Winds of Change was the slogan of the old Unite the Right post Mulroney Conservative movement in Western Canada attempting to realign the Reform Party of the time with the remainder of the Mulroney Tories they had just decimated in the 1988 election.
After Monday night the headlines in the papers in Canada and around the world were a Deja Vu. Canada Changes Course.
I just can't come to say it. Nope just can't. Can't say Prime Minister Harper. But apparently I don't have to. Cause the first thing the Harper did was wrap himself up with the old Mulroney Team.
24 January 2006
OTTAWA – Statement by Prime Minister elect Stephen Harper:
“The Conservative transition team will be led by Derek H. Burney, who served previously as Canada's Ambassador to the United States and as Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Mr. Burney will be assisted by a group with extensive experience in government. Their main objective will be to ensure a smooth transition from the outgoing to the incoming administration.”
Welcome Back Prime Minister Mulroney.
My Blahg has more on the nasty Mr. Burney and the transition he promises.
Canada Moves to Join the Great Club of Relevance: Amity Shlaes
White House looks for closer ties with Canada
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
In terms of the softwood lumber issue, this is something that we've had a disagreement over. The President has discussed it on a number of occasions when he's met with the Prime Minister there. And we are continuing to work to try to bring it to a resolution and that's what we will -- that's what we are committed to doing.
Q Scott, this morning you said that President Bush would call the Prime Minister from Canada, Stephen Harper. Can you give us an update --
Federal Election
Canadian Election
Derek Burney