Tuesday, October 06, 2020

‘Promises made, workers betrayed’: Trump gave $425 billion in federal contracts to corporations that offshored 200,000 jobs

Published on October 6, 2020 By Common Dreams
President Donald Trump (Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Patrick Kelley.)

Despite the 2016 campaign promise that he made to voters in pivotal industrial swing states throughout the Midwest that he would end the profit-driven relocation of manufacturing jobs to lower-wage countries, President Donald Trump has awarded more than $425 billion in federal contracts to corporations responsible for offshoring 200,000 jobs held by U.S. workers, according to a new report published Monday by progressive think tank and advocacy group Public Citizen.

“Time and time again, Donald Trump has proven that he will always put his corporate friends’ profits over the lives of American workers.”
—Rep. Mark Pocan

The report (pdf), Promises Made, Workers Betrayed: Trump’s Bigly Broken Promise to Stop Job Offshoring, was released during a press conference and is based on an analysis of data from the Department of Labor on trade-related job loss as well as data on federal procurement.

Researchers at Public Citizen found that Trump’s claim that he would deny billions worth of lucrative government contracts to companies that offshored jobs in order to encourage those firms to bring jobs back to U.S. factories was an empty threat. Instead, the report reveals, eight of the top 10 corporations receiving government contracts during Trump’s time in office have participated in offshoring.

According to the analysis, of the more than 300,000 U.S. workers who have lost their jobs as a result of worsening trade deficits during the Trump presidency, just over 200,000 of those jobs were classified as offshored.

“Trump lied to America’s workers when he told them jobs were staying in the United States,” said Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources, in a statement. “Under his watch jobs have left while he continues rewarding outsourcing corporations with millions of dollars in lucrative government contracts—in the middle of a pandemic.”

At least $425.6 billion in public money has gone to firms that moved jobs overseas in the past four years, according to the analysis, which means that “at least one of every four taxpayer dollars spent by the federal government on procurement contracts during the Trump administration went to the pockets of companies that offshored American jobs.”

The report states that “the Trump administration awarded an average of 2.5 times the amount, or $10 billion more, in contracts to firms that offshored during his term than those that did not.”

“Time and time again, Donald Trump has proven that he will always put his corporate friends’ profits over the lives of American workers,” said Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.). “An administration that has promised to bring jobs back to our country… has given some of the largest government contract handouts to companies known for offshoring jobs.”

According to the analysis, Boeing, General Electric (GE), and United Technologies (UT) have been among the biggest beneficiaries of government contracts during the Trump era even though all three corporations moved jobs to lower-wage locations.

Public Citizen found that during the Trump administration alone, Boeing offshored 5,800 jobs, GE offshored 2,046, and UT offshored 1,572. The latter was awarded $15.1 billion dollars in federal procurement contracts between 2017 and 2019 even while offshoring at least 1,300 jobs at its Carrier subsidiary that President-elect Trump promised to save.

“Trump lied to America’s workers when he told them jobs were staying in the United States.”
—Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva

This report shows what workers in my state already know: the Trump Administration awarded at least $425 billion in government contracts to corporations that offshored US jobs. citizen.org/wp-content/upl

Despite President-elect Trump’s well-publicized 2016 intervention, during which he gained national attention for pledging to prevent offshoring at Carrier, the jobs of nearly 600 unionized workers at the company’s Indianapolis plant and all 700 at its Huntington, Indiana factory were relocated to Mexico in 2017, the report explains.

“This report is more evidence that Donald Trump is the King of Offshoring,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). “For his entire term in office, Trump has awarded billions in new government contracts to firms notorious for serial American job outsourcing, showered giant multinational corporations with tax giveaways, shrugged his shoulders while people get laid off and jobs are shipped overseas—and he keeps lying through his teeth about it all.”

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) explained how “in 2016, Trump struck a chord with voters in my district, and across the country by promising to bring those jobs back—but he has done just the opposite.”

Trump “has failed to use any of the expansive authorities over procurement policy that all presidents have and that past presidents have employed to deliver on their policy commitments and goals,” researchers wrote in the report. “Despite authority under the Procurement Act of 1949 to enact ‘policies and directives’ for federal contracting, Trump failed to exclude offshoring firms from qualifying for federal contracts.”

“Since elected, President Trump has given tax incentives and awarded hundreds of billions of dollars in federal contracts to corporations that send jobs overseas,” Ryan said. “Enough is enough. It is past time to level the playing field and cut American workers in on the deal.”

Rep. Brendon Boyle (D-Pa.) echoed Ryan, pointing out that “working families know this economy is stacked against them as American workers face stagnant wages, benefit reductions, and unfair foreign competition… President Trump simply failed in holding up his end of the bargain when he allowed these jobs to land in foreign countries.”

Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, summarized the glaring contradiction between Trump’s ostensibly pro-worker campaign pledges and his administration’s actual corporate-friendly policies.

“This is straight up promises made, workers betrayed,” she said.
Eric Trump says his father ‘literally saved Christianity’
October 6, 2020 By Sarah K. Burris
Eric Trump (screengrab)

President Donald Trump can add to his resume that he apparently “saved Christianity,” according to his son Eric Trump, the KFile posted on Twitter.

The moment came as part of a North Dakota radio interview. The middle Trump son rattled off a list of his dad’s accomplishments, saying of his father, “he literally saved Christianity.”

He didn’t give examples of how Trump managed to save the 2.4 billion people practicing the faith, or even what the president saved Christianity from. However, he did say that there was some kind of war going on between Democrats and Christians. Most of the elected Democrats in office are Christians. He didn’t provide any evidence, Christians aren’t being shot in the streets or thrown in jail. However, the first lady did complain she “doesn’t give a f*ck about Christmas decorations.”

Around the time the comments were made, allegations were surfacing that Trump openly mocked his Christian supporters as “full of sh*t.”

“They’re all hustlers,” Trump said, according to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

“His view was ‘I’ve been talking to these people for years; I’ve let them stay at my hotels—they’re gonna endorse me. I played the game,’” a former campaign adviser to Trump said.

You can hear the video of Eric Trump in the tweet from the KFile below:

Eric Trump speaking on North Dakota radio last week on his dad's accomplishments says of his father, "he literally saved Christianity."
Here's the audio of Eric Trump listing "he literally saved Christianity" as one of his father's accomplishments in office.

Trail of wreckage’: CNN graphic shows all the people infected by Trump’s super spreader administration

Published on October 6, 2020 By Brad Reed

A CNN graphic on Tuesday showed the large number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 in the last week thanks to contacts with President Donald Trump’s White House.

As the graphic was displayed, CNN White House correspondent John Harwood said that it showed the extreme recklessness with which the president and his staff had treated the disease, which so far has killed 210,000 Americans in just eight months.

“[Trump’s] leadership is all devoted to the service of his ego and that is now leaving a trail of wreckage behind him,” Harwood explained. “His campaign manager, his press secretary, his close aide Hope Hicks, his wife Melania Trump, multiple Republican allies in the Senate and elsewhere, it is staggering the way in which this president’s compulsions, his priorities are getting people sick.”

Harwood then said that this bodes particularly ill for the nation’s public health situation in the coming weeks.

“As the doctor just indicated, over the next couple of months they’re quite likely to get a lot of Americans killed by the fact that he is unwilling to lead in a way that shows concern for others, that tries to account for the feelings, the impacts of his action on other people,” he said.

Dow dives more than 300 points after Trump abruptly kills COVID stimulus negotiations

Published on October 6, 2020 By Sarah Toce
Donald Trump (AFP)

In a series of tweets Tuesday afternoon, President Donald J. Trump said he is ending negotiations with congressional Democrats regarding a follow-up COVID-19 stimulus bill until after the presidential election.

Trump tweeted, “I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business.”

Following his messaging, the Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 400 points lower, or more than 1%, after reporting an upward trend of more than 200 points earlier in the day. Similarly, CNBC reported the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were lower by 1.5% and 1.7%, respectively.

Nancy Pelosi is asking for $2.4 Trillion Dollars to bailout poorly run, high crime, Democrat States, money that is in no way related to COVID-19. We made a very generous offer of $1.6 Trillion Dollars and, as usual, she is not negotiating in good faith. I am rejecting their…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2020

@senatemajldr Mitch McConnell not to delay, but to instead focus full time on approving my outstanding nominee to the United States Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Our Economy is doing very well. The Stock Market is at record levels, JOBS and unemployment…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2020

…also coming back in record numbers. We are leading the World in Economic Recovery, and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2020

Trump tweeted his condemnation of furthering negotiations after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell urged Congress to come through with more aid, saying that too little support “would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses.”

“Even if policy actions ultimately prove to be greater than needed, they will not go to waste,” Powell said. “The recovery will be stronger and move faster if monetary policy and fiscal policy continue to work side by side to provide support to the economy until it is clearly out of the woods.”

Three hours prior, Trump touted that the economy, jobs and the stock market were in good shape “under the Trump Administration.”

The Fake News Media refuses to discuss how good the Economy and Stock Market, including JOBS under the Trump Administration, are doing. We will soon be in RECORD TERRITORY. All they want to discuss is COVID 19, where they won’t say it, but we beat the Dems all day long, also!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2020

US recovery would be stronger, faster with more aid: Fed’s Jerome Powell

Published on October 6, 2020 By Agence France-Presse
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell speaks during his news conference after a Federal Open Market Committee meeting in Washington, U.S., December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

The US recovery from the pandemic downturn would be “stronger and faster” with more government aid to protect against the possibility of accelerating job losses, Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell said Tuesday.

The central bank chief’s comments come amid an ongoing impasse between Democrats and Republicans in Washington over how much more to spend to bolster the economy after crucial provisions of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act expired.

“Too little support would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses,” Powell said in an address to an economics conference.

“Even if policy actions ultimately prove to be greater than needed, they will not go to waste.”

Powell, who has long said more economic support is likely needed, warned that if economic improvements slow, that “could trigger typical recessionary dynamics, as weakness feeds on weakness.”

A long period of “unnecessarily slow progress” could continue to exacerbate existing disparities in the economy, he said, which “would be tragic.”

In Congress, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed an economic stimulus measure costing $2.2 trillion but President Donald Trump’s administration wants to spend no more than $1.6 trillion.

While Pelosi last week again began talking regularly with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, her Republican counterpart in the negotiations, the two sides have yet to find a compromise weeks before Trump stands for a second term in office against Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

“Chairman Powell’s warning could not be more clear: robust action is immediately needed to avert economic catastrophe from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic,” Pelosi said on Tuesday.

The CARES Act passed as the pandemic struck in March included extra $600 weekly payments to the unemployed as well as a program of loans and grants for small businesses but those expired around the start of August.

Powell noted the positive effects of both programs on the economy, with a feared rise in bankruptcies among small firms not occurring and many consumers saying their financial well-being had improved during the pandemic.

“Still, since it appears that many will undergo extended periods of unemployment, there is likely to be a need for further support,” he said.

And despite the early success in protecting against job losses, there has been an increase in permanent job cuts and layoffs, Powell said.

“There is a risk that the rapid initial gains from reopening may transition to a longer than expected slog back to full recovery,” he added.

Limiting the continued spread of the virus will be key to sustaining the economy, the Fed chair said, including following medical advice about wearing masks and social distancing.

© 2020 AFP
Michelle Obama brands Trump ‘racist’ in scalding video


Published on October 6, 2020 By Agence France-Presse
Michelle Obama (Screen Capture)

Donald Trump is a “racist” president whose strategy of fearmongering, division and promoting ugly conspiracy theories could “destroy” America if he is re-elected, former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday.

In a 24-minute video offering closing arguments for Democratic White House nominee Joe Biden four weeks before election day November 3, Obama described Trump and his Republican allies as unfairly “stoking fears” about African Americans.

Trump is “morally wrong” for taking actions that intimidate voters and for “lying” about how minorities will ruin US suburbs, she said.

“What the president is doing is once again patently false, it’s morally wrong, and yes, it is racist,” said the 56-year-old wife of Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president.

But she warned such tactics have the potential to work, particularly because Americans lack the time and energy to fact-check everything being spread online or in US media.

“Because this is a difficult time, a confusing time, and when people hear these lies and crazy conspiracies repeated over and over and over again, they don’t know what to think,” she said.

“And the one thing this president is really, really good at is using fear and confusion, and spreading lies to win,” Obama added.

Trump has declared himself the “law and order” president, and has repeatedly slammed protesters taking on racial injustice as violent extremists.

Obama’s video targets a wide range of voters. Along with speaking to “black and brown folks,” she urged white Americans to imagine “the millions of folks who look like me, and fought and died and toiled as slaves and soldiers and laborers to help build this country.”

Obama’s remarks took a personal turn.

As a black woman, like the majority of those in the country, having “done everything in my power to live a life of dignity and service and honesty, the knowledge that any of my fellow Americans is more afraid of me than the chaos that we are living through right now, well that hurts,” she said.

“It is a heaviness that sits on our hearts.”

Obama criticized Trump’s “failure” to tackle the coronavirus, his belittling US military personnel as “losers” and his devotion to “enriching himself” and wealthy cronies.

Biden, she said, offers contrasting values aimed at helping working class families, healing divisions and protecting the environment.

“Search your hearts and your conscience, and then vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it,” she said.