Friday, January 21, 2022

Former Eastway employees allege lax safety standards before deadly Ottawa explosion

Alistair Steele, Guy Quenneville 

Former employees of Eastway Tank Pump & Meter Ltd. have come forward to allege a history of safety lapses at the Ottawa company prior to last Thursday's explosion that killed six workers and left a seventh critically injured.

The allegations include at least three previous fires, improper storage of flammable chemicals, and "hot" trucks — tankers that still contained fuel or flammable residue — being exposed to sparks from welding and other activities at the Merivale Road facility.

CBC News spoke with three former employees who corroborated details of each other's accounts of the working conditions at the tanker truck manufacturer, as well as an industry expert with no connection to the company.

In a statement attributed to Eastway Tank president and owner Neil Greene, sent to CBC News on Wednesday evening, he called the allegations "unfounded."

"We are all mourning the loss of our friends and family, and I share the immense pain, sadness and anger being felt.

"With respect, these allegations are unfounded. Eastway Tank has always worked to maintain the highest safety standards. We are working closely with investigators and are cooperating fully to get to the bottom of what happened."

The cause of the explosion and fire is still under investigation by several agencies. Eastway Tank builds and services tankers capable of carrying a variety of fuels.

CBC News has also obtained details of orders from the Ministry of Labour stemming from a 2017 investigation that originated with a complaint about working conditions at the facility.

'Alarm bells'

Josh Bastien left Eastway in the spring of 2021 over what he alleged was an unsafe working environment. Bastien's father Rick, a senior employee of the company, was among those killed in the Jan. 13 blast.

"My dad rang alarm bells for a long time and he's gone now, and I feel like he would want the truth told finally. His death, it has to mean something. Because this can't keep happening," Bastien told CBC.

Bastien, who worked at Eastway for about three years, described a serious fire that broke out inside one of the service bays about a year and a half ago when a spark from a welding torch landed in a tray of oil.

"The service bay looked like it was a portal of hell. I could see like flames in the distance and smoke just billowing out and filling the main shop," he said.

Bastien said he grabbed a fire extinguisher, put a wet rag over his mouth and entered the service bay to put the fire out, but his father shoved him out the door to finish the job himself.

Bastien said the fire was out by the time firefighters arrived, but not before the flames damaged tools and blackened the ceiling.

Another former employee, Chris Collins, recounted a fire similar to the one cited by Bastien and described another fire during his own tenure at Eastway that began in the shop's boiler room, near containers of flammable liquid.

Collins also shared a photo showing the aftermath of a third fire in March 2021, just after he left the company.

Collins said the photo was sent to him by former colleague Danny Beale, who also died in last week's explosion. It shows a tanker truck with a blackened underside in front of a service bay entrance, with a firefighter standing nearby.

Collins, an electrician who left the company last March after about two years, said that following the fires he saw little concrete action taken by Eastway management to prevent similar incidents.

"It wasn't until after the fires that I saw, and looking at the responses that happened, where I started to question and seriously contemplate that the response wasn't anywhere near what you'd think a proper fire response was," he said.

CBC has asked for a record of previous fire calls to 1995 Merivale Rd., but the City of Ottawa has refused to provide it, citing the current investigation.
'A constant battle'

Bastien said smaller fires were commonplace at Eastway Tank and were often ignited when welding was being performed near open bins full of oil-soaked rags.

"You'd have an oily garbage can filled with rags, and a guy would be welding on a tank and a spark would fly down and land inside the garbage can. Now you've got smoke billowing everywhere and there's a fire inside the shop," said Bastien, adding he witnessed that happen at least two dozen times.

"It was a constant battle with sparks and flames because the shop was so confined."

Bastien also described open buckets of flammable liquid being stored near a boiler.

"It could be jet fuel, it could be gas, it could be diesel," he said.
© CBC This diagram of the Eastway facility shows the explosion appears to have taken place in the production area on the left, while the service area on the right remains standing.

Another former employee whom CBC has agreed not to name because he fears reprisal said he was "constantly" closing the steel door of a chemical storage closet because it was right beside a welding station.

"There's sparks flying everywhere, literally five feet away from there … so all it would take is just one of those sparks to just hop into that room," said the former employee, who said he was laid off early last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and refused to return when asked due to his safety concerns.

"The smell would waft out of it, and there would be open flame constantly in that weld room. Everybody thought it was a death trap," Bastien alleged.

The unnamed former employee was also concerned about workers smoking near entrances, especially in the winter when it was difficult to reach a picnic table beside the building.

"All it would take is somebody throwing a butt onto the ground and it being blown into the building," the man said.

'Hot' trucks a hazard

Among the other serious safety lapses Bastien alleged he witnessed were so-called "hot" trucks being brought into the service and production areas of the plant before having their tanks carefully steam-cleaned and tested for combustible fuel or fuel residue.

"There's many times I can guarantee a truck with product came inside and no one mentioned anything or said anything," Bastien alleged.

Collins said he also witnessed hot trucks being brought into the shop.

"We did have vehicles with live fuel, sometimes gasoline, diesel or other home heating oils that were brought into the shop to be worked on," he said.

"Typically we were told, 'Don't do any type of sparks or welding on it.' But for the most part, jobs got done."

© CBC This drone image shows the entrances where trucks entered the production area and paint shop.

Bastien said he was often tasked with driving tanker trucks in and out of the facility, even though he wasn't licensed. He alleged other unlicensed Eastway employees did the same.

"My dad used to hate it when he found out I was doing that," Bastien said. "Here I am driving around in bombs in the yard, and I could have done something wrong. Something could have happened."
Fuel spills

The unnamed former employee also described an ongoing problem with the pumping system used to flush contaminated liquid from the pits underneath the service bays.

He said the dangerous soup of fuel and water would often bubble up and threaten to spill down a ramp leading past the paint shop into the production area.

"The pits would flood up and it would be a mess, and it happened all the time," said the man, who worked at Eastway for about three years.

He said fuel spills would also occur when workers were draining the trucks to be serviced.

"I've seen guys in there come out after working … and they're soaked in fuel, these guys. Like, completely soaked in fuel."

Fuel also "constantly" ran across the unpaved yard into a ditch that ran alongside the rail tracks behind the property, the man said.

Bastien alleged he was sometimes tasked with draining the service pits by pumping the contaminated liquid through a hose under the back fence and directly into the ditch.

"That's what we were told to do," he said.

Labour ministry investigated complaints

Ontario's Ministry of Labour has confirmed an inspector issued four orders to the company after a June 2017 visit to the site found issues related to ventilation, welding safety and training, and exposures to hazardous chemical substances.

The field visit was made in response to a workplace health and safety complaint, a ministry spokesperson said via email Thursday.

"Concerns were raised about exposure to gas, ventilation and training," the spokesperson said.

All of the 2017 orders — written by a labour inspector to an employer to either comply with health and safety laws or stop work — were complied with, the spokesperson said.

The ministry visited the company's worksite again in September 2018 after a public complaint about workers not wearing personal protective equipment, but found Eastway to be in compliance, a spokesperson said.

The City of Ottawa told CBC it was not involved in inspecting the facility.

'Going through the motions'

In the company's initial statement to CBC after the explosion, Eastway president and owner Greene said: "We remain in close contact with investigators, and we will co-operate with authorities on all ensuing investigations. We want to get to the bottom of what happened."

"I don't think there was ever any push to the culture to make that safety switch. I think it was more of, 'We took care of it. This stuff can happen. Be smarter next time,'" Collins said.

"But that shouldn't be your only safety precaution."

Collins said he served on Eastway's health and safety committee for about two months, but it accomplished little.

"It really seemed like we were more or less just going through the motions," Collins said. "You'd still see [workers] welding four or five feet away from a fuel container."

Both Bastien and the unnamed employee echoed Collins's account, saying they often felt uncomfortable about raising their concerns with supervisors.
© Francis Ferland/CBC Chris Lawson of the Office of the Fire Marshal speaks to reporters one day after the fatal explosion and fire at Eastway Tank. Several agencies are investigating the incident.

Dangerous work

Eastway Tank is certified by Transport Canada to manufacture and inspect tanks capable of carrying light crude, gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel and methanol.

Chris Revers, plant manager at Jasper Tank near Edmonton, said his first reaction upon hearing of last week's explosion was shock, then concern.

"I know what kind of dangerous work this is, building these units and maintaining them. Bad stuff happens every day, and it's just the nature of the job," said Revers, whose company has been manufacturing and servicing tanks for the oil and gas industry since 1947.

"What we try to do is do the best we can to mitigate those dangers and ensure that our people are safe."

Revers, who has no direct knowledge of Eastway Tank or what caused the explosion, said rigorous testing and safety precautions are a must in the industry.

Every tank that enters a facility should undergo careful inspection including a visual assessment, leakage test, pressure test and a "sniff" test with a gas detector, he said.

Tanks that contained fuel must be drained and steam cleaned for hours, Revers said, and even then there's the danger of fuel residue or vapour becoming trapped in lap seams.

"Before a tank should be coming into a shop, you need to ensure that that tank is safe, and it's not a hot tank," Revers said.

He added that welding and other work that can throw sparks should never be performed near volatile materials.

"None of these things should happen near a hot tank or product that's being used," he said.

Some tank manufacturers exceed government standards to ensure a safe workplace, Revers said, adding he hopes Transport Canada heeds whatever comes out of the various investigations into the Eastway disaster.

"They're going to want to make sure that this doesn't happen again," he said. "And they should."
Canadian restaurant forced to partially close after accepting dog photos as vaccination proof

BY LEXI LONAS - 01/20/22 

© Getty

A Canadian restaurant was ordered to close its indoor operations briefly after it was discovered to be accepting dog photos as proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Alberta, where The Granary Kitchen is located, requires restaurants to get proof of vaccination, a negative COVID-19 test or a medical exemption from the vaccine from all customers.

Alberta Health Services sent an executive order to the restaurant on Jan. 14 saying that it needed to shut down indoor services following an investigation of the establishment.

According to the order, the health authority received complaints that the restaurant was allowing customers to dine indoors when they presented dog pictures and personal identification. The authority said it sent two "test shoppers" there on two separate occasions and both were permitted to dine in the restaurant after showing staff pictures of dogs and personal identification.

“In both instances, facility staff used a tablet to make it appear as if they were scanning a QR code when in fact the staff member was presented with a photograph of a dog. The staff member then proceeded to ask the test shopper for personal identification and offered dine in services,” the order states.

The Granary Kitchen announced that it would temporarily close in a post on its Facebook page on Friday.

"To our valued guests, we had an unfortunate circumstance at our front door which involved one of our underage hostesses, and the requirements for the REP program," the post said, referring to Alberta's Restrictions Exemption Program, which allows participating businesses to operate with fewer COVID-19 restrictions if they require proof of vaccination or negative test results from patrons aged 12 and older.

"We are taking the weekend to retrain and regroup," the post continued. "We look forward to serving you again as soon as we are ready to reopen."

The restaurant also offered free coffee with to-go orders over the weekend.

The restaurant did not announce that it was reopening, but activity on its Facebook page indicated that it had.

In order for the restaurant to reopen indoor dining services, the order said the establishment needed to submit a written a plan showing how it would comply with Alberta’s COVID-19 measures, train staff in implementing required restrictions, provide written confirmation that staff were so trained and attend an administrative hearing with the Environmental Public Health department to show the plans and statements.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


Tech bros propose replacing women with ‘synthetic wombs’

Taking away the responsibility of pregnancy from women could result in less wealth inequality by gender, one billionaire argued

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and Gumroad founder Sahil Lavingia proposed synthetic wombs as a solution to gender inequality

Several prominent tech entrepreneurs discussed the possibility of replacing natural birth with synthetic wombs, arguing that such technology would remove the “burden” of pregnancy and allow women to work more.

After Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk warned on Tuesday that society “should be much more worried about population collapse,” Musk’s fellow tech leaders came up with one solution for declining birth rates.

“We should be investing in technology that makes having kids much faster/easier/cheaper/more accessible… Synthetic wombs, etc,” proposed Sahil Lavingia, the founder of digital product trading platform Gumroad.

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of cryptocurrency Ethereum, agreed, arguing that women would be able to continue working if the “burden of pregnancy” was replaced with synthetic wombs.

Buterin – who has an estimated net worth of $1.46 billion – claimed that outsourcing pregnancy to machines could mean “significantly reducing the inequality” of wealth between genders.

Though Lavingia and Buterin received some support on social media, the majority of reactions were overwhelmingly negative, with critics comparing the idea to the lab-grown humans from ‘The Matrix’.

“This is so dystopian… why not create a system where anyone contributing to society earns enough to build a family, buy a house and live instead of constantly being priced out by inflation?” suggested one person.

Journalist Amil Niazi tweeted“The reason the majority of ppl [are] choosing not to have kids aren’t having them is not because they’re lacking quick and easy synthetic wombs it’s because it increasingly feels like you need to be a millionaire to have them.”

In 2019, scientists in the Netherlands claimed they were within 10 years of creating the world’s first artificial womb. That technology, however, is intended to be used to protect premature babies rather than to replace natural pregnancy altogether.

SEE LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for SHULAMITH FIRESTONE 

US Warship’s South China Sea Passage Sparks Beijing Warning

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold (DDG 65), along side Singapore Navy’s (RSN) RSS Supreme (FFS 73), participated in Exercise Pacific Griffin 2017. Photo: AFP


A US warship sailed through the South China Sea on Thursday, sparking a warning from China’s military as tensions between the superpowers remain high.

The American navy said the USS Benfold “asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the vicinity of the Paracel Islands, consistent with international law.”

The Southern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army said the US ship had “illegally” entered what Beijing regards as its waters.

The PLA “organized naval and air forces to engage in tracking and monitoring as well as to warn and drive (the destroyer) away,” its statement added.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, through which trillions of dollars in trade passes annually, with competing claims from Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Beijing has ignored a 2016 ruling by The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration that its historical claim is without basis.

Led by the United States, multiple Western navies conduct “freedom of navigation operations”, known in military circles as FONOPs, to assert the idea that the South China Sea is an international waterway.

Thursday’s passage by the USS Benfold was the first declared FONOP of the year.

It came a week after the United States laid out its most detailed case yet against Beijing’s “unlawful” claims in the South China Sea, rejecting both the geographic and historical justifications.

In a 47-page research paper, the State Department’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs said China had no basis under international law for claims that have put Beijing on a collision course with the Philippines, Vietnam, and other Southeast Asian nations.

China has rejected the report.

Over the years Beijing has steadily cemented its control of key islands and atolls in the South China Sea through land reclamation and the construction of military facilities that have alarmed many of its neighbors.

Chinese military calls U.S. warship's trespassing a "serious provocation"

(Xinhua08:14, January 21, 2022

BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese military spokesperson on Thursday called the trespassing of a U.S. warship into China's territorial waters a serious provocation.

Earlier in the day, the U.S. missile destroyer USS Benfold sailed into waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea without permission from the Chinese government.

Wu Qian, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, said this is not "freedom of navigation" as claimed by the United States but an act that has violated China's sovereignty and undermined the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

Wu said the People's Liberation Army has dispatched air and naval forces to monitor the U.S. warship and warn it off.

"The Chinese military strongly deplores and resolutely opposes the U.S. act," he said, adding that the U.S. military warship's hegemonic behaviors can not be tolerated in China's territorial waters.

Wu urged the U.S. side to understand the situation clearly and stop provocation.

The Chinese military will take all necessary measures to respond to any threats and provocations, and will resolutely protect China's sovereignty and security and safeguard regional peace and stability, he said. 

(Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun)

US Navy Creates High-Power Microwave Weapons Division

US Air Force microwave weapon. Photo: AFRL Directed Energy Directorate


The US Navy’s Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) has established a new division that focuses on research and development of high-power microwave (HPM) directed-energy weapons.

According to Naval Sea Systems Command, creating a division specifically for HPM development allows the service to carry out large projects related to directed energy, develop offensive applications, and counter unmanned aerial systems.

The new division makes the NSWC one of only two Department of Defense facilities with a dedicated HPM division, alongside the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Directed Energy Directorate in New Mexico.

“The Navy has strategic objectives to provide effective and affordable ship defense solutions that address growing threats to our ability to project power and protect freedom of the seas,” US Navy senior technologist Dr. Frank Peterkin explained in a press release.
Importance of HPM

Before creating a separate HPM division, the NSWC had only one division under the directed energy umbrella, focusing on HPM and high-energy laser weapon systems.

However, the service made a strategic decision to split them into separate divisions to address the need for continued growth and development in areas with similar technical roots.

Although the two areas have been split up, NSWC HPM weapon systems division head Kevin Cogley said that HPM and lasers can still work together “in a lot of areas,” particularly in disrupting or destroying the electronics of enemy drones, small boats, and missiles.

He explained that HPM is very different from other weapon systems because a person would not see its outward physical effects during an engagement but observe a nearly-instant result on the target’s performance.

“One thing that is unique in the HPM arena is that we can have graduated effects. In HPM, we can have a range of effects on target – from basically jamming a device to physically destroying electrical systems,” he remarked.

HPM systems are being considered for US Navy missiles with non-kinetic payloads and various anti-satellite systems.

The Moscow Signal was a reported microwave transmission varying between 2.5 and 4 gigahertz, directed at the Embassy of the United States, Moscow from 1953–1976, resulting in an international incident. The US government eventually determined it was probably an attempt at espionage, and that there were no significant health effects on embassy staff, although this conclusion has been disputed.[1]


    2018-09-04 · It is well-known that the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was microwaved from 1953 to the late 1980s or 1990s, depending on the source. The U.S. engaged in shielding efforts related to that. Health problems...


    2021-05-02 · The CIA and state department have launched taskforces to investigate and it was reported last week that the Pentagon had launched its own inquiry into suspected microwave attacks on US troops in...


    US: China Developing ‘Brain-Control Weaponry’

    Several US counterintelligence officials claim that China is weaponizing biotechnology and developing “brain-control weaponry” for potential offensive use.

    According to commerce secretary Gina Raimondo, the Asian nation has opted to use biotechnologies for surveillance and tracking in an attempt “to pursue control over its people.”

    A senior US official also claimed that China was using emerging biotechnologies to develop future military applications, including gene editing, human performance enhancement, and brain-machine interfaces.

    The US commerce and treasury departments have already put the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS) and 11 affiliated research institutes on an export blacklist for supposedly helping the Chinese military develop “purported brain-control weaponry” without defining the technology further.

    Brain-control weaponry is a term used by an AMMS official to describe any equipment that interferes with and controls human consciousness during combat operations.

    “Today’s action highlights how private firms in China’s defense and surveillance technology sectors are actively cooperating with the government’s efforts to repress members of ethnic and religious minority groups,” top Treasury official Brian Nelson told Financial Times.

    China Response

    The Chinese embassy in Washington issued a statement on Friday, calling the recent actions by the US government “unwarranted suppression” that violates free trade rules.

    Embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu explained that biotechnology-related development in China has always been “for the well-being” of its people and that the US claims are “totally groundless.”

    Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin stressed that the Asian country firmly opposes the move and urged the Biden administration to “rectify its mistaken ways.”

    The Chinese officials affirmed that Beijing would take “all essential measures” to uphold the interests of Chinese research institutions.

    China Unveils ‘World’s Largest’ Quadruped Military Robot

    China's electrically-powered quadruped robot to assist the military on logistics and reconnaissance missions.
     Photo: screengrab YouTube
     People's Daily, China

     JANUARY 19, 2022

    China has introduced what it claims to be the world’s largest electrically-powered quadruped robot to assist the military on logistics and reconnaissance missions.

    With a “yak-like appearance,” the four-legged robot can reportedly carry up to 352 pounds (160 kilograms) of payload and run at six miles (10 kilometers) per hour.

    The platform’s structure is designed to withstand challenging off-grid military missions and conquer a wide variety of terrain, including cliffs, trenches, grasslands, fields, deserts, snow, and muddy roads.

    Despite being reported as the heaviest and largest quadruped robot, the hi-tech unit can run, jump, turn, and walk diagonally.

    According to state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV), the platform has 12 modules and state-of-the-art sensors, allowing it to collect tactical battlefield information and perform logistics.

    Potential military uses include all-weather operations in high-risk combat zones, remote border areas, and complex environments that have proven too challenging for soldiers.

    Technology Advances

    In addition to the new robot, China has a bionic mechanical dog named Geda that weighs 32 kilograms (70.5 pounds) and can carry 40 kilograms (88.1 pounds) of payload.

    The machine dog understands simple voice commands and employs facial recognition. It has also passed trials conducted in traverse forests, rocky roads, narrow passages, and single-plank bridges.

    Last year, a Chinese state-owned company also released a video of the test launch of technology to release a swarm of 48 attack drones in the air.

    Chinese news website Duowei News reported that the purpose of the system demonstrated rapid deployment, hovering, and maneuvering of a large number of drones simultaneously.


    Danish Soldiers Deploy to Troubled Mali

    Danish Merlin helicopters deployed to the France-led Operation Barkhane in the Sahel. Image: @EtatMajorFR/Twitter

    JANUARY 18, 2022

    A contingent of some 90 Danish soldiers has arrived in Mali to join European special forces supporting the country’s anti-jihadist operations, Denmark’s military said Tuesday.

    The contingent, whose deployment was announced in April, is stationed in Menaka in eastern Mali. Its mandate runs until early 2023.

    “The aim is to stabilize Mali and parts of the Liptako-Gourma tri-border area between Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso and to ensure the protection of civilians against terrorist groups,” the armed forces said in a statement.

    Denmark has previously sent troops to participate in military interventions in Mali, some with the UN’s MINUSMA peacekeeping force and others with the French-led Operation Barkhane.

    The new contingent is joining Task Force Takuba — a 900-troop French-led unit launched in March 2020.

    Other contributors are the Netherlands, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Italy, and Hungary.

    European countries have raised concern over the deployment of mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner group on Malian soil and Mali’s delayed return to civilian rule after a military coup in August 2020.

    Getting To Grips With Ethiopia’s Ethnic And Political Violence Is Vital For Stability

     – Analysis


    By Tegbaru Yared*

    Ethiopia’s 2018 transition failed to bring stability to the country. On the contrary, sporadic ethnic and political violence since then has brought the nation to its knees. And its war in the north with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that started in November 2020 has tipped the country into further crisis.

    However recent events suggest that there’s hope for a peaceful settlement of differences through negotiations and a genuine, well-designed national dialogue. Planning for this can start, but for such a process to be truly inclusive, the country first needs peace.

    A recent statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen, signals a move towards a negotiated political settlement. He says the government’s decision not to continue military moves into Tigray ‘opens a window of opportunity to consider other options of resolution that exists without a recourse to war.’

    But for successful negotiations and dialogue, all parties need to understand what caused the violence that claimed the lives of thousands since 2018. And then they must go one step further and commit to the cessation of hostilities and destructive rhetoric.

    The government recently approved legislation that mandates the lower house to constitute a national dialogue commission. This is a step in the right direction to ameliorate not only the country’s recent violence, but also its historical social and structural divides.

    A recent Institute for Security Studies report analysed drivers of Ethiopia’s violent conflicts, emphasising the clashes that occurred between October 2019 and 2020. The report identified the root causes of the political crisis and conflicts that have scuppered Ethiopia’s political transition and that must be addressed.

    The goodwill engendered by the 2018 political reforms under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali prevented violent inter-communal and ethnic clashes that so often characterise the early days of political transitions. But his reforms and reconciliatory rhetoric couldn’t contain these conflicts for long.

    Some of the problems at that time had rolled over from the post-1991 political order which reconfigured Ethiopia along ethnic lines and declared ethnic groups sovereign. Although this was designed to accommodate such differences, it turned out to be just a façade.

    After 2015, the heavy-handed, highly centralised rule of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) heightened ethnic tensions and triggered widespread opposition and mass protests. These provoked the resignation of prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn – and Abiy’s installation in 2018.

    Years of protests have created multiple highly mobilised masses across Ethiopia’s regional states, with sharpened ethnic consciousness. Informal youth groups started gaining ground and dominating the polarised political space. Elites mobilised these groups to achieve their political objectives.

    At the heart of Ethiopia’s troubled transition, however, has been the contested interpretation of issues as fundamental as the country’s political history and constitution. These have set off inter-elite rivalry and competition over state power and resources.

    These two factors coupled with institutional fragility and incoherence within the state and the EPRDF – the ruling party at the time – meant the political transition would face problems from the start. And the ‘complete’ liberalisation of the political space, at a time when it was dominated by highly mobilised ethnic groups, contributed to violence. The mass euphoria in the early days of the political reform was short-lived as clashes and instability began to engulf the Ethiopian body politic.

    Ethiopia’s troubles go back even further, however. Contradictory readings about the country’s past have divided political elites, resulting in seemingly irreconcilable ideological views. Since the rise of the student movement in the 1960s and the incorporation of Marxism into the political scene, Ethiopia has been caught between ethnonationalism and pan-Ethiopianism – two competing modes of identity. The 1995 constitution essentially championed the former while the post-2018 reformist group claimed to support the pan-Ethiopian discourse.

    The institutionalisation of ethnicity and the resistance against it have also contributed to deepening inter-ethnic rivalry and animosity. For decades, political elites have mobilised their ethnic bases and increased tensions for their own gain. This has created a security dilemma, where tighter security measures on one side pre-empt violence from the other.

    Unless a comprehensive settlement is reached to mend the structural deficits and bridge the ideological divide, instability in Ethiopia will continue. Negotiations and dialogue can help mend Ethiopia’s troubled transition. But to do this, all parties need to understand the root causes of the post-2018 ethnic and political violence and military conflicts.

    While the government’s commitment to a national dialogue is commendable, the process must be structured and inclusive. It must have legitimacy from the early stages of design and initiation and be free from partisan interference, unilateral agenda setting and spoilers. This will not only signal good faith, but also give credibility to the process and its outcome.

    The state and the opposition must redefine the way they conduct politics, and iron out their differences so that citizens can accept a negotiated political settlement.

    *About the author: Tegbaru Yared, Researcher, Horn of Africa Security Analysis, ISS Addis Ababa

    Source: This article was published by ISS Today

    WAIT, WHAT?!
    A Cyberattack Against Russia Launched 
    by North Korean Hackers

    Jan. 18, 2022. | 
    Photo: Twitter/@Synchroworks

    APT37, the North Korean hacker group, at the end of 2021 attacked the Russian Foreign Ministry and its employees, as a result, the account of a government employee was compromised, according to a U.S. information security experts report.

    According to the U.S. information security experts report, as a result of the attack on the Russian Foreign Ministry and its employees by the APT37, the North Korean hacker group, the account of a government employee was compromised.

    Russia Warns About Military-Political Situation in the World

    Researches at U.S. cybersecurity companies Cluster25 and Black Lotus Labs, reports made by Moscow daily Kommersant demonstrated that a phishing campaign was targeted at the Ministry back in October. The researchers stated that some employees were sent documents and asked to provide vaccination details. In contrast, others were fed with links to malware disguised as software the Russian government uses to collect Covid vaccination statuses resulting in the compromise of one account.

    On December 20, the hackers sent a phishing email to Russian Deputy Minister Sergey Ryabkov from the compromised address, also targeting the Russian Embassy in Indonesia.

    The North Korean APT37 is well-known for using software called Konni, an administration tool. It is known that the tool has been used to target South Korea and political organizations in Japan, India, China, and other countries. Kommersant reports indicated the group has been operating since at least 2017.

    This is not the first time North Korea has been blamed for attempted attacks on Russia. Last November, Kommersant reported another hacker group, the Kimsuky, sending emails written on behalf of well-known Russian experts, scientists, and NGOs.

    The Russian security services arrested a group of hackers last week following information provided by U.S. authorities. People were detained in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Lipetsk Region for the Federal Security Service (FSB). The hackers were allegedly members of REvil, a ransomware group known for receiving millions in ransom payments.
