Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Jackass penguins have a jackass language not so different from English
The braying songs of African "jackass" penguins follow two extremely common rules of human language
A braying African penguin — or "jackass penguin" — respects the linguistic laws of English while honking at his friend. (Image: © Shutterstock)

African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) bear the unfortunate nickname "jackass penguins" because they communicate through honking, donkey-like brays. Laugh at them if you like, but a new study suggests that their jackass language actually follows the same basic linguistic rules as ours.
In the study, published Wednesday (Feb. 5) in the journal Biology Letters, researchers recorded nearly 600 vocalizations from 28 adult male penguins living in Italian zoos. (Males tend to vocalize a lot during the mating period, which is why the researchers turned to this population). The scientists knew from prior research that African penguins honk using three distinct types of sound, reminiscent of human syllables, when greeting one another, mating, or defending territory. But the researchers wanted to know whether those "syllables" followed two common linguistic rules.
One of those rules, called Zipf's law of brevity, was proposed in 1945 by linguist George Zipf. The law states that the more frequently a word is used in any language, the shorter it tends to be (think of words like "the," "to" and "of" in English). Previous studies have analyzed more than 1,000 world languages for evidence of Zipf’s law, and the rule holds up in all of them. 

The other rule, known as the Menzerath-Altmann law, says that the longer a word or phrase is, the shorter its constituent syllables are, while shorter words are more likely to have longer syllables. (The word "onomatopoeia," for example, is made of six very short syllables, while "couch" is made of one longer one.) Prior studies have shown that nonhuman primates conform to both these rules when they communicate with each other, but what about jackass penguins?
The researchers in the new study found that, yes, the songs of the male jackass penguin conform to both Zipf's and Menzerath-Altmann's laws: The shortest calls tended to be the most common, and the longest phrases were made up of the shortest syllables. This jackass study provided the first nonprimate evidence that these common linguistic patterns extend into the animal kingdom, the authors wrote, and that's nothing to hem and haw at.
Originally published on Live Science.

Penguin language obeys same rules as human speech.
Experts believe they have found the 'first compelling evidence' for conformity to linguistic laws in non-primate species

The flightless birds are known for exhibiting a number of traits shared with humans – including monogamous relationships, same sex partnerships and, according to some studies, prostitution ( Rex Features )

Penguin small talk follows some of the same principles as chatter amongst people, scientists have found.

The flightless birds are known for exhibiting a number of traits shared with humans – including monogamous relationships, same sex partnerships and, according to some studies, prostitution.

Now a new study from the University of Torino has found the animals obey some of the same rules of linguistics as humans.

The animals follow two main laws - that more frequently used words are briefer (Zipf's law of brevity), and longer words are composed of extra but briefer syllables (the Menzerath-Altmann law).

Scientists say this is the first instance of these laws observed outside primates, suggesting an ecological pressure of brevity and efficiency in animal vocalisations.

California Academy of Sciences’ Natural World photography competition
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Information compression is a general principle of human language.

According to the study published in the Biology Letters journal, display songs of the endangered African penguin conform to both Zipf's law of brevity and Menzerath-Altmann law.

The research was led by the Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle of the University of Lyon/Saint-Etienne.

Dr Livio Favaro, of the University of Torino and colleagues say this is the first evidence of conformity to the universal principles of compression in the vocal sequences of a non-primate species.

Researchers recorded and analysed 590 ecstatic display songs from 28 adult African penguins, belonging to three different colonies in Italian zoos, during the breeding periods in 2016 and 2017.

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Woman apologises for getting ‘too close’ to penguins having sex

They found the words used most often by the flightless birds were the shortest, while the longest words were made up of extra but shorter syllables.

The study sets out: "Our results demonstrate that ecstatic display songs of the African penguin follow Zipf's Law of Brevity and the Menzerath-Altmann Law.

"This is the first compelling evidence for conformity to linguistic laws in vocal sequences of a non-primate species.

"As predicted, we found that the duration of the syllables was inversely correlated with the frequency of occurrence."

The authors add: "We suggest that relationships between element duration, frequency of use and song size are mainly a consequence of vocal production constraints interacting with selective pressures for intersexual mate choice and territorial defence in dense colonies.

"Importantly, our results suggest for the first time that information compression can coexist with other sources of selection in a non-primate species with a small and relatively fixed vocal system."

Additional reporting by PA.

Jackass penguin call shares traits of human speech, scientists say

Researchers analysed 590 recordings taken in Italian zoos of birds’ distinctive sound

Nicola Davis@NicolaKSDavis Wed 5 Feb 2020

The African penguin is also known as the jackass penguin
 because of its distinctive sound – like a braying donkey 
in distress. Photograph: Nic Bothma/EPA

The call of the jackass penguin, a wheezing bray that sounds like a donkey in distress, follows some of the same linguistic laws found in human languages, scientists have found.

Researchers say that, just like in our own speech, more frequently used sounds within the call tend to be shorter, while the longer the call, the shorter the sounds within it. It is the first time this pattern has been shown outside primates.

“We can probably find many other species that conform to these laws because this is probably a general principle, rather than something related to human language specifically,” said Dr Livio Favaro, a co-author of the research now at the University of Turin.

Prof Stuart Semple of the University of Roehampton, who was not involved in the work but has previously conducted similar research in non-human primates, said the new study adds weight to the idea that animals tend to convey information in the most efficient way. Such an approach is known as “compression” and is also seen in systems such as morse code where the most commonly used letters have the simplest and shortest sounds – either a dot or a dash.

“If you have compression in the communication system it is more efficient,” said Semple. “So it is the sort of thing that evolution will have acted on because animals that communicate efficiently are expending less energy.”

Writing in the journal Biology Letters, Favaro and colleagues describe how they analysed 590 vocalisations recorded from 28 adult African penguins – also known as jackass penguins because of their distinctive sound – that live in Italian zoos.

These vocalisations were so-called “ecstatic display songs” – calls, typically uttered by males, that communicate an individual’s identity, tell rivals that territory is taken, and help the birds bag a mate.

These songs are made up of sequences of three distinctive types of sound – or syllables.

Secret language of penguins decoded

The team say the findings suggests the penguins’ songs follow two laws seen across a wide range of human languages as well as some, but not all, non-human primates – Zipf’s law of brevity and the Menzerath-Altmann law.

The former states that the more often a sound is used the shorter it is – in English, for example, the most common words include “the”, “to” and “of” – while the latter says that the longer a unit of language the shorter the components within it: for example cumbersome words tend to contain shorter syllables than simple ones.

“One-syllable words can be very long, like ‘strength’, but many-syllable words tend to have short syllables, like ‘pa-ra-me-ter-ise’,” said Prof Chris Kello, an expert in modelling language patterns at the University of California, Merced who was not involved in the latest research.

While the new study has limitations – including that it only looked at one form of vocalisation among the penguins – Favaro said the study shows the linguistic laws are not about language per se, as they are not linked to semantics or syntax, but are rooted more in a fundamental principle of sharing information efficiently. What’s more, he added, the research reveals the interplay of different evolutionary pressures, such as the need to convey the size of the animal and its identity, all while communicating efficiently.

Kello welcomed the study. “Linguistic laws, like Zipf’s law of brevity and the Menzerath-Altmann law, were originally discovered in text,” he said, noting that meant it was initially thought that they arose from the symbolic nature of human language.

“This new study provides more evidence that the laws are physical and not symbolic, because even penguins show them. Instead, the laws seem to reflect something deeper and more general about communication and information.”

Penguin calls found to conform to human linguistic laws

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
A team of researchers from France and Italy has found that African penguin calls conform to linguistic laws used by humans. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, the group describes their study of penguin vocal recordings and what they learned from them.
Back in 1945, linguist George Kingsley Zipf developed what is known as Zipf's law of brevity, which states that the more often a word is used, the shorter the word tends to be, regardless of the . Subsequent work by other linguists in the ensuing years not only confirmed the finding, but showed that his law was true for all human languages. 

Several years later, Paul Menzerath and Gabriel Altmann developed what is known as the Menzerath–Altmann law, which states that increases in the size of linguistic constructs result in decreases in the size of their constituents—very long words tend to have short syllables. The law states the opposite to be true, as well. Prior research has shown that other animal communications besides that of humans (primarily by primates) conform to both laws, as well. In this new effort, the researchers found that African penguin calls also conform to them.

The endangered African penguin is known for its distinctive calls—some have described them as similar to a braying ass, which has led to the nickname "jackass penguins." The researchers were interested in learning more about the calls the birds make, so they collected and analyzed 590 of vocalizations from 28  living in Italian zoos.

Prior research had shown that the vocalizations of African penguins are constructed using sequences of three clear types of sounds that are similar to syllables in human languages. The analysis revealed that the calls by the birds conformed to both of the linguistic laws developed to explain how human languages work.
The researchers suggest that the linguistic laws are a sign of energy conservation—people and other animals that communicate in the most concise way are more likely to be successful in such endeavors as mating—a skill that is passed down to offspring.
Vocal variety in African penguins: Four basic vocalizations used for adult communication, two more for the young

More information: Livio Favaro et al. Do penguins' vocal sequences conform to linguistic laws?, Biology Letters (2020). DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2019.0589

Rapid Permafrost Collapse Is Underway, 
Disintegrating Landscapes And Our Predictions

Permafrost in Canada, Alaska and Siberia is abruptly crumbling in ways that could release large stores of greenhouse gases more quickly than anticipated, researchers have warned.

Scientists have long fretted that climate change - which has heated Arctic and subarctic regions at double the global rate - will release planet-warming CO2 and methane that has remained safely locked inside Earth's frozen landscapes for millennia.

It was assumed this process would be gradual, leaving humanity time to draw down carbon emissions enough to prevent permafrost thaw from tipping into a self-perpetuating vicious circle of ice melt and global warming.

But a study published on Monday in Nature Geoscience says projections of how much carbon would be released by this kind of slow-and-steady thawing overlook a less well-known process whereby certain types of icy terrain disintegrate suddenly - sometimes within days.

"Although abrupt permafrost thawing will occur in less than 20 percent of frozen land, it increases permafrost carbon release projections by about 50 percent," said lead author Merritt Turetsky, head of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research in Boulder, Colorado.

"Under all future warming scenarios, abrupt thaw leads to net carbon losses into the atmosphere," she told AFP.

Permafrost contains rocks, soil, sand and pockets of pure ground ice. Its rich carbon content is the remains of life that once flourished in the Arctic, including plants, animals and microbes.

This matter - which never fully decomposed - has been frozen for thousands of years.
It stretches across an area nearly as big as Canada and the United States combined, and holds about 1,500 billion tonnes or carbon - twice as much as in the atmosphere and three times the amount humanity has emitted since the start of industrialisation.

Some of this once rock-solid ground has begun to soften, upending indigenous communities and threatening industrial infrastructure across the sub-Arctic region, especially in Russia.
The evidence is mixed as to whether this not-so-permanent permafrost has started to vent significant quantities of methane or CO2. projections are also uncertain, with some scientists saying future emissions may be at least partially offset by new vegetation, which absorbs and stores CO2.

But there is no doubt, experts say, that permafrost will continue to give way as temperatures climb.

'Fast and dramatic'

In a special report published in September, the UN's scientific advisory body for climate change, the IPCC, looked at two scenarios.

If humanity manages - against all odds - to cap global warming at under 2°C, the cornerstone goal of the 2015 Paris climate treaty, "permafrost area shows a decrease of 24 percent by 2100", it concluded.

At the other extreme, if fossil fuel emissions continue to grow over the next 50 years - arguably an equally unlikely prospect - up to 70 percent of permafrost could disappear, the IPPC said.

But both scenarios assume the loss will be gradual, and that may be a mistake, Turetsky suggested.

"We estimate that abrupt permafrost thawing - in lowland lakes and wetlands, together with that in upland hills - could release 60 to 100 billion tonnes of carbon by 2300," she and colleagues noted in a 2019 comment also published by Nature.

One tonne of carbon is equivalent to 3.67 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2), which means this would be equivalent to about eight years of global emissions at current rates.

"This is in addition to the 200 billion tonnes of carbon expected to be released in other regions that will thaw gradually," she said.

Current climate models do not account for the possibility of rapid permafrost collapse and the amount of gases it might release, the study notes.

Abrupt thawing is "fast and dramatic", Merritt said, adding: "Forests can become lakes in the course of a month, landslides can occur with no warning, and invisible methane seep holes can swallow snowmobiles whole."
© Agence France-Presse

Arctic sinkholes open in a flash after permafrost melt
Some permafrost zones thaw faster than expected and are reshaping the Arctic landscape.

By Mindy Weisberger - Senior Writer 

Trees struggle to remain upright in a lake formed by abrupt 
permafrost thaw.  (Image: © David Olefeldt)

Arctic permafrost can thaw so quickly that it triggers landslides, drowns forests and opens gaping sinkholes. This rapid melt, described in a new study, can dramatically reshape the Arctic landscape in just a few months.

Fast-melting permafrost is also more widespread than once thought. About 20% of the Arctic's permafrost — a blend of frozen sand, soil and rocks — also has a high volume of ground ice, making it vulnerable to rapid thawing. When the ice that binds the rocky material melts away, it leaves behind a marshy, eroded land surface known as thermokarst.

Previous climate models overlooked this kind of surface in estimating Arctic permafrost loss, researchers reported. That oversight likely skewed predictions of how much sequestered carbon could be released by melting permafrost, and new estimates suggest that permafrost could pump twice as much carbon into the atmosphere as scientists formerly estimated, the study found.

Frozen water takes up more space than liquid water, so when ice-rich permafrost thaws rapidly — "due to climate change or wildfire or other disturbance" — it transforms a formerly frozen Arctic ecosystem into a flooded, "soupy mess," prone to floods and soil collapse, said lead study author Merritt Turetsky, director of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado Boulder.

"This can happen very quickly, causing relatively dry and solid ecosystems (such as forests) to turn into lakes in the matter of months to years," and the effects can extend into the soil to a depth of several meters, Turetsky told Live Science in an email.

By comparison, "gradual thaw slowly affects soil by centimeters over decades," Turetsky said.

Creating feedback

Across the Arctic, long-frozen permafrost is melting as climate change drives global temperatures higher. Permafrost represents about 15% of Earth's soil, but it holds about 60% of the planet's soil-stored carbon: approximately 1.5 trillion tons (1.4 trillion metric tons) of carbon, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

When permafrost thaws, it releases stored carbon into the atmosphere. This release can then speed up global warming; this cycle is known as climate feedback, the scientists wrote in the study.

Aerial image of a permafrost peatland in Alaska's Innoko National Wildlife Refuge, interspersed with smaller areas of thermokarst wetlands. (Image credit: Miriam Jones, U.S. Geological Survey)

In fact, carbon emissions from about 965,000 square miles (2.5 million square kilometers) of quick-thawed thermokarst could provide climate feedback similar to emissions produced by nearly 7 million square miles (18 million square km) of permafrost that thawed gradually, the researchers reported.

And yet, rapid thawing from permafrost is "not represented in any existing global model," study co-author David Lawrence, a senior scientist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, said in a statement.

Abrupt permafrost thaw was likely excluded from prior emissions models because it represents such a small percentage of the Arctic's land surface, Turetsky explained.

"Our study proves that models need to account for both types of permafrost thaw — both slow and steady change as well as abrupt thermokarst — if the goal is to quantify climate feedbacks in the Arctic," Turetsky added.

The findings were published online Feb. 3 in the journal Nature Geoscience.

by: Lewin Day February 5, 2020

With global temperatures continuing to break records in recent years, it’s important to cast an eye towards the future. While efforts to reduce emissions remain in a political quagmire, time is running out to arrest the slide into catastrophe.

Further compounding the issue are a variety of positive feedback loops that promise to further compound the problem. In these cases, initial warming has flow-on effects that then serve to further increase global temperatures. Avoiding these feedback mechanisms is crucial if the Earth is to remain comfortably livable out to the end of the century.

The issue of climate change often appears as a simple one, with the goal being to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent negative consequences for human civilization. Despite this, the effects of climate change are often diffuse and intermingled. The various climate systems of the Earth interact in incredibly complex ways, and there are many mechanisms at play in these feedback effects that could tip things over the edge.

A graph showing the sudden drop in Bering-Chukchi sea ice seen in 2018. This kind of abrupt change is not currently accounted for in climate models. 
NASA photographs showing the loss of ice at the Muir Glacier in Alaska, from 1941 and 2004.

The ice-albedo feedback mechanism is a climate process in which the amount of ice on earth has a significant effect on global temperature changes. It’s a positive feedback relationship, meaning it has the possibility of causing a runaway effect if not managed carefully. Higher global temperatures cause sea ice, land ice, and glaciers to melt. The ice, which is highly reflective, is instead replaced with open water, or land, which is less reflective, having a lower albedo. This causes the Earth to retain more heat from solar radiation, instead of reflecting it back into space. This further raises temperatures, causing more ice to melt, creating the positive feedback effect.

Ice levels around the world are an active target of study for climate scientists. Records show major sustained losses over recent decades to major ice sheets, and glaciers are retreating all over the world. These areas, formerly covered in highly reflective ice, are now absorbing more heat than ever from solar radiation. As temperatures continue to rise, it’s likely that ice packs around the world will continue to thaw, further exacerbating the effect.
Melting permafrost in Canada in 2008. Photo credit: Steve Jurvetson

Another major concern of climate scientists is the possibility of large-scale releases of methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from a variety of environmental sources. Areas such as Western Siberia have large reserves of methane trapped under permafrost, while significant reserves exist under the oceans, too. As the climate warms, much of this permafrost is beginning to thaw, releasing the stored methane trapped below the surface. This has the effect of further increasing warming, as methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with a warming potential over 20 times that of CO2 over a 20 year time frame.

There is significant worry that a tipping point could be reached in which there is an abrupt release of large amounts of methane from these sources, causing a rapid increase in global temperatures. In this event, reducing human emissions would do little to help, as the released greenhouse gases can not simply be returned to the soil. Research is ongoing to produce models to predict what will happen in the event of further thawing of formerly-permanent permafrost. There is some hope — slower thawing seems likely to reduce the amount of harmful greenhouse gases released, as plants grow in formerly frozen areas, once again locking up carbon. Faster thaws threaten more massive, abrupt releases, which are more likely to result in rapid temperature rise.


Ocean currents have a big role to play in the climate. Photo credit; NASA

The world’s oceans are a major player in the climate system. Acting as a giant heat sink, what happens in the oceans tends to have staggering effects on weather patterns everywhere. Major ocean currents are a large part of this mechanism, responsible for transporting huge amounts of heat stored in these waters around the globe.

Scientists have been monitoring changes in ocean currents, and have observed major changes in recent years. The Gulf Stream is one such current, which has often been linked to major climate events in the distant past. It’s slowing down, and is currently weaker than at any point in the last 1600 years. The weakening is unprecedented, and current research suggests the change is at least in part due to human-induced climate change. The effect is multifaceted, with temperature increases and freshwater from melting sea ice both playing a role.

Many theorize that a slowdown or shutdown of ocean currents could have major consequences on the world climate. Extreme warming or cooling could occur in different areas, and storm activity, such as hurricanes, could increase in both frequency and magnitude. Research suggests that changes in these currents can be both an indicator and driver of climate shifts, and it’s likely that ocean currents will continue to change as anthropogenic warming continues.
Smoke from bushfires in Eastern Australia, as seen from satellite imagery. The 2019/2020 fire season has been unprecedented in ferocity.

Forests are an important player in the global climate, acting as a major carbon dioxide sink. However, in recent years, increased temperatures and extreme wildfires have led to large swathes of forests dying off or simply going up in smoke. As trees die and are broken down by microbes, or as they burn up in fires, this leads to releases of greenhouse gases. This causes further warming, compounding the problem in yet another example of positive feedback.

Wildfires are becoming worse and more frequent. Last year’s Arctic wildfires released a massive volume of CO2 in June alone — equal to Sweden’s annual total output. After facing its hottest and driest year on record in 2019, Australia also faced its worst recorded fire season, with over 10 million hectares burned. These fires grew large enough to create their own weather, with Pyrocumulonimbus clouds observed forming from the smoke and causing lightning storms which spawned further fires in other areas. This is a case of positive feedback in the very short term, with large fires creating further fires due to the harsh conditions.

Forest die-offs have their own consequences, too. Boreal forests are shrinking, thus acting as less of a carbon sink as tree numbers begin to dwindle. As the forests thin out, conditions get warmer and dryer for remaining trees, further accelerating the decline. This also leads to issues as other species, both flora and fauna, have to adapt as tree cover shrinks and conditions change.


The aforementioned feedback mechanisms are all current areas of research for climate scientists around the globe. The topic of abrupt and sudden climate change is only loosely understood. Most existing climate models are based on steady, gradual changes to the climate from human activity. These models don’t account for the possibility of large sudden methane releases from formerly frozen soils, or mass releases of carbon dioxide from continental-scale wildfires.

Unfortunately, the mechanisms at play in these feedback scenarios are far beyond the scale that humanity can realistically arrest. The only real mechanism with which to play with is the output of greenhouse gases from human activities. By reigning in emissions, there is a possibility that humanity still has time to avoid triggering these tipping points. Only time will tell.

Can we heat buildings without burning fossil fuels?

The world is on average getting warmer, but we still need to keep buildings at liveable temperatures year-round. Is it possible to cut emissions while keeping warm in winter?



By Laura Cole 4th February 2020
To look at, the dark, dripping sewers of Brussels seem an unlikely place for anything particularly valuable to be hidden. But a wet day reveals all.

During a winter downpour, the brick tunnels become subterranean waterslides. Fresh rain tumbles from drains in the street above, joining waste water already in the sewers from sinks, baths, showers and toilets on their long journey downstream. The volume of these fluids and, crucially, their temperature are the reason that the city’s energy experts’ minds are in the gutter.

“The heat of the tunnels always astonished me,” says Olivier Broers, head of investment at the city’s water company, Vivaqua. He first noticed the Belgian city’s dormant heat source 20 years ago when he worked in tunnel restoration. He recalls days when there was ice and snow in the city, but on climbing down a manhole, he would find the sewers an ambient 12-15C. “Enough to fog my glasses,” he recalls.

Brussels operates a combined sewer system, in which rainwater and sewage are drained away together (Credit: Laura Cole)

The hope is that this waste heat circulating beneath the streets can be reabsorbed from the tunnels and be used to heat the homes in the city above.

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Harnessing the heat of a sewer system is just one way of reducing the carbon footprint of heating. Electric heaters are only as green as their power source, while the most common heating systems, such as gas boilers and wood stoves, still rely on combustion, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that contributes to global heating. The irony is that conventional ways of making our homes safe and habitable is making the planet less so.

The conventional way of making our homes safe and habitable is making the planet less so

But it is perfectly possible to heat buildings with very little or even no fossil fuels at all. From a return to ancient building materials, to alternative heat sources such as drains and sunlight, it is becoming increasingly possible to warm homes without emitting CO2.

Tunnel vision

In Belgium, residential heating accounts for around 14% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Of that heat, the largest source of loss is through what goes down the drain and into the sewer. To try and recoup that loss, Broers has developed a prototype heat converter that can be installed in the sewers themselves.

Sewers seem like an improbable source for valuable heat for homes but their potential is significant, and largely carbon-free (Credit: Getty Image)

The converter is a thin plastic pipe filled with water, that switches back on itself in a tight zigzag, and is connected to a heat pump above ground. The zigzag is then fixed into the bottom of the sewer tunnel. When the tunnel fills with waste water, it runs over the converter, heating the water sealed inside it to around 11-13C. This warmed water travels through the converter, up and out of the sewer.

Above ground, the converter is connected to a heat pump in the second part of the process. A heat pump, or “reverse refrigerator”, contains a circuit of refrigerant liquid with low boiling point. The warmth from the sewer is enough to evaporate the refrigerant to a gas. Then, the heat pump compresses this gas and allows it to condense, releasing heat to warm water to 50-70C – hot enough to heat homes.

The system produces five to six times the energy that it consumes

The heat pump still has an environmental footprint. First, the refrigerants used in the mechanics, like in air conditioning, can be potent greenhouse gases if they leak. “Heat pumps always need refrigerant,” says Hannah Jones, mechanical engineer and director of Greengauge, a UK energy consultancy. “So there is an ongoing search for refrigerants with less greenhouse gas potency.” A heat pump also needs a small input of electricity. So, unless the power comes from a renewable source, the system is not zero carbon.

Nonetheless, the system produces five to six times the energy that it consumes, says Broers, and it recovers heat that is otherwise going to waste. Overall, he estimates that 20km of sewer pipes fitted with converters could save 26,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. That’s roughly equivalent to 4,300 households running on traditional gas boilers. “Plus, [the sewers are] infrastructure that naturally accesses large portions of the city, waiting to be used,” says Broers.

The system could supply up to 35% of the city with completely renewable heat

Altogether, Brussel’s sewer system has around 1,900km of tunnels. Maps show that the tunnels vary in size, with small tributaries and larger highways that mirror the complexity of the streets above. Not all tunnels are productive enough to be used for heating, but an analysis by the Université Libre de Bruxelles estimates the system could supply up to 35% of the city with completely renewable heat.

Other cities are also investigating the possibility of extracting heat from their sewers. Amstetten in Austria, Glasgow in the UK, and Rotterdam in the Netherlands have their own pilot schemes.

Limehouse Cut in east London's Docklands area has many energy-efficient new-build houses, but its older housing is typically very inefficient (Credit: Getty Images)

In some ways, Brussels’ sewer heating system is cutting edge, but in others it builds on principles that have a very long history. The first complex heating systems are thought to be “ondols”, the oldest of which is 5,000 years old in what is now North Korea. Ondol houses were built over a cavity with a fire at one end and a chimney at the other.

The hot smoke funnelled under the floorboards, warming the room above. The Romans came up with a similar idea 2,000 years ago, called hypocaust. They built large villas and bathhouses on raised beds of small pillars, creating spaces under rooms. A system of flues moved hot air from a downstairs furnace into the gaps to heat the floors from below.

Rising heat

Both ondols and hypocausts distribute heat from a single source through multiple rooms, on the principle that warm, less dense air rises. Today, in east London, architects are trying to build what can be thought of as a reverse-ondol – taking heat from above and funnelling it back down.

By the banks of Limehouse Cut, one of the oldest canals in the city, new blocks of accommodation sit next to warehouses. The canal was once used for transporting refuse, a large proportion of which was the enormous amount of coal ash from heating households. While the coal, its emissions and its waste have largely disappeared from this area, most of these homes still rely on heating methods that emit carbon dioxide – gas boilers, which are responsible for the largest chunk of CO2 emissions from residential heating in the UK.

Keeping warm in winter doesn't have to mean contributing to the climate crisis (Credit: Getty Images)

Hidden among these 1960s housing blocks, however, is a heating novelty. “We were guinea pigs for [a] house heating experiment,” says Saif Muhammad. His family’s house was selected in 2009 by Southern Housing Group and a sustainable architecture practice, Bere:Architects, to trial retrofitting an old home with futuristic energy capabilities. The house’s makeover means it is one of the most “passive” renovations in London.

With no fireplaces nor radiators in sight, the only sign of the high-tech heating system is a hand-sized vent at the top of the wall in each room. The heart of the activity, a heat ventilator, is in the loft.

Tubes protrude from the box, octopus-like, and bend downwards through the floors and walls below

Flush under the A-frame, the ventilator takes up about the same amount of space as a dishwasher. Tubes protrude from the box, octopus-like, and bend downwards through the floors and walls below, except two, which are connected to the roof. The ventilator works by extracting warm rising air through the ducts in bathrooms and the kitchen and harnessing its heat to warm fresh air that is drawn in from outside. This warmed fresh air is then circulated down into the living rooms and bedrooms below.

Saif Muhammad is taking part in a trial of a heating system designed to recycle warm rising air from inside houses back down to where it is useful (Credit: Laura Cole)

Stooping under the beams, Muhammad pulls open a drawer of filters, which are used to purify the air drawn in from outside. London’s polluted city air means the filters need changing every three months. However, the filters have had the added bonus of reducing his father’s asthma symptoms, Muhammad says.

The ventilator would be useless, however, if it weren’t for efforts to extensively insulate the house. Before insulation was installed, the house was cold and difficult to heat. “We used to get condensation all over the windows because they were single glazed,” says Muhammad, recalling how the glass would need to be wiped regularly to avoid water pooling on the sills. “The most immediate difference was when the triple-glazed windows went in.”

A key element of reducing a house’s carbon footprint is to retain heat rather than simply creating more.

“As much effort has to go into insulation as the heat source,” says Justin Bere, the architect who led the renovation. “There’s little point installing a more carbon-friendly heat source if the warmth is being lost through walls and windows.” A thermal image of the Muhammad house clearly demonstrates how it holds energy where the others neighbouring it let the heat escape. Their home is a cool dark rectangle amid its hot yellow-orange neighbours.

Insulating a house properly has a very noticeable effect on its ability to retain the heat that is generated, reducing its carbon footprint (Credit: Bere Architects)

Sun trap

In the northern European winter, you might not think that sunlight has much to contribute to heating. But with some careful adaptation of buildings, it can. The obvious choice of solar thermal panels, however, conventional solar heating panels aren’t yet powerful enough for large buildings. They might work well for generating heat for an individual bathroom, but a large-scale heat supplies need more space than is usually available. Even houses with the most passive and energy-efficient standards would need a whole roof of them.

The space issue is compounded when buildings are more than around six storeys high. These have a higher energy demand over a smaller footprint for solar panels. “We would have to use the neighbour’s roof too,” says Belgian architect Sebastian Moreno-Vacca.

To get around this, architects and energy experts have been experimenting with the idea of solar gains. A seven-floor apartment building in the leafy neighbourhood of Walouwe, in Brussels, is one of the newer examples. When it was upgraded in 2018, it was given an overlay of impressive timber balconies, which join the walls at curious acute angles.

A building with unusually angled balconies can bump the internal temperature up by a few crucial degrees (Credit: A2M architects)

These slanted shapes allow rays of light to slot below them when the sun is low in the sky during in winter, but they also provide shade in the summer

These slanted shapes allow rays of light to slot below them when the sun is low in the sky during in winter, but they also provide shade in the summer. It is an engineered sun trap, which can mean the difference of a few welcome degrees during the coldest months, and unwanted degrees during the warmest.

But solar-gain installations can be a challenge for older buildings with protected facades. This was the case for the recognisable old brewery on the Brussels canal. Because it is listed as a building of cultural importance, the architects had to fit a solar gain shell inside the walls. This 30cm thick structure manipulates sunlight inside the building with blinds that raise in winter, to let in as much heat from the sunlight as possible. “Whether it’s an old building or new – there’s no excuses for not reaching these energy standards,” says Moreno-Vacca.

Of course, the sun’s height in the sky varies around the world. The angles of shades for a house in the high latitudes of Sweden, for example, would be different from a house in a country nearer the equator. Each building needs angles that are bespoke for its position on the planet. Luckily, software has made solar gains calculations easier, optimising solar gains shapes to the seasonal angle of light at a building’s particular coordinates.

Depending on where they are in the world, buildings can be adapted to make use of the precise angle of the sun in the winter sky (Credit: A2M Architects)

In Brussels, the sun-seeking shapes of buildings are becoming ubiquitous. Five years ago, the city passed the world’s first passive house law that meant all new buildings and retrofits must be built to the high energy efficiency standards. Evelyne Huytebroeck, the former minister of the environment in the Brussels-Capital region, spearheaded the legislation. “It was my top priority because energy efficiency was where we could reduce the most carbon dioxide emissions,” she says.

Since then, Brussels has become the capital of passive house architecture. “The best thing about it is that it has become normal, not difficult,” says Moreno-Vacca. “Construction workers and architects have risen to the challenge.”

Following Brussels’ lead, Luxembourg adopted a similar law in 2017. Other cities such as Vancouver, in Canada, are also looking to passive architecture to lower their emissions. Last year, a row of passive council houses in Norwich, UK, won the Royal Institute of British Architects Stirling Prize, a kind of “Oscars for architecture”. Jones, who designed the heat mechanics of the houses, says the win “shows how heat efficiency is now a top priority”.

When it comes to the transitions towards zero carbon, heating is a promising target. Cutting edge technology could make the ingoing energy more renewable and less wasteful. And more broadly, these designs are about tailoring heating systems to the environment around them, from pulling ambient heat from the sewers below, to taking note of the precise angle of the sun in the winter sky.

Rather than pitting our heating systems against the environment, they can be redesigned to make the most of it.


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Sand dunes can 'communicate' with each other
Sand dune in experimental flume setup. Credit: University of Cambridge
Even though they are inanimate objects, sand dunes can 'communicate' with each other. A team from the University of Cambridge has found that as they move, sand dunes interact with and repel their downstream neighbours.
Using an experimental dune 'racetrack', the researchers observed that two identical dunes start out close together, but over time they get further and further apart. This interaction is controlled by turbulent swirls from the upstream dune, which push the downstream dune away. The results, reported in the journal Physical Review Letters, are key for the study of long-term dune migration, which threatens shipping channels, increases desertification, and can bury infrastructure such as highways.
When a pile of sand is exposed to wind or , it forms a dune shape and starts moving downstream with the flow. Sand dunes, whether in deserts, on river bottoms or sea beds, rarely occur in isolation and instead usually appear in large groups, forming striking patterns known as dune fields or corridors.
It's well-known that active  migrate. Generally speaking, the speed of a dune is inverse to its size: smaller dunes move faster and larger dunes move slower. What hasn't been understood is if and how dunes within a field interact with each other.


Using high-speed cameras, researchers are able to track the movements of sand dunes in a circular flume experiment. Credit: University of Cambridge

"There are different theories on dune interaction: one is that dunes of different sizes will collide, and keep colliding, until they form one giant dune, although this phenomenon has not yet been observed in nature," said Karol Bacik, a Ph.D. candidate in Cambridge's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and the paper's first author. "Another theory is that dunes might collide and exchange mass, sort of like billiard balls bouncing off one another, until they are the same size and move at the same speed, but we need to validate these theories experimentally."
Now, Bacik and his Cambridge colleagues have shown results that question these explanations. "We've discovered physics that hasn't been part of the model before," said Dr. Nathalie Vriend, who led the research.
Most of the work in modelling the behaviour of sand dunes is done numerically, but Vriend and the members of her lab designed and constructed a unique experimental facility which enables them to observe their long-term behaviour. Water-filled flumes are common tools for studying the movement of  dunes in a lab setting, but the dunes can only be observed until they reach the end of the tank. Instead, the Cambridge researchers have built a circular flume so that the dunes can be observed for hours as the flume rotates, while high-speed cameras allow them to track the flow of individual particles in the dunes.
Bacik hadn't originally meant to study the interaction between two dunes: "Originally, I put multiple dunes in the tank just to speed up data collection, but we didn't expect to see how they started to interact with each other," he said.


The circular flume allows researchers to study the long-term movements of sand dunes. Credit: University of Cambridge

The two dunes started with the same volume and in the same shape. As the flow began to move across the two dunes, they started moving. "Since we know that the speed of a dune is related to its height, we expected that the two dunes would move at the same speed," said Vriend, who is based at the BP Institute for Multiphase Flow. "However, this is not what we observed."
Initially, the front dune moved faster than the back dune, but as the experiment continued, the front dune began to slow down, until the two dunes were moving at almost the same speed.
Crucially, the pattern of flow across the two dunes was observed to be different: the flow is deflected by the front dune, generating 'swirls' on the back dune and pushing it away. "The front dune generates the turbulence pattern which we see on the back dune," said Vriend. "The flow structure behind the front dune is like a wake behind a boat, and affects the properties of the next dune."
As the experiment continued, the dunes got further and further apart, until they form an equilibrium on opposite sides of the circular flume, remaining 180 degrees apart.
The next step for the research is to find quantitative evidence of large-scale and complex  migration in deserts, using observations and satellite images. By tracking clusters of dunes over long periods, we can observe whether measures to divert the migration of dunes are effective or not.