Friday, April 26, 2024

Poisoning the American Mind: Higher Education in the Age of the New McCarthyism

 APRIL 26, 2024

Photograph Source: SWinxy – CC BY-SA 4.0

We live in an age of increased disasters and encroaching fascism. This is a historical moment marked by a systemic attempt by an emerging authoritarianism to disable language and dissent of any substantive meaning, remove actions from the grammar of moral witnessing, and disassociate power from institutional justice. As all levels of society are hollowed out, notions of democratic community, the social contract, and compassion give way to a politics in which all matters of responsibility are individualized, privatized, and removed from broader systemic considerations. The habits of oligarchy are animated by fear and reproduced through relentless attacks on human possibilities, while “the disorder of real history is replaced by the orderliness of pseudo-history.”[1] In a time of widespread suffering and unrest, higher education is feared for its critical functions and students are expected to be silent, unresponsive to wider social issues, and ignore the relationship between the dynamics of power, marginality, and knowledge.  Amid the expansion of the military-industrial complex and the carceral state, faculty and students are expected to look away or inward, unresponsive to the language of imagined futures.

This process of depoliticization is intensified by a frontal attack on dissent, free speech, academic freedom, and institutions that support and nurture these crucial democratic rights and practices. Increasingly, higher education, in particular, under the influence of right-wing billionaires, authoritarian politicians, and cravenly boards of trustees is attacked for its critical functions, reduced to morally dead zones of the imagination and a mind-numbing conformity. Disdained as a public good whose purpose should be to educate young people to be informed and critical citizens, higher education is under pressure by far-right members of the GOP to renounce its responsibility to teach students to question, challenge, and think against the grain. One model for this regressive form of education is on display in Florida where Gov. Ron DeSantis has transformed New College, a once progressive college, into a citadel for anti-woke ideology and pedagogy–cleansed of classes where faculty and students can think critically, test their opinions, and realize themselves as engaged citizens.

No longer considered a public good where ideas and important social issues are nurtured, debated. and interrogated, institutions of higher education are being transformed into indoctrination centers where critical ideas and empowering pedagogies are held in contempt, transformed into apparatuses of censorship and hopelessness. Derided as a haven for critically informed social criticism, the far-right wants to reduce teaching and learning to what might be called cloning pedagogies, designed to clone culture, knowledge, ideas, and extremist world views.

Even worse. Higher education is increasingly being attacked by the far-right for its liberal claim of equality and a common good. As an institution that aligns with a notion of “citizenship… equated with human dignity [and] equality on multiple fronts,” it has garnered the wrath of fascists for whom hostility to universal citizenship is a central element of its mobilizing passions.[2] This hatred of equality reinforced by the selective definition of who counts as an American now feeds both the attack on higher education and an increasingly vicious racist politics. As Eddie S. Claude notes, the fantasy of a “lily-white America” and the call to banish Black and brown people “from the nation’s moral conscience” create landscapes of illusion, enable white supremacy, while furthering racist violence and the logic of exclusion and annihilation.[3] The far-right views thinking as dangerous as is the notion that education is central to politics and must be defined through it claims on democracy and its role in a time of tyranny.

Moral restrictions seem obsolete as another colonial war rages in Gaza, during which thousands of Palestinians are killed, while attempts to criticize what various international organizations label as war crimes are summarily dismissed as antisemitism. This refusal to acknowledge the violence being waged against Palestinians has morphed into a war against critical journalists, cultural workers, and increasingly higher education, now viewed by the far-right as a citadel of pernicious socialist thought. Under such circumstances, those who react to the suffering of others are subject to the dehumanizing and morally cannibalistic, verbal orgies of hatred, and increasingly, state violence. They are also at risk of a society in which civic death leads state violence, domestic terrorism, and a politics of disposability.[4]

In this historical moment, attacks on higher education make clear that struggling for freedom, equality, and justice comes with great risks. Such attacks give credence to an emerging fascist politics both in the U.S. and abroad that mark students who question settler colonial dispossession and state violence as objects of disparagement and potential violence by a racist-criminogenic state. Displays of civic courage now qualify students as objects of critique, exclusion, and in some cases arrests. In the current repressive climate, this points to not only the egregious act of censorship, but also to the death of the university as a public good and civic institution, regardless of its flawed notions of equality and civic knowledge.

For Trump and his Vichy-like enablers, higher education is portrayed as a laboratory of left-wing ideologies whose ultimate purpose is “to destroy family, community, and national unity.”[5] These repressive policies represent the return of what Ellen Schrecker has called “the new McCarthyism,” which uses the smear of communism to attack critical education, teacher autonomy, and “real-world issues of race, gender, and social inequality.”[6] She writes:

The current [McCarthyite] campaign to limit what can be taught in high school and college classrooms is clearly designed to divert angry voters from the deeper structural problems that cloud their own personal futures. Yet it is also a new chapter in the decades-long campaign to roll back the changes that have brought the real world into those classrooms. In one state after another, reactionary and opportunistic politicians are joining that broader campaign to overturn the 1960s’ democratization of American life. By attacking the CRT bogeyman and demonizing contemporary academic culture and the critical perspectives that it can produce, the current limitations on what can be taught endanger teachers at every level, while the know-nothingism these measures encourage endangers us all.[7]

The right’s attack on universities as citadels of leftist ideology dates back further than the purge of academics by the rabid anti-communists under Senator Joe McCarthy in the 1950s. Authoritarian governments in the 1930s performed a similar task in order to control universities. As Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat writes:

From the fascist years in Europe…right-wing leaders have accused universities of being incubators of left-wing ideologies and sought to mold them in the image of their own propaganda, policy, and policing aims. … Given the virulence the Nazis showed in silencing their critics in and out of the academy after Hitler took power in 1933, it is remarkable that this talking-point has retained traction for the right. It has done so thanks, largely, to the military juntas of the cold war era, which gave new life to fascism’s battles against the left.[8]

More recently, McCarthyite tactics became rampant during George W. Bush’s presidency. This was particularly evident when Vice President Cheney claimed that critics of the administration’s Iraq policy “abetted terrorists.”[9]Simultaneously, the Bush-era witnessed the emergence of McCarthyite institutions like Campus Watch, the David Project, Students for Academic Freedom, and other groups designed to police Middle East Studies and the liberal arts in general for any vestige of dissent against US domestic and foreign policies. and other extremist organizations listed the names of professors considered un-American, similar to how ACTA listed the names of alleged unpatriotic professors after the 9/11 attacks.[10]

In an age dominated by feral social media platforms, a malignant form of censorship has emerged in even more virulent forms. For example, this is evident in the work of organizations such as StopAntisemitism, which engages in online vigilantism by doxing critics of Israel’s war on Gaza by “posting personal information online to encourage harassment — thereby chilling debate.”[11] Not only are such critics named, shamed, and harassed, but many of them are expelled from college and often terminated from their jobs.

At present, a more dangerous form of McCarthyism has returned with a vengeance. This authoritarian turn in higher education has been accelerated by the increasing suppression of dissent by critics of Israel’s war in Gaza. Against Israel’s historically based claim of ontological innocence and perpetual victimhood, a new generation of critics argue, as Pankaj Mishra makes clear, that “oppression does not improve moral character.”[12] Israel can no longer absolve its crimes by drawing upon its own tortured unfathomable history of repression and genocide.   Federic Lordon goes further and argues that Israel’s brutal war of revenge on Gaza and its call to prevent a Palestinian state represent a form of “moral suicide.” He adds: “Never before has there been such a colossal squandering of symbolic capital that was thought to be unassailable, which had been built up in the wake of the Holocaust.”[13]

Netanyahu’s war on Gaza has intensified protests on university campuses against Israel’s brutal violence against Palestinians. In response, the mainstream media and a number of pundits, with the blessing of pro-Israeli interests, has weaponized antisemitism, a label which has been reduced to any critique of Israel’s military conduct in Gaza or the West Bank. As William I. Robinson observes, one consequence of this pernicious criticism by the far-right is that “academic freedom and free speech are under an all-out attack on university campuses in the United States, not just from college administrations and pro-Israeli groups, but also from the highest levels of the Israeli state.”[14]

Student activists who criticize Israel are facing harassment, monitoring, expulsion, public shaming, and, in some cases, mass arrest for disruptions, evidenced by recent events at Columbia and Yale University, and increasingly several other universities.[15] The protester’s call for colleges and universities to divest from corporations that profit from Israel’s war on Gaza along with their demand  for “a complete ceasefire in Gaza” are buried in the blanket charge of antisemitism and the force of police violence.[16]  These arrests serve as another indication of the collaboration between certain Ivy League colleges and the far-right in the assault on student voices.[17] Ari Paul observes that mainstream news has generally delighted in the crackdown, making clear “that campus safe spaces where speech is banned to protect the feelings of listeners are good, depending on the issue.” [18] This is not to suggest that attacks on Jewish and students supporting Palestinian rights should be overlooked, but the real objective of the war being waged on elite universities poses a far greater threat than generalized and undebated charges of antisemitism.   The inquisition at work in the house committee hearings investigating campus antisemitism is heavily inundated with political theater displayed by Elise Stefanik and her GOP colleagues. What is obvious in this show trial, as David Bell notes, is that they “do not have any real interest in solving campus problems. Their goal is to expose liberal elites as corrupt, dangerous, and anti-American.”[19] The real objective of these hearings is to weaponize protests against the war in Gaza as components of a larger strategy aimed at exercising a defining role in the control of higher education. Robert Kuttner rightly notes in The American Prospect that this McCarthyite assault is part of a broader effort “to suppress fundamental freedoms of expression.”[20]

While the issue of campus antisemitism warrants discussion and debate, it is not within the purview of congresswomen, Elise Stefanik. Nor is any serious discussion of widespread Islamophobia and the squelching of dissent by various campus groups supporting Palestinian rights. By leading the charge in Congressional hearings on antisemitism on college campuses, Stefanik adopts a flame-throwing confrontational approach aimed at dictating “the academic mission of a university,” prescribing disciplinary measures against professors, and formulating guidelines “for acceptable campus speech.”[21]  The irony and hypocrisy here are hard to overlook given Stefanik’s “Puritan superego,” belligerent stance, and self-assured role as an opponent of campus antisemitism.[22] This is especially noteworthy in light of her denial of elections results, characterization of individuals who attacked the Capitol as “January 6 hostages,” and her impassioned and staunch defense of Trump, who associates with prominent antisemites such as Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.[23]

The hypocrisy at work in criticism by far-right politicians is not limited to Stefanik. Senator Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton and other MAGA supporters of the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on January 6 have called for President Biden, whose election they refused to accept, to use the National Guard to arrest students on college campuses. For the MAGA group,  violence waged by insurrections is legitimate, but students protesting against the massacre of Palestinians represent a threat to the state. On full display here is the irony of warmongers calling for violence against students who are calling for “the American government to stop sending military aid to Israel” and “for universities to stop investing in weapons manufacturers…who profit from Israel’s invasion of Gaza.”[24] Hypocrisy in the service of violence is perfectly aligned with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s characterization of student protesters on American university campuses as “”antisemitic mobs” that must be stopped.[25]  Senator Bernie Sanders aptly criticized Netanyahu’s derogatory remarks as a ploy to use antisemitism “to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government.”[26]  He further adds:

  No, Mr. Netanyahu. It is not antisemitic or pro-Hamas to point out that in a little over six months, your extremist government has killed 34,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 77,000—70% of whom are women and children. It is not antisemitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221,000 housing units in Gaza, leaving more than one million people homeless—almost half the population.[27]

Of course, hypocrisy is important to point out but what really is at issue here is a political party and its far-right media apparatchiks who believe in using  state force and the exercise of violence against their  own people in order to shut down free speech.  Yes, this is a form of domestic terrorism and it is a fundamental element of fascist regimes.   Campus protests are not merely seen as unwelcome disruptions but are criminalized by far-right university administrators and politicians.

Compounding these crude attacks on students protesting against the war on Gaza and the corporations that provide them with military weapons is the aggressive involvement of pro-Israel groups, some with the backing of the Israel state, in a broad campaign to shame and publicly disclose information about pro-Palestinian protesters, including students and faculty. Commenting on the repressive nature of this intervention by the Israeli state, Robinson states that the Israeli government has initiated what appears to be a wide-ranging covert campaign and action plan “to harass and intimidate students, faculty, and administrators into silence.”[28] He elaborates on some of the chilling specifics of the plan:

The plan aims at ‘inflicting economic and employment consequences on antisemitic [read: pro-Palestinian/anti-genocide] students and compelling universities to distance them from their campuses.” The plan specifies that actions taken “should not have the signature of the State of Israel on it.’… It calls for ‘personal, economic and employment repercussions for the distributors of antisemitism.’ According to the plan, the inter-ministerial task force will carry out ‘naming and shaming’ by ‘publicizing the names of those generating antisemitism on campuses — both students and faculty and impacting the employment of those identified as the perpetrators of antisemitism.’ Those targeted ‘will struggle to find employment in the U.S. and will pay a significant economic price for their conduct.’[29]

Within this frigid climate of censorship, doxing, and punishment, faculty are being fired and students are being intimidated, harassed, and silenced. One egregious example took place when the University of Southern California’s campus canceled a valedictory commencement address by Asna Tabassum, a Muslim student—more than likely because of her expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people.[30] In another instance, which has become all too familiar, some “New York University students were hauled in for disciplinary hearings after staging a reading of poetry by the Palestinian author Refaat Alareer,” who was killed in an Israeli airstrike.[31]  After students erected tents on the campus of Columbia University in protesting the slaughter of Palestinians taking place in Gaza, the university president, Nemat Shafik, called in the city’s Police Department to remove them. Over a hundred students were arrested, all of them were suspended, their student IDs were deactivated, and they were evicted from their dorms.[32] Such actions are reminiscent of the protests and arrests of over one thousand students that took place at Columbia University in 1968. It is worth noting, as Judd Legum states, “In 2018, on the 50th anniversary of the 1968 arrests, then-Columbia President — and noted First Amendment scholar — Lee Bollinger said the decision to call in the NYPD in 1968 was ‘a serious breach of the ethos of the university’.”[33] Clearly, this is a lesson that President Shafik has chosen to ignore and in doing so  is complicit in supporting this new wave of McCarthyism and its intensifying attacks on free speech taking place on more and more college campuses.

Her moral vacuity in calling the police to arrest students–who should be celebrated for their courage not punished–is astonishing given her comment that she has initiated “this extraordinary step because these are extraordinary circumstances.”[34] What is extraordinary is that students are protesting the fact that over 34,000 Palestinians are dead, including more than 14,000 children, and that 80 percent of the population in Gaza are homeless, many of whom are starving in the midst of an intentionally imposed famine.

What is extraordinary is that students are opposing Columbia University’s investment and ties with corporations that profit from Israel’s war on Gaza. What is extraordinary is that students are calling for an end to obscene and morally reprehensible acts of violence, such as Israel‘s  bombing of Rafah—”where more than half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million has sought refuge from fighting elsewhere.”[35] Such attacks have resulted in the indiscriminate killing of women and children who have no place to escape.

What is extraordinary is that students are trying to stop an Israeli military attack Gaza in which war crimes are being committed in violation of international law, as evidenced by the fact that over  300 bodies have been discovered in “a series of mass graves near Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza….The dead include men, women and children….Some were discovered handcuffed, indicating that victims were killed in mass summary executions.”[36]       What Shafik willfully fails to acknowledge is that the real crime is not students demonstrating against the war–asserting their sense of moral agency—but the scale of human suffering in Gaza to which they are opposed. As an educator, Shafik is shamefully blind to the fact that Israel has not only destroyed or damaged all 12universities in Gaza but has engaged in a “wholesale destruction” of Gaza’s educational system, committing what UN experts have labeled as scholasticide.[37]  In all of these matters, Shafik displays an astonishing degree of moral weightlessness, rooted in an appalling mix of ignorance and political irresponsibility.

While genuine antisemitism exists, it is now being used and maligned by the far-right—known for its own embrace of antisemitism–to engage in targeted harassment and shut down all criticism of the violence waged in Gaza against the Palestinian people, especially women and children. In this context, all criticism of Israel is being branded as antisemitic. This reflects more than a blind commitment to the Israeli state under a far-right leadership; it covers up an institutional machinery of state repression while reproducing a central tenet of authoritarianism, which is to silence those minds that dare to criticize its totalitarian ideology, policies, and anti-democratic tendencies. It is worth repeating that this far-right call for an “ecstasy of obedience” increasingly uses the charge of antisemitism on university campuses as a wedge issue to attack colleges and universities, which they claim are too liberal. It is worth noting that while the Biden white house condemned antisemitic incidents taking place at Columbia University, student journalists at the school stated that many of the incidents took place “on the fringe of campus, not involving students.”[38]

What is often forgotten by critics of the new McCarthyism is that this upgraded attack on higher education is worse than anything that took place in the 1950s. Ellen Schrecker, one of the great historians of McCarthyism, has written that the current assaults on higher education are “worse than McCarthyism.” She is worth quoting at length:

 It’s worse than McCarthyism. The red scare of the 1950s marginalized dissent and chilled the nation’s campuses, but it did not interfere with such matters as curriculum or classroom teaching. Its goal was to eliminate communism (however loosely defined) and all the individuals, organizations, and ideas associated with it from any position of influence within American society. The witch hunters achieved that goal by firing people who had once been in or near the small, unpopular Communist party and/or refused to inform on their ex-comrades. They also relied on blacklists, loyalty oaths, speaker bans, and interference from the FBI and other anti-communist investigators. … the classroom was not targeted.[39]

History matters and it is crucial to remember that higher education since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 has been under severe attack by the forces of neoliberalism intent on turning education at all levels into nothing less than adjuncts of the workplace and laboratories for ideological repression. As I have stated in another article:

Across the globe, a new historical conjuncture is emerging in which attacks on higher education as a democratic institution and on dissident public voices in general – whether journalists, whistleblowers, or academics – are intensifying with alarming consequences for both higher education and the formative public spheres that make democracy possible. Hyper-capitalism … has put higher education in its crosshairs and the result has been the ongoing transformation of higher education into an adjunct of the very rich and powerful corporate interests… In fact, the right-wing defense of the neoliberal dismantling of the university as a site of critical inquiry is more brazen and arrogant than anything we have seen in the past. [40]

Since 2016, with the election of Trump as president, the attack on higher education has increased in scope and intensity and resembles forms of education similar to what took place in Nazi Germany.[41] The attempts by conservatives “to deplore knowledge, deride academic inquiry for its own sake, and discourage intellectual curiosity in our children and the American public” has a long and sordid history.[42]

What is different today is that an emerging fascist politics driven by a range of far-right billionaires and groups have education in their crosshairs. For instance, as Judd Legum recently noted, college administrators are facing “substantial political pressure from the right,” and some like Columbia President Minouche Shafik are too willing to buckle under such intimidation.[43] As Irene Mulvey, the President of the American Association of University Professors observed, we are experiencing a “new era of McCarthyism where a House Committee is using college presidents and professors for political theater.”[44] The recent attacks by the far-right on higher education are designed to reach deep into the classroom in order to erase dangerous moments of history, eliminate criticism of systemic racism, banish subjects dealing with sexual orientation, shut down any discussions of social problems, and weaken any control teachers or faculty have over their classrooms. This is more than an airbrushing of what the far-fight considers unpalatable and dangerous.

This is an education that produces moral blindness, ignorance, and reveals contempt for empowering ideas, critical thinking and civil liberties. It is a war against history, memory, solidarity, and the dissolution of the social ties that bind us together in a set of shared values.[45] As Donald Howard argues, educators and others cannot risk failing to speak and act against the current right-wing assaults, especially at a time when a range of democratic educations are under assault and “the very fabric of our democracy is frayed, if not unraveling. We cannot risk silence.”[46]  Silence in the face of an emerging fascist politics offers a warning of the danger to come and the lessons to be addressed.

Such attacks function as a massive disimagination machine and a tool of subjugation by enacting a pedagogy of obedience and repression. This type of education is about more than turning schools into indoctrination centers; it is about creating an educational system that normalizes fascist ideologies and denies critical modes of agency.[47] This is nothing less than a resurgence of a poisonous neo-McCarthyism that threatens not only free speech and academic freedom, but also the central principles of democracy itself.

The acts of civil disobedience currently taking place on campuses are imbibed with spirit of the 1960s Berkely Free Speech Movement. Then, as now, students are fighting for the right to be heard, overturn acts of social injustice, and to bring to an end what Mario Savio, one of the leaders of the movement, called “the operation of the machine [that has become] so odious  [that] you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels … upon the levers, upon …the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop! And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”[48]  What the students protesters at Columbia, Yale, New York University and other campuses throughout the U.S. are making clear is that power must be held accountable and that the plague of silence over the war on Palestinians has to be broken so as to inject the struggle for human rights back into the language of a politics built upon the values of equality, social justice, liberty, and human dignity. What young people are teaching the world today, heeding the words of the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass, is that freedom is an empty abstraction if people fail to act, and that “if there is no struggle, there is no progress.”[49] What they are fighting for is not just a call to end the war against the Palestinian people, a war that is a moral litmus test of our time, but what it means to imagine and fight for a more just and better world.

Damn right!


[1] Vaclav Havel, Living in Truth, ed (Boston: faber and Faber, 1986), p. 26.

[2] G. M. Tamas, “On Post-Fascism,” Boston Review (June 1, 2000). Online:

[3] Eddie S. Glaude Jr., “The Fantasy of a Lily-White America.” Time [April 15, 2024]. Online:

[4] Judith Butler’s various writings and books are brilliant on this issue. See, for instance, Judith Butler, The Force of Non-Violence (New York: Verso, 2024).  Judith Butler, Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence,  (London: Verso Press, 2004).

[5] Ruth Ben-Ghiat, “The Right’s War on Universities,” The New York Review of Books (October 15, 2020). Online:; see also her larger work on authoritarianism, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present (New York: W. W. Norton, 2020).

[6] Ellen Schrecker, “Yes, These Bills Are the New McCarthyism,” Academe Blog (September 12, 2021). Online:

[7] Ibid., Ellen Schrecker, “Yes, These Bills Are the New McCarthyism.”  

[8] Ibid., Ruth Ben-Ghiat, “The Right’s War on Universities,” The New York Review of Books.

[9] Michael Abramowitz, “War’s Critics Abetting Terrorists, Cheney Says,” The Washington Post (September 10, 2006). Online:

[10] I have taken up this issue in detail in Henry A. Girox “Democracy, Freedom, and Justice after September 11th: Rethinking the Role of Educators and the Politics of Schooling,” Teachers College Record 104:6 (September 2002), pp. 1138-1162. Also on-line at www. TCRecord.Org  (January 21, 2002), pp. 1-33.

[11] Pranshu Verma, “They criticized Israel. This Twitter account upended their lives, The Washington Post (April 16, 2024). Online:

[12]Pankaj Mishra, “The Shoah after Gaza,” London Review of Books (March 21, 2024). Online:

[13] Frederic Lordon, “End of Innocence” New Left Review [April 12, 2024]. Online:

[14] William I. Robinson, “Israel Has Formed a Task Force to Carry Out Covert Campaigns at US Universities,” Truthout (March 23, 2024). Online:

[15] Melissa Chan and Phil Helsel, “108 arrested at pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University,” NBC News (April 18, 2024). Online:

[16] Al Jazeera Staff, “Columbia, NYU, Yale on the boil over Israel’s war on Gaza: What’s going on?,” Al Jazeera ( April 22, 2024). Online:

[17] Moira Donegan, “Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students,” The Guardian(April 19, 2023). Online:

[18] Ari Paul, “The McCarthyist Attack on Gaza Protests Threatens Free Thought for All,” Fair (April 19, 2024). Online;

[19] David Bell, “Elise Stefanik, Dean of the Faculty,” The Chronicle of Higher Education (April 22, 2024).  Online:

[20] Robert Kuttner, “Self-Destructive College Presidents,” The American Prospect (April 22, 2024). Online:

[21] Ibid. Bell.

[22] I have taken the term “Puritan superego” from Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993), p.295.

[23] Martin Pengelly, “Stefanik criticized for support of Trump after push against campus antisemitism,” The Guardian(December 11, 2023). Online:

[24] Mattthew Mpoke Bigg, “Netanyahu Calls U.S. Student Protests Antisemitic and Says They Must Be Quelled,” New York Times (April 24, 2024). Online:,and%20portray%20them%20as%20antisemitic.

[25] Ibid. Mattthew Mpoke Bigg.

[26] Gov. Press Release, “ Sanders Responds to Netanyahu’s Claim that Criticism of the Israeli Government’s Policies is Antisemitic,” Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator for Vermont (April 25, 2024). Online:

[27] Ibid. Gov. Press Release.

[28] Ibid. Robinson.

[29] Ibid. Robinson.

[30] Arwa Mahdawi, “Will the ‘cancel culture’ crowd speak up about the silencing of Asna Tabassum? Don’t hold your breath,” The Guardian (April 17, 2024). Online:

[31]  Will Bunch, “Fear and loathing on America’s college campuses as free speech is disappearing,” The Philadelphia Inquirer. Online:,Fear%20and%20loathing%20on%20America’s%20college%20campuses%20as%20free%20speech,a%20new%20brand%20of%20McCarthyism.

[32] Troy Closson and Anna Betts. “Columbia Students Arrested Over Campus Rally May Face Other Consequences,” New York Times (April 20, 2024). Online:

[33] Judd Legum, “Columbia University protests and the lessons of ‘Gym Crow’,” Popular Information (April 22, 2024). Online:

[34] Troy Closson and Anna Betts, “Columbia Students Arrested Over Campus Rally May Face Other Consequences,” New York Times (April 23, 2024). Online:

[35] Mohammad Jahjouh and Samy Magdy, “Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah kill 22, mostly children, as US advances aid package.” Associated Press (April 21, 2024). Online:

[36] Andre Damon, “Hundreds of bodies discovered in mass graves at Gaza’s Nasser Hospital,”  Countercurrents (April 23, 2024). Online:

[37] Press Release, “ UN experts deeply concerned over ‘scholasticide’ in Gaza,” United Nations Human Rights (April 18, 2024). Online:  The full comment is worth quoting: “After six months of military assault, more than 5,479 students, 261 teachers and 95 university professors have been killed in Gaza, and over 7,819 students and 756 teachers have been injured – with numbers growing each day. At least 60 per cent of educational facilities, including 13 public libraries, have been damaged or destroyed and at least 625,000 students have no access to education. Another 195 heritage sites, 227 mosques and three churches have also been damaged or destroyed, including the Central Archives of Gaza, containing 150 years of history. Israa University, the last remaining university in Gaza was demolished by the Israeli military on 17 January 2024.”

[38] Will Bunch, “With the truth up for grabs, Columbia’s young journalists are getting the story,” The Philadelphia Inquirer (April 23, 2024). Online:

[39] Ellen Schrecker, “Yes, These Bills Are the New McCarthyism.” Academe Blog [September 21, 2021]. Online:

[40] Henry A. Giroux, “Neoliberal Savagery and the Assault on Higher Education as a Democratic Public Sphere,” Café Dissensus (September 15, 2016). Online:,Giroux&text=Hyper%2Dcapitalism%20or%20market%20fundamentalism,rich%20and%20powerful%20corporate%20interests.

[41] Henry A. Giroux and Anthony R. DiMaggio, Fascism on Trial: Education and the Possibility of Democracy(London: Bloomsbury, 2024).

[42] Eden McLean, “Fascism’s History Offers Lessons about Today’s Attacks on Education,” Scientific American (April 7, 2024). Online: See also Henry A. Giroux and Anthony R. DiMaggio, Fascism on Trial: Education and the Possibility of Democracy (London: Bloomsbury, 2024).

[43] Judd Legum, “Columbia University protests and the lessons of ‘Gym Crow,” Popular Information (April 22, 2024).  Online:

[44] Cited in Judd Legum, “Columbia University protests and the lessons of ‘Gym Crow,” Popular Information (April 22, 2024).  Online:

[45] Alexander J. Means, Yuko Ida and Matthew Myers, “Teaching Beyond dread.” Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. Online [February 8, 2024]. Online:

[46] Donald W. Harward, “Risking Silence,” Inside Higher Ed, [August 28, 2018]. Online:

[47] Henry A. Giroux and Anthony R. DiMaggio, Fascism on Trial: Education and the Possibility of Democracy(London: Bloomsbury, 2024).

[48] Mario Savio, “Sit-In Address on the Steps of Sprout Hall,” delivered December 2, 1964, at the University of California. American Rhetoric:  Top 100 Speeches. Online:

[49] Frederick Douglass, West India Emancipation, speech delivered at Canandaigua, New York, August 4, 1857, in Philip S. Foner, Ed., The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, vol. 2 (New York: International, 1950), p. 437.

Henry A. Giroux currently holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the English and Cultural Studies Department and is the Paulo Freire Distinguished Scholar in Critical Pedagogy. His most recent books are America’s Education Deficit and the War on Youth (Monthly Review Press, 2013), Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education (Haymarket Press, 2014), The Public in Peril: Trump and the Menace of American Authoritarianism (Routledge, 2018), and the American Nightmare: Facing the Challenge of Fascism (City Lights, 2018), On Critical Pedagogy, 2nd edition (Bloomsbury), and Race, Politics, and Pandemic Pedagogy: Education in a Time of Crisis (Bloomsbury 2021). His website is www.

The Years 1968 And 2024: Will History Repeat Itself?

 APRIL 26, 2024

Photograph Source: S.Sgt. Albert R. Simpson, Department of Defense – Public Domain

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

– George Santayana, 1905.

In the summer of 1968, I was assigned to the Central Intelligence Agency’s task force on the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.  The task force met around the clock in the CIA operations center, which was outfitted with myriad television screens.  Most of these screens were showing the Soviet invasion.  But several screens were devoted to the violence and mayhem on the streets of Chicago, where Mayor Richard Daley’s police force was pummeling young people holding a protest rally against the Vietnam War.  The chaos and the violence, which a federal commission labeled a “police riot,” played a key role in Richard Nixon’s narrow defeat of Hubert Humphrey in the election several months later.

Once again, we are looking toward a Democratic Convention in Chicago in August as well as an election in November that will be close.  It could well be decided by the national reaction to the chaos that is taking place on college campuses around the country and that will presumably be followed by demonstrations in Chicago.  Does the Biden White House understand this?

In 1968, the Vietnam War was the decisive moral issue of the time.  In 2024, Israel’s genocidal warfare in Gaza is the decisive moral issue.  The likelihood of an ugly Israeli military campaign in southern Gaza will lead to additional Palestinian deaths and to increased fury at home and abroad.

Hubert Humphrey lost support in 1968 because he was terribly late in speaking out against the immoral war in Vietnam being pursued by President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Joe Biden is losing support on a daily basis because he is unwilling to stop underwriting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s immoral military campaign in Gaza.

In 1968, the Prague Spring and the Tet Offensive contributed to violent activism and protest activity in the United States.  The assassinations of two key anti-war leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy in April and June, respectively, meant the absence of two key anti-war protagonists at the Democratic Convention.  When the peace plank was defeated at the convention, additional college students and an assortment of activists and progressives rallied against the U.S. role in Vietnam.  Prior to the convention, there were walk-outs at high schools around the country, which contributed to the anti-war fervor that was building before the convention.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley contributed to the tension by orchestrating a news blackout in an attempt to keep the public from learning about the protest activity in the city.  The Chicago police beat protestors at will with clubs and fists.  At the convention, Senator Abraham Ribicoff blasted Mayor Daley for what he called the “Gestapo” tactics of the Chicago police.  Daley called Ribicoff a “kike” from the floor of the convention. These events garnered more attention than the nominations of Humphrey and Senator Edmund Muskie.

Just as the violence and madness in 1968 pushed conservatives and independents to rally on behalf of Richard Nixon, the potential for violence in Chicago in August could hurt Biden’s chances for reelection in November.  Nixon won in 1968 by a narrow margin—less than one point—in a nation divided by the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement.  He prevailed in most states outside of the Northeast, and won the electoral vote easily.

Joe Biden is facing similarly beleaguered international and domestic situations.  The international situation is particularly ominous, as Biden tries to maneuver on behalf of Ukraine in Central Europe and Israel in the Middle East.  Ukraine is losing ground; Israel is losing credibility.  Biden is citing the “rule of law” to challenge Russia, but is ignoring the “rule of law” by underwriting Israel’s war in Gaza.  Two additional nations complicate Biden’s situation—Iran and North Korea—but the United States does not officially recognize either Tehran or Pyongyang.

The Republicans are doing their best to exploit this situation.  Aid to Ukraine was help up for several months by Republican demagogues and obscurantists, and Republican leaders are pandering to supporters of Israel.  This week, House Speaker Mike Johnson traveled to Columbia University to encourage the dismantling of pro-Palestinian encampments and the resignation of President Minouche Shafik.

Shafik has been targeted by Republican members of the House of Representatives who are pummeling college presidents (particularly female presidents) at so-called elite universities. The resignations of the presidents at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University have already taken place.  Johnson’s demagoguery could result in the resignation of Shafik as key Republicans in the House pursue their “anti-woke” agenda, which is in fact part of a right-wing campaign against the diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at key institutions.

George Santayana argued in “The Life of Reason” that if our world is ever going to make progress, it needs to remember what it’s learned from the past.  Sadly, President Biden has learned little about both the deceit of Benjamin Netanyahu and the danger of supporting an immoral war.

Melvin A. Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and a professor of government at Johns Hopkins University.  A former CIA analyst, Goodman is the author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA and National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism. and A Whistleblower at the CIA. His most recent books are “American Carnage: The Wars of Donald Trump” (Opus Publishing, 2019) and “Containing the National Security State” (Opus Publishing, 2021). Goodman is the national security columnist for

From screens to streets: How Gen Z is disrupting the status quo and redefining activism

It's safe to say that the kids are doing just fine. It is the adults running the world that are the problem.

Uzair M. Younus 
Published April 26, 2024 

Soft. Entitled. Snowflakes. Lazy. These are some of the characterisations about Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) pushed in the media by older generations who have largely failed to connect with and understand what they are all about. But these disparaging words used to describe the generation are, in fact, baseless — these young individuals are anything but passive.

To put it simply, this generation isn’t waiting for change; they’re demanding it. Over the past six months alone, they’ve orchestrated movements that have sent shockwaves through the status quo, leaving elites squirming in discomfort. It’s time to recognise their power, their passion, and their potential to reshape our world that has been long ruined by decades of complacency.

Pro-Palestinian students take part in a protest in support of the Palestinians amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, at Columbia University in New York City, U.S., October 12, 2023 — Reuters

‘Youthquake’ in America

We are seeing this play out at university campuses across America, where administrators resort to police intervention to suppress anti-war protests and encampments, only to witness a resounding backlash that reverberates far beyond their expectations.

Tensions began to simmer on American university campuses soon after the terror attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7. As Israel continues to unleash an orgy of violence on Palestinians — the International Court of Justice has found it “plausible” that Israel is in violation of the Genocide Convention — the atmosphere on campuses has grown increasingly charged. Student groups have been suspended, walkouts have become increasingly common, and university towns have become the epicentre of the uncommitted campaign during the Democratic primary elections.

A coalition of University of Michigan students rally at an encampment in the Diag to pressure the university to divest its endowment from companies that support Israel or could profit from the ongoing conflict on the University of Michigan college campus in Ann Arbor — Reuters

Contrary to what the mainstream media would have you believe, the seething discontent isn’t confined to elite or progressive universities like Columbia and Berkeley. The numbers speak for themselves: one-third of adults under 30 say that their “sympathies lie either entirely or mostly with the Palestinian people (compared to 10 per cent or less for adults over 50), while 36pc of them believe that President Biden is “favouring Israelis too much” (compared to the 16pc or less for adults over 50). This has become a headache for Joe Biden, as he relies on the support of younger Americans to secure victory in the upcoming election in November.

Demonstrators protest inside the Rockefeller Center asking for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, as President Joe Biden attends an interview in midtown Manhattan, in New York, February 26 — Reuters

Digital natives, global activists

The ongoing conflict is yet another testament to Generation Z’s profound empathy and commitment to equity, inclusion, and human rights. According to an Edelman survey spanning six countries, a staggering 70pc of Gen Z actively engages in social or political causes. What sets this generation apart is their digital fluency, enabling them to harness digital platforms, including decentralised media, to mobilise, educate, and advocate for change.

Moreover, data shows that this generation watches the least amount of television, and prefers consuming content on platforms like TikTok (10.5 hours a week) and YouTube (6.9 hours a week). In fact, the fast-tracked nature of legislation seeking a TikTok ban in America is very much related to the fallout of the war in Gaza, and has unsurprisingly angered young Americans.

Students build a protest encampment in support of Palestinians, at the University of Southern California’s Alumni Park, amid the ongoing conflict, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., April 24, 2024 — Reuters

Engage in conversation with older generations, and you’ll often hear the refrain: “Younger generations are out of touch, indifferent, and perpetually glued to their screens.” Yet, this worry overlooks a crucial truth.

As digital natives, today’s youth possess an unparalleled ability to navigate the labyrinth of misinformation, actively seek out diverse perspectives, and circumvent traditional gatekeepers, particularly within the media landscape. Their digital prowess not only connects them to the pulse of reality but empowers them to shape it with unprecedented clarity and purpose.

Most importantly, Gen Z is demonstrating an unwavering commitment to a host of global challenges, spanning from climate change and gender diversity to the plight of Palestine. It speaks of their values and sense of responsibility — something their parents and mentors should not only acknowledge but also take immense pride in.

Greek university and high school students take part in a demonstration against a planned bill which opens the way for the operation of private universities, in Athens, Greece, January 11, 2024 — Reuters

Unleashing the next generation

Demonstrators and students hit a wall as they shout slogans during a protest against the Chilean public education system and the results of the referendum on a new constitution, in Santiago, Chile September 6, 2022 — Reuters

From Malala Yousafzai to Greta Thunberg — the emerging cohort of leaders, particularly women — is mobilising millions worldwide. For adults, especially those clinging onto institutions and power, this rising generation represents a threat. This is not only because of the fact that these leaders and organisers are speaking truth to power, but because they are seeking to dismantle the status quo in a bid to build something better and more inclusive.

Moreover, the discomfort among established elites stems from their utter cluelessness in navigating the digital landscape wielded by younger generations. This new breed of leaders is not only adept at harnessing digital tools but also possesses a deep understanding of how to use them effectively, leaving the status quo scrambling to keep pace.

Demonstrators take part in an “Emergency Rally: Stand with Palestinians Under Siege in Gaza,” amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., October 14, 2023 — Reuters

The unfolding events across American universities serve as a stark reminder: nothing rattles status quo elites more than the sight of peaceful protestors courageously raising their voices. This has been consistently true across centuries. Yet, amid the turbulence, organisation and activism displayed by these students is inspiring next generation of leaders around the world.

It’s safe to say that the kids are doing just fine. It is the adults running the world that are the problem.

The writer is the director of the Pakistan Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center and host of the podcast Pakistonomy.

Gaza solidarity camp set up outside Scottish Parliament

Activists said they will stay until their demands – which include a permanent ceasefire – are met.

Gaza solidarity camp set up outside Scottish Parliament

Activists have set up a camp on land near the Scottish Parliament in solidarity with people in Gaza as they accused the UK and Scottish governments of “complicity” in the “ongoing genocide”.

They declared the camp, set up in Edinburgh on Friday, “a liberated zone” and have raised Palestinian flags around the tents.

The group, named Gaza Solidarity Camp Scotland, has issued a series of demands, including a permanent ceasefire, an arms embargo and recognition of Palestine, and has pledged not to leave until these are met.

In a statement, the group said: “We are here in protest against Scottish and UK government complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We will stay here until our demands are met.”

The campaigners said they have used “every avenue available to us in Scotland”, including demonstrating on the streets, writing to MPs and MSPs and signing petitions.

They said: “Yet, the genocide continues, and every day we see the new worst thing we’ve ever seen.

“We receive condolences and empty outrage/condemnations from people in positions of power, and yet the sale of weapons and arms that enable this genocide continue.

“We are here because we’ve had enough. We will not be complicit in genocide.

“We are here with demands. We are here in solidarity with Gaza, and we will continue the fight for a free Palestine.”
The group has urged the Scottish Government to apply pressure on the UK Government to enact an embargo on all Israeli arm sales and call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

The Scottish and UK governments have been asked for comment.

Paris university students in sit-in as US Palestine protests spread across Europe

French police break up tent 'occupation' but demonstrators are inspired to take to the streets from Brussels to Lisbon

Students in tents occupied part of Sciences Po Paris as they demand university bosses condemn Israel's actions in Gaza. Getty Images

Tim Stickings
Sunniva Rose
Lemma Shehadi
Apr 25, 2024

French police have broken up a sit-in by pro-Palestinian students in Paris, in a sign of US campus protests spreading to Europe, but demonstrators vowed to continue occupying university buildings as they demand bosses condemn and cut ties with Israel.

The prestigious Sciences Po university – whose alumni include French President Emmanuel Macron – is the scene of intensifying expressions of pro-Palestinian sentiment, students told The National.

"Students were inspired by what's happening in several American campuses, whether it's Columbia or Harvard," said one, who requested to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the topic.
Riot police said on Wednesday evening they had evacuated about 60 students "occupying" Saint Thomas campus in the heart of the upmarket neighbourhood of Saint Germain des Pres.

Encampments are a form of US-style campus protest. They are less common in French universities, where student typically physically occupy buildings to signify protest.

Protests in US universities have recently spread from the East to the West Coast, leading to a number of arrests in Texas on Wednesday.

The topic has become highly political as Republicans have accused students of anti-Semitism, a charge echoed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

While the White House has said it backs free speech on campus, senior Republican Mike Johnson has urged President Joe Biden to turn to National Guard troops.

In Paris, a slightly larger group of students returned to a separate Sciences Po campus on Thursday to occupy a main hallway, the student said, where they were joined by faculty staff.

"We are planning to stay," they said. "Students feel very supported by the community despite the context in France being hostile to pro-Palestine voices."

The student highlighted that a number of far-left French political figures who are critical of Israel have recently been called in for questioning by the police, accused of "apology of terrorism".

The far left was widely criticised for not explicitly condemning the Hamas-led October 7 attacks against Israel.

French police also banned a number of pro-Palestine protests that took place later in the year as Israel's military response in Gaza caused an unprecedented number of deaths in Gaza.

Student activists said they were "standing on the right side of history" over the Israel-Gaza war by "occupying the school until our demands are met".

The Sciences Po protest was viewed as "contributing to a strong climate of tension for students, teachers and employees", said a police statement to AFP.

Controversy erupted at the university last month after pro-Palestinian protesters were accused of barring entry to a Jewish student.

After students allegedly called "don't let her in, she's a Zionist", Mr Macron waded into the row to condemn those comments as "unspeakable and intolerable".

Senior government figures including French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal visited the university to "underline the seriousness" of what happened.
A student encampment at New York's Columbia University has sparked copycat protests on other campuses. AP

University chiefs said at the time they were taking legal action over anti-Semitic acts and regretted the "embedding of an unacceptable poisonous climate" on campus.

Officials in Europe and the US have grappled for months with how to balance free speech against public safety at Gaza protests.
Brussels awakes

In Brussels, where EU institutions are based, a small number of civil servants have been publicly calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Many say their expertise is ignored by political leadership and they fear becoming complicit in what the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands has described as a possible genocide in the making.

While the US has the most direct influence on Israel as its number-one weapons' provider, a minority of European leaders want to review a trade agreement with Israel due to concerns of human rights violations.
Protests spread in the US, such as here at the University of Texas in Austin, and all the way to Europe. AFP

An EU civil servant, who took part in a 15-minute silent protest outside the European Commission building in Brussels on Thursday, told The National they welcomed protests on European campuses.

"The fact that our future leaders are aware of the ongoing double standards and the importance of applying ethics in the civil service is amazing," said the civil servant, who asked to remain anonymous for security reasons.

Police in Germany this month cut the power from a planned three-day Palestine Congress in Berlin after a banned speaker, an alleged Hamas sympathiser, dialled in virtually.
Lisbon takes heart
Students Carolina Gonsalves and Marianna show solidarity for Palestine at the 50th Carnation Revolution Demonstrations in Lisbon

At the demonstrations marking the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, a Palestine bloc had formed at the centre of the march, with Palestinian flags peppered across the Marques de Pombal square.

Many demonstrators believe the spirit of the revolution that overthrew the longest-standing fascist dictatorship in Europe lived on in the Palestinian cause.

“We are here to fight for our Portuguese liberty, but also, we think that if Palestine is not free, no one in the world will be free,” said demonstrator Carolina Gonsalves, an international relations student at the Nova University.

Regarding the US campus movement for Gaza, she hoped a similar one would form in Portugal. “I think we can get there if we keep doing what we’re doing right now, and more,” she said.

“We are all connected and fighting for Palestine, we are one of the universities that fights the most for Palestine."

A student movement in Portugal was likely to have a “different look”, according to Catarina Rosario, a student in Lisbon.

“It’s not as much a struggle against the institutions, because they’re not directly supporting Israel as they are in the US or in the UK. So it’s much more about support than fighting our universities,” she said.

Among the protest events previously organised at her university was a large soup kitchen to feed people. “We occupied the entrance to the university and used that space to help the community,” she said.

Some feared the surge of the far right in Portuguese elections last month would tilt the country away from the Palestinian issue.

“I really love the message of our revolution, but I think it wasn’t complete. We could have done more. It’s really disheartening to see a country that fought against fascism, bring back fascism,” said Matilda, a veterinary student in Lisbon, who came to the protest carrying a Palestinian flag.

She expressed frustration over Portugal’s silence on the Israel-Gaza war.

“It’s really worrying to me, because our country hasn’t done a lot during this war, like cut ties with Israel. I’m really worried they’re going to do even less now,” she said.

“I would love to see that, I would love to be part of it."

She hoped to see more activity on campuses around the Palestinian issue.

“I think students need to organise and get together because there are a lot of students in Palestine, [whose] universities are destroyed. I think that should touch us in some way, but that’s not reaching as many people as I hoped,” she said.

Portugal’s revolution was triggered by the frustration with the country’s colonial wars and the spillover of South Africa’s apartheid into Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony.

People gather to mark the 50th anniversary of Portugal's Carnation Revolution in Lisbon. Reuters

“We owe our freedom to liberation movements in South Africa,” said George Kadima, a former anti-apartheid campaigner who is now one of the organisers of the Palestinian bloc at the demonstration.

“As Nelson Mandela said, our freedom is not complete without the freedom of the Palestinian people.

“We thought that on this day, which is such a historic day for Portugal, the voice of Palestine had to be present, because Palestine is suffering tremendously."
Updated: April 26, 2024, 12:53 AM

Turkish universities support Gaza protests on US campuses

Several universities issue joint statement criticizing 'disproportionate' response to demonstrations

26/04/2024 Friday

Major Turkish universities expressed their support on Thursday for the ongoing pro-Palestinian protests sweeping college campuses across the US.

"Over the past six months, university students peacefully protesting the brutality against Gaza's innocent people have been subjected to violence,” they said in a joint statement published on their social media accounts.

"We are profoundly saddened and vehemently condemn the disproportionate response to the peaceful demonstrations by university students. We regard it as a violation of academic freedom and fundamental human rights," they added.

The statement was shared on the social media accounts of leading Turkish universities, including Afyonkarahisar University of Health Sciences, Anadolu University, Ankara University, Bursa Uludag University, Dokuz Eylul University, Istanbul Technical University and Middle East Technical University.

The protests in the US started a few days ago at Columbia University and spread to other colleges.

Student-led protests demanding that universities condemn Israel's genocidal war on Gaza and divest from Israeli firms have continued to spread, with new encampments being erected in the face of law enforcement crackdowns.

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik's decision last week to ask the New York Police Department to arrest dozens of protesters largely served as a flashpoint for the wider protest movement.

Protests have since been reported on several campuses, including California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, Yale, the University of Minnesota, Swarthmore College and the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, the University of Rochester in New York, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, Emerson College in Massachusetts, and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Pro-Palestinian activists begin encampment at University of Pennsylvania

Protestors march through Center City neighborhood of Philadelphia before setting up encampment at Penn City Hall

Diyar Guldogan |26.04.2024 -


Pro-Palestinian activists launched a protest Thursday at the University of Pennsylvania against Israel's ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

They marched through the Center City neighborhood of Philadelphia before setting up an encampment at Penn City Hall, according to media reports.

There have been no reports of arrests so far.

Protests against Israel's onslaught against Gaza have spread across the US after more than 100 people were arrested last week at Columbia University in New York when police tried to clear an encampment.

House Speaker Mike Johnson faced boos and loud chants Wednesday from students as he delivered a speech during his visit to the school, where he called on the university’s president, Minouche Shafik, to resign.

Israel has waged a brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on Oct. 7, which Tel Aviv said killed around 1,200 people.

More than 34,300 Palestinians have since been killed, mostly women and children, and nearly 77,300 injured amid mass destruction and severe shortages of necessities.

More than six months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins, pushing 85% of the enclave’s population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine, according to the UN.

Israel is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

As some universities negotiate with pro-Palestinian protesters, others quickly call the police

Georgia State Patrol officers detain a protester on the campus of Emory University during an pro-Palestinian demonstration Thursday, April 25, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

The Los Angeles Police Department said more than 90 people were arrested Wednesday during a day of Gaza War protests at the University of Southern California.

April 25, 2024

The students at an encampment at Columbia University who inspired a wave of pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the country dug in for their 10th day Friday, as administrators and police at college campuses from California to Connecticut wrestle with how to address protests that have seen scuffles with police and hundreds of arrests.

Officials at Columbia and some other schools have been negotiating with student protesters who have rebuffed police and doubled down. Other schools have quickly turned to law enforcement to douse demonstrations before they can take hold.

Georgia State Patrol officers detain a protester on the campus of Emory University during an pro-Palestinian demonstration Thursday, April 25, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)
Georgia State Patrol officers detain a protester on the campus of Emory University during an pro-Palestinian demonstration Thursday, April 25, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

After a tent encampment popped up Thursday at Indiana University Bloomington, police with shields and batons shoved into protesters and arrested 33. Hours later at the University of Connecticut, police tore down tents and arrested one person. And at Ohio State University, police clashed with protesters just hours after they gathered Thursday evening. Those who refused to leave after warnings were arrested and charged with criminal trespass, said university spokesperson Benjamin Johnson, citing rules barring overnight events.

The clock is ticking as May commencement ceremonies near, putting added pressure on schools to clear demonstrations. At Columbia, protesters defiantly erected a tent encampment where many are set to graduate in front of families in just a few weeks.

Hamas again raises the possibility of a 2-state compromise. Israel and its allies aren’t convinced

Antiwar protesters’ calls for divestment at universities put spotlight on how endowments are managed

Columbia officials said that negotiations were showing progress as they neared the school’s deadline of early Friday to reach an agreement on dismantling the encampment. Nevertheless, two police buses were parked nearby and there was a noticeable presence of private security and police at entrances to the campus.

“We have our demands; they have theirs,” said Ben Chang, a spokesperson for Columbia University, adding that if the talks fail the university will have to consider other options.

Just past midnight, a group of some three dozen pro-Palestinian protesters handed out signs and started chanting outside of the locked Columbia University gates. They then marched away as at least 40 police officers assembled nearby.

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, has been negotiating with students who have been barricaded inside a campus building since Monday, rebuffing an attempt by the police to clear them out. Faculty members met with protesters Thursday to try to negotiate a solution as the campus remains shut down at least through the weekend.

Demonstrators chant at a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas, Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in Austin, Texas. (Mikala Compton/Austin American-Statesman via AP)
Demonstrators chant at a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas, Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in Austin, Texas. (Mikala Compton/Austin American-Statesman via AP)

The protesters setting up encampments at universities across the country are demanding schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies they say are enabling the conflict. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus, which has partly prompted the calls for police intervention.

A dean at Cal Poly Humboldt, Jeff Crane, suggested during the meeting with protesters that the university form a committee that would include students to do a deep dive into the school’s investments. Crane also suggested faculty and students continue meeting every 24 hours to keep an open line of communication. The sides have yet to announce an agreement.

The school’s senate of faculty and staff demanded the university’s president resign in a vote of no confidence Thursday, citing the decision to call police in to remove the barricaded students Monday.

On the other end of the state, the University of Southern California announced the cancellation of the school’s May 10 graduation ceremony. The announcement was made a day after more than 90 protesters were arrested on campus. The university said it will still host dozens of commencement events, including all the traditional individual school commencement ceremonies.

Tensions were already high after USC canceled a planned commencement speech by the school’s pro-Palestinian valedictorian, citing safety concerns.

At the City College of New York on Thursday, hundreds of students who were gathered on the lawn beneath the Harlem campus’ famed gothic buildings erupted in cheers after a small contingent of police officers retreated from the scene. In one corner of the quad, a “security training” was held among students.

The Los Angeles Police Department said 93 people were arrested Wednesday night during a campus protest for allegedly trespassing. One person was arrested on allegations of assault with a deadly weapon.

At Emerson College in Boston, 108 people were arrested at an alleyway encampment by early Thursday. Video shows police first warning students in an alleyway to leave. Students link arms to resist officers, who move forcefully through the crowd and throw some protesters to the ground.

Muir said police lifted her by her arms and legs and carried her away. Along with other students, Muir was charged Thursday with trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Emerson College leaders had warned students that the alley was a public right-of-way and city authorities had threatened to take action if the protesters didn’t leave. Emerson canceled classes Thursday, and Boston police said four officers suffered injuries that were not life-threatening during the confrontation.

The University of Texas at Austin campus was much calmer Thursday after 57 people were jailed and charged with criminal trespass a day earlier. University officials pulled back barricades and allowed demonstrators onto the main square beneath the school’s iconic clock tower.

Thursday’s gathering of students and some faculty protested both the war and Wednesday’s arrests, when state troopers in riot gear and on horseback bulldozed into protesters, forcing hundreds of students off the school’s main lawn.

At Emory University in Atlanta, local and state police swept in to dismantle a camp. Some officers carried semiautomatic weapons, and video shows officers using a stun gun on one protester they had pinned to the ground. The university said late Thursday in a statement that objects were thrown at officers and they deployed “chemical irritants” as a crowd control measure.

Jail records showed 22 people arrested by Emory police were charged with disorderly conduct. Emory said it had been notified that 28 people were arrested, including 20 members of the university community, and some had been released as of nighttime.

Since the Israel-Hamas war began, the U.S. Education Department has launched civil rights investigations into dozens of universities and schools in response to complaints of antisemitism or Islamophobia. Among those under investigation are many colleges facing protests, including Harvard and Columbia.

Perry reported from Meredith, New Hampshire. Contributing to this report were Associated Press journalists in various locations including Aaron Morrison, Stefanie Dazio, Kathy McCormack, Jim Vertuno, Acacia Coronado, Sudhin Thanawala, Jeff Amy, Mike Stewart, Collin Binkley, Carolyn Thompson, Jake Offenhartz and Sophia Tareen.


26/04/2024 11:24 AM

ISTANBUL, April 25 (Bernama-Anadolu) -- Amnesty International on Wednesday urged university administrations across the United States (US) to safeguard and facilitate the student's right to peacefully and safely protest or counter-protest on their campuses.  

In a report, the rights watchdog condemned the suppression of student protests against the war in Gaza, Anadolu Agency (AA) reported.

The executive director of Amnesty International USA, Paul O’Brien said universities have responded repressively to protests in support of Palestinian rights, involving local authorities and even demanding arrests.

"Any steps taken to silence, harass, threaten, or otherwise intimidate those who gather peacefully to protest and speak out is a violation of their rights,". 

"Academic freedom is central to the right to education. Campus activism is a crucial component of that freedom,” he said. 

O’Brien said that administrations are responsible for fostering an atmosphere that allows diverse viewpoints.

Amnesty said criticism of the Israeli government's actions is not inherently antisemitic, noting there have been reports of individuals at some protests using hateful rhetoric, including glorifying violence.

"We condemn hateful rhetoric and violence in the strongest possible terms," O’Brien stressed.

Amnesty called on US President Joe Biden to suspend all arms transfers to Israel and work for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.

Previously, Columbia University President Minouche Shafik authorised the New York Police Department to dismantle the "Gaza Solidarity Encampment," resulting in the arrest of 108 individuals. 

Multiple universities, including Yale and New York University, have taken similar actions.


Illegal Israeli settlers storm Joseph's tomb in northern occupied West Bank

Joseph's tomb in eastern Nablus city, revered by both Muslims and Jews, long served as flashpoint for clashes between Palestinians and illegal Israeli settlers

Qais Abu Samra |26.04.2024 - 

RAMALLAH, Palestine

Palestinians on Friday clashed with illegal Israeli settlers who raided the Joseph's tomb in the northern occupied West Bank.

Local sources told Anadolu that illegal settlers were protected by the Israeli forces during their raid on the tomb site in eastern Nablus city.

Witnesses indicated that confrontations broke out between dozens of Palestinians and the Israeli army.

The Israeli army raided a number of eastern Nablus neighborhoods and searched homes before withdrawing, witnesses added.

Joseph's tomb, revered by both Muslims and Jews, has long served as a flashpoint for clashes between Palestinians and Israeli settlers.

Jews believe the site is the resting place of the biblical patriarch Joseph. Muslims, on the other hand, dispute this claim, saying Sheikh Yussef Dawiqat, an Islamic cleric, was buried there two centuries ago.

Since Monday, the first day of the weeklong Jewish Passover, hundreds of illegal settlers have stormed archaeological sites in the West Bank.

Passover, which commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt during the time of Prophet Moses, is considered one of the most important holidays on the Jewish religious calendar.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army carried out a series of raids on Friday, targeting the governorates of Jenin, Qalqilya, Tulkarm, and towns in the governorates of Bethlehem and Hebron.

The Israeli army also carried out incursions into the Jalazone refugee camp in the north of Ramallah.

Witnesses indicated that the forces arrested at least three Palestinians from the camp including a woman.

Tensions have been high across the occupied West Bank since Israel launched a deadly military offensive against the Gaza Strip, which killed more than 34,300 people following a Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023.

At least 485 Palestinians have since been killed and over 4,800 others injured by Israeli army fire in the occupied West Bank, according to the Health Ministry.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which in an interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

* Writing by Ikram Kouachi.
Baby saved from dead mother's womb in Gaza dies

By Fergal Keane,
BBC News, Jerusalem

A baby rescued from her dying mother's womb after an Israeli air strike in southern Gaza has died, the BBC has learned.

Baby Sabreen al-Sakani was delivered by Caesarean section in a Rafah hospital shortly after midnight on Sunday.

Amid chaotic scenes doctors resuscitated the baby, using a hand pump to push air into her lungs.

However she died on Thursday and has been buried next to her mother after whom she was named.

Baby Sabreen was among 16 children killed in two air strikes in Rafah last weekend. All were killed in a bombardment targeting the housing complex where they lived.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they were targeting Hamas fighters and infrastructure.

Sabreen's mother was seven-and-a-half months pregnant when the Israeli air strike on the al-Sakani family home took place just before midnight on Saturday as she, her husband Shukri and their three-year-old daughter Malak were asleep.

Sabreen suffered extensive injuries and her husband and Malak were killed, but the baby was still alive in her mother's womb when rescue workers reached the site.

They rushed Sabreen to hospital, where doctors performed an emergency Caesarean section to deliver the child.

It appeared that Sabreen had stabilised and she was subsequently placed in an incubator. At the time doctors described her condition as critical.

Baby Sabreen's maternal grandmother, Mirvat al-Sakani, told the BBC the family had planned to adopt the child.