in a discussion document titled, “A framework for multiparty government”.

The DA’s team of experienced coalition dealmakers include federal chairperson Helen Zille, her predecessor Tony Leon, party strategist and former CEO Ryan Coetzee, chief whip in the sixth parliament Siviwe Gwarube, as well as Western Cape premier Alan Winde and MEC Ivan Meyer.

ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa announced late on Thursday his party’s highest decision-making body in between national conferences, the NEC, had decided to invite all parties to talks to discuss the formation of a government of national unity.

This comes after the ANC was brought down to under 50% of the national votes for the first time since 1994 after a fiercely contested election on May 29.

On the constitution, the DA is demanding no tampering with the bill of rights and the independence of the SA Reserve Bank.

“The protection and promotion of the constitution is foundational to the future success of South Africa. We draw particular attention to the founding provisions and the bill of rights in their entirety.

“Clauses 223 — 225 which set out the establishment, objectives and powers and functions of the Reserve Bank. These provide for the independence of the Reserve Bank and sound monetary policy “to protect the value of the currency in the interest of balanced and sustainable economic growth in the republic.”

The DA also wants a corruption-free and effective public service where cadre deployment is outlawed, and the Public Service Commission strengthened.

But the issue of cadre deployment might prove to be sticky bargaining point with the ANC as it has committed to continue implementing it despite adverse finding on it by the courts and the state capture commission of inquiry.

“To this end legislation and organisational reform is required to ensure the Public Service Commission is given full independence and powers of oversight, that a clear distinction is made between political posts and public service posts, that cadre deployment is outlawed, and that best practice is applied to delivery.”

The blue party also said the coalition government should commit to reducing the budget deficit to below 3.5% within three years of its formation.

Other economic proposals include support for Ramaphosa’s operation vulindlela, the unbundling of Eskom, the concessioning of the ports, mineral rights reforms and title deeds reforms to expand land ownership.

The DA, which retain control of the Western Cape and governs the City of Cape Town, wants the coalition government to devolve certain powers to provinces.

This issue has long been a DA campaign issue, including in this years’ general elections, in which the party made it clear it wanted national government to allow it to run the police service in the Western Cape and the passenger rail service, among others.

“We believe responsibility for delivery should be devolved to the sphere of government best able to ensure successful implementation.

“To this end we would foresee a range of devolution measures to be discussed in accordance with section 99 of the constitution, and in particular, the implementation of the cabinet’s decision to devolve passenger rail to metros, the devolution of criminal investigative power for metro policy and law enforcement officers.”

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