Sunday, March 08, 2020



Separation? Special interest groups? The fair deal panel approaches its final report

CBC March 6, 2020

Alberta's "fair deal" panel was formed to explore how to strengthen the western province's place within confederation — emphasis on within.

But in the homestretch, less than a month before recommendations are due, the panel's latest online engagement includes a question on separation — a choice opposition leader Rachel Notley says stokes the fires of a fringe movement.

The original list of mandates, as announced by Premier Jason Kenney in Red Deer Alta., includes exploring things like an Alberta Pension Plan, a provincial police force and more.

Kenney said he's looking forward to the report and plans to act on the recommendations thoughtfully and deliberately — according to Alberta's timelines, not Ottawa's.

"Within those prospective reforms lie a series of measures fully to assert Alberta's autonomy within the Canadian Federation in ways that other provinces have done, to use every tool at our disposal to ensure a prosperous economic future," said Kenney.

The latest survey, however, asks Albertans a new question: "Would Alberta alone or with other Western Provinces separating from the rest of Canada help improve the province's place in the federation?"

Separation question was debated

Panel-member Donna Kennedy-Glans says it was a tough choice for the eight pastelists to decide whether to include the question, but in the end they all felt it was important.

"Everywhere that we went in the province, every town hall, somebody would raise the question of separation," Kennedy-Glans said.

"So it is something we've heard. Our mandate is to work within Confederation. It is not to propose or support a separatist agenda. But we want it to reflect the fact that we were listening to people."

Along with public consultation, Kennedy-Glans said the panelists are meeting with special interest groups and experts to round out what they learn. She said these include think-tanks like the Pembina Institute, business groups, community groups and more.

Panel has had hundreds of private meetings

While separatist groups have been in touch, they are not on the panel's meeting calendar.

"We decided that it probably didn't make sense for us to sit down with them," she said. "Our mandate is not to recommend anything. That doesn't envision Alberta within Confederation."

Mount Royal University political scientist Duane Bratt sees no problem with including the question.

"I think one of the purposes of a fair deal panel was to change the conversation, from separatism to greater autonomy inside of Canada," Bratt said. "So it makes sense to have the separatism question on there."

Helen Pike/CBC

Notley, the NDP leader, disagrees.

In a statement, she wrote the province is hurting, people continue to lose jobs and the government has moved funding to already profitable corporations.

"This premier is intentionally stoking the fires of separation in order to distract from his own economic failures," Notley wrote.

"He is attacking our pensions, our health care, our education, and our public services. This is not what Albertans need right now. We need a premier who will do the job he was elected to do, and focus on getting people back to work."

While Bratt saw the logic of including a question on separation, he did take issue with some aspects of the survey, including lumping together the establishment of different hypothetical institutions in one question.

"Based on the news reports I've seen at the town halls there may be support for the police force, some support for tax collection, but I'm not hearing a lot of support for the pension plan," he said. "What if you support an Alberta police force, but you don't support a pension plan? How do you answer that?"

By the numbers
The panel heard from 2,500 people directly at town halls.
4,000 people responded to an early survey.
The latest survey has already had 17,000 responses and closes on March 15th

The eight-member panel includes former Reform Party leader Preston Manning and Stephen Lougheed, the son of former premier Peter Lougheed.

It's chaired by Oryssia Lennie, who was previously the deputy minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada.

The panel is expected to submit recommendations to the government by March 31. The government says any bold proposals would need to be approved by Albertans through a referendum.

Alerta Agenda

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Alberta Agenda is a loosely organized political movement initiated by a letter written by prominent Albertans, including future Prime Minister Stephen Harper and 2006 Alberta PC leadership candidate Ted Morton, urging Albertan Premier Ralph Klein to fully exercise Alberta's constitutional powers. The letter was published by the National Post on January 27, 2001, in the wake of the Alberta-based Canadian Alliance's defeat in the 2000 Canadian federal election.
The letter has been referred to as the Firewall Letter from its use of the phrase "build firewalls around Alberta," a reference to the computer software programs which block unwanted intrusions from outside sources. Its main recommendations were:
Klein personally responded to the letter, but rejected implementing the authors' requests for the duration of his premiership.
The Alberta Agenda should not be confused with Alberta separatism.

An original author of the 'firewall' letter pleased with UCP-appointed fair deal panel
STEPHANIE BABYCH POSTMEDIA Updated: November 12, 2019

An author of the original firewall letter said a fair deal panel appointed by Premier Jason Kenney is better late than never, nearly 20 years after a group of conservative heavyweights drafted a plan to strengthen Alberta’s autonomy

Though the policies being addressed by the panel are the same as they were in January 2001, when the firewall letter was published in the National Post, there’s more appetite for change now because the province is struggling and frustration with the federal government is rising, according to Ted Morton, executive fellow at the School of Public Policy.

At the time of Ralph Klein’s government 18 years ago, the province was prospering, so people accepted the status quo.

“There’s a growing number of Albertans who find the status quo increasingly unacceptable but they don’t want to go as far as separation or independence, so this agenda represents a number of options that are in between the two extremes,” Morton said Monday. “These are positive reforms that would strengthen Alberta’s position and give the Kenney government leverage to negotiate reforms at the federal level.”

At a speech in Red Deer on Saturday, Kenney said the panel would answer questions including whether Alberta should pull out of the Canada Pension Plan and form its own plan; whether it should create a provincial police force instead of relying on the RCMP for rural policing; and whether it should opt out of some cost-sharing programs with the federal government.

Kenney’s list is a near carbon copy of the firewall letter signed by Morton, Stephen Harper and other conservatives in 2001, according to Mount Royal University political science professor Duane Bratt.

“The policies are the same. The difference is that this has the full weight of the provincial government behind it, whereas Klein largely resisted it. It’s one thing to, a couple years from now, fill a backbench MLA committee, it’s another to appoint a high-profile person like Preston Manning to give a big address like Kenney did,” said Bratt.

The panel wasn’t in Kenney’s election platform but the premier hinted that something was coming shortly after the federal election, said Bratt. He said changes to the tax system and police service would increase expenses, but pulling out of the Canada Pension Plan is a mystery because a province hasn’t left in more than 50 years.

Morton said he’s pleased that the panel will open the discussion on benefiting through structural change. He said the province would be in a better position today if his suggestions had been implemented in the early 2000s. But the original firewall letter received strong criticism from Klein, who described it as “defeatism” on Feb. 25, 2001.

On Jan. 30, 2001, the conservative premier responded to the public letter by saying that building walls around the province wasn’t the answer to unfair treatment from the federal government.

“I don’t think we need a firewall around Alberta,” Klein told Postmedia. “I think we need to be vocal, we need to be forceful in our desire to be treated fairly within the federation of Canada because we’ve always said ‘We’re a player’.”

The UCP-appointed fair deal panel consists of well-known conservative figures, such as Manning and Stephen Lougheed, three MLAs and a Blackfoot chief. Their mandate from the provincial government is to listen to Albertans and their ideas for the future, focusing on ideas that would strengthen the economy, offer the province a stronger voice within Confederation and increase provincial power over institutions.

“We’ve had it with Ottawa’s indifference to this adversity. Albertans have been working for Ottawa for too long, it’s time for Ottawa to start working for us,” Kenney declared in his speech to the Alberta Manning Networking Conference. “We Albertans will not lose our heads, we are practical people, we are not unreasonable people. Nothing we are asking for is unreasonable.”

Regional chief Jason Goodstriker is excited about his role on the panel, gathering information from people to forge a new path for Alberta.

“The panel, itself, is going to seek out the voice of grassroots and corporate and all kinds of Albertans who are involved in what makes our region work,” Goodstriker said Monday. “People in our region have had an opinion for a long time so I don’t think it will take a great amount of time to say what’s being said.”

Donna Kennedy-Glans, a former Calgary MLA, is also among the panellists and is ready to hear people’s concerns and ideas.

“People are concerned about what’s going on and people are unclear about what the choices are within Confederation,” said Kennedy-Glans.

Kenney said during his speech that any measures coming out of the panel that warrant serious consideration would be subject to a provincial referendum. “I can assure Albertans that we would not make a decision . . . unless the majority of Albertans were to endorse those proposals in a fair and democratic referendum,” he said.

The panel will begin public consultations Nov. 16 and conclude Jan. 20, 2020, with the panel’s recommendations going to the government by the end of March.

— With files from Tyler Dawson




The Return Of The Alberta Agenda
Tom Flanagan
November 22, 2019
What’s old is new again, and that extends well beyond aviator shades and flat-billed caps into the political realm. New again and, sometimes, even more urgent than the first time. The federal votes had barely been counted last month before calls erupted to dust off the Alberta Agenda, aka, the “Firewall Letter” of 2001. Some see its measures as forming Alberta’s first big step towards independence; others hope the same policies would help douse separatist flames. Just as quickly, opponents confidently pronounced all of the Agenda’s items unworkable. Tom Flanagan, co-author of the original Alberta Agenda, reviews its five policy recommendations and evaluates their merits in the light of current circumstances.
In early 2001, six Albertans led by Stephen Harper published an open letter to then-Premier Ralph Klein advocating adoption of an “Alberta Agenda.” The letter was a reaction to the 2000 federal election campaign, in which Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chrétien had deliberately targeted Alberta as a bogeyman. This was partly because of Alberta’s growing economic and political prominence, but it was not least because Canadian Alliance Leader Stockwell Day, who had become a serious electoral threat to the Liberals, was an Albertan. Chrétien’s cynical ploy succeeded.

In expectation of years of further hostility from Ottawa, the Alberta Agenda proposed a number of policy innovations that were within the constitutional power of Alberta and that, if enacted, would reduce Ottawa’s power over the province. Equally important, adopting the Agenda’s items would signal that the province wasn’t simply going to accept federal abuse and that it had options other than remaining a compliant province. Publication of the Alberta Agenda triggered a lot of public discussion, but no serious political action. Influential Alberta political leaders such as Ralph Klein and Preston Manning were cool to it. A committee of the Alberta legislature dismissed it after perfunctory study that included serious errors of interpretation. The Agenda’s informal name, the “Firewall Letter”, also proved unfortunate by raising in some minds the imagery of burning buildings and scorched earth.
Alberta Agenda authors: (clockwise from far left) Tom Flanagan, Stephen Harper, Ken Boessenkool, Ted Morton, Rainer Knopf, Andy Crooks.

When the Canadian Alliance held a leadership race later in 2001, Harper decided to run for the position and the co-authors mostly supported his candidacy. Harper won, then rolled the Progressive Conservative remnants into the new Conservative Party of Canada, and a few years later became prime minister. The Alberta Agenda seemed to lose much of its relevance; no one could accuse Prime Minister Harper of being hostile to his home province. It did, however, continue to have some support in the provincial Progressive Conservative and Wildrose parties, though never to the extent of becoming government policy.

Now, however, the environmentalist onslaught on Alberta’s oil industry, coupled with the return to power of the Liberals under Justin Trudeau, has revived the Alberta Agenda. In a dramatic move, Premier Jason Kenney incorporated most of its points into a more extensive “Fair Deal” for Alberta, which he unveiled to instant national attention at a conference on November 9. The Fair Deal proposal is to be studied by a nine-member panel chaired by Manning, which is to report by January 20. Kenney’s political methodology seems reminiscent of his approach to his first budget, appointing the MacKinnon Panel to study the budgetary situation. I hope it indeed is so, for Kenney then implemented most of the budgetary recommendations. The nascent “Wexit” movement also favours the Alberta Agenda items, evidently seeing them as foundation blocks for independence. In a recent open letter to Kenney, Wexit Canada leader Peter Downing called upon the premier to implement an “enhanced” version of the Agenda.

As one of the original co-authors, I’m pleased at the renewed attention to the Alberta Agenda, but the passage of time does require a second look. Along with Stephen Harper, the other co-authors were Ted Morton, professor of political science at the University of Calgary, a former Alberta Senator-elect and a former senior provincial cabinet minister; Rainer Knopf, professor of political science at the University of Calgary; Andy Crooks, a Calgary lawyer who is active in politics and philanthropy; and Ken Boessenkool, who has held senior federal and provincial political positions. The ideas in this article are my own, and I have not consulted with the other co-authors regarding what follows.

Certain things have changed dramatically since the Alberta Agenda was composed almost 20 years ago. Economically, Alberta was on a roll in 2001, the Klein government had erased the deficit, and oil prices were high. Now, in contrast, the economy is hurting, the province has gone deeply into debt, and the new government is once more fighting to get out of the cycle of deficit spending. What is even more frightening, the environmental movement has declared war on the oil and natural gas industry, with the goal of capping exports of our oil production (or “landlocking” Alberta), ending new investment in the oil sands and, within decades, ending all hydrocarbon production in favour of so-called “green energy.”
Dousing the “Firewall”: then-Alberta Premier Ralph Klein was cool to the Alberta Agenda and buried it using a provincial study panel.

The change in circumstances has driven a change in priorities. Whereas 18 years ago Alberta was growing rapidly and the only questions seemed to be just how far we might go and how we might get there, today the province and its population are fighting for their very livelihoods and security. In turn this implies that a new Alberta Agenda may need to be somewhat different from the original. The original Alberta Agenda consisted of five main policy proposals. Let’s look at these in the light of today’s circumstances, both as policy and as politics. The following headings are the opening sentences from the letter’s five agenda items.

Withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan to create an Alberta Pension Plan offering the same benefits at lower cost while giving Alberta control over the investment fund.

There is little question about the legality of this. Alberta has the right to create its own pension plan under section 94A of the Constitution Act, 1867, and Quebec did so in 1966. Because Alberta has a younger population with greater participation in the labour market and higher average wages and salaries than in the rest of Canada, an Alberta Pension Plan could offer the same benefits with lower premiums than the Canada Pension Plan (while premiums for the CPP without Alberta would have to go up). The potential savings are believed to be in the order of several billion dollars per year. Premiums for the current CPP keep on rising, and every 1 percentage-point drop that an APP could deliver would leave more than $500 per year in the pocket of every employee paying under maximum pensionable earnings.

A credible threat to withdraw from the CPP would shake Canada politically and might lead to concessions in other areas to keep Alberta inside the tent. It is truly the ace-in-the-hole of the Alberta Agenda.Tweet

Alberta could also claim a share of the CPP Investment Board’s fund, currently about $410 billion, though the size of that share would have to be negotiated. An APP would likely be administered by the Alberta Investment Management Company, which manages about $110 billion in provincial pension assets (and would need to add capacity to administer an APP). It’s important to realize that, despite its pool of invested funds, the CPP isn’t a genuine pension plan, but rather a pay-as-you-go transfer from current working contributors to current retirees. Its financial viability therefore depends almost entirely on maintaining a population base in which plenty of people are working and not too many people are drawing benefits. Canada as a whole is aging; Alberta could go either way, depending on its economic fortunes in the coming decades.

A credible threat to withdraw from the CPP would shake Canada politically and might lead to concessions in other areas to keep Alberta inside the tent. It is truly the ace-in-the-hole of the Alberta Agenda.
Ace in the whole: an Alberta Pension Plan would put billions of dollars per year in the pockets of wage-earners.

One issue needs to be carefully studied, however. Insurance and pension plans are generally considered more secure as larger numbers of members are included. An APP outside the CPP would move from a population base of 36 million to about 4.5 million. That, combined with a deteriorating economy caused by the environmentalists’ war against oil, could lead to financial problems for Alberta down the road. On the other hand, since the CPP includes multiple provinces with weaker economies and millions of people with lower incomes and higher rates of unemployment, the degree of risk reduction delivered by such diversification is uncertain. And Alberta alone isn’t all that small. Thousands of pension plans worldwide have fewer members with weaker foundations. And even in its currently reduced straits, Alberta’s economy would place it among the world’s top 50 countries.

There are further arguments for distancing ourselves from the CPP. Since 2000 its Investment Board has mushroomed from a lean team of five people costing $3.7 million per year (or about $750,000 per employee) to a bloated organization of 1,500 spending an astonishing $3.2 billion per year (over $2 million per employee) merely to maintain themselves and the fund, as this C2C Journal article illustrated. It’s hard to imagine Alberta being unable to operate its APP with greater proportionate efficiency.

In addition, as the same article indicates, there are worrying signs the Investment Board is being pressured or is choosing to make politically motivated investment decisions, such as uneconomic green energy schemes. That not only flies in the face of Albertans’ priorities but bodes ill for future investment returns. What’s next, the CPP selling off its oil and natural gas holdings, as many international funds are doing, due to “environmental ethics”? Bringing pension management under provincial control would at least align the APP’s with the province’s priorities.

Nonetheless, because there are credible arguments on both sides of this issue, an APP would require study by a team of accountants, actuaries, economists, and lawyers to make sure it would be financially sound. This will be a pocketbook issue for all Albertans for generations to come, so it is important to get the details right.

Collect our own revenue from personal income tax, as we already do for corporate income tax.

Here, too, the constitutionality is not in doubt; Quebec already does this. It would be another political signal of Alberta’s intention to be self-determining. The policy implications, however, are more mixed. Alberta might receive its provincial income tax revenue more quickly, but it would have to enlarge its existing tax bureaucracy to collect it. From a policy point of view, the most serious problem is not that Ottawa collects the revenue for us but that the overly graduated federal rates and the morass of credits and deductions often stymie investment in Alberta.

Still, at the very least, collecting our own income tax would mean a few more well-paying jobs in Alberta and additional technical expertise on the financial side. It would send additional, relatively low-key, political signals that the status quo is unacceptable and that province is assembling the capabilities to take a different path if pushed hard enough.

Start preparing now to let the contract with the RCMP run out in 2012 and create an Alberta Provincial Police Force.

This can’t be accomplished as originally written because in 2011 Alberta and Canada renewed the RCMP policing agreement for another 20 years. It allows for cancellation with two years’ notice, however. The arguments for a provincial police force are at least as compelling as they were in 2001. Canada is the world’s only federal democratic country in which the federal government looks after local policing. Maybe the Australians, Americans, Swiss, Germans, etc., are on to something. 
With rural crime at crisis levels, a provincial police force could help Albertans regain control over their fate.

It is difficult to see how bringing policing one government level closer to the affected population would not result in improved services. An important example is rural policing. The RCMP’s performance has been far from ideal, as testified not only by long response times to calls by victimized property owners but by the years it took to develop a targeted strategy. The provincial government must deal with this issue regardless of the RCMP contract, and effective reform would probably be easier if Alberta had its own provincial police force. Dealing with certain politically charged law enforcement issues in a way reflecting the views of most Albertans should also become easier were the force provincially controlled.

The main argument in favour of the current arrangement is financial; Ottawa pays 30 percent of the cost of the contract. But that does not necessarily mean the cost of a provincial police force would be that much higher. The RCMP carries a costly load of political correctness in its hiring and operations, with preferences for Francophones, women, racial minorities, and Indigenous people. A more businesslike Alberta police force should be able to operate more efficiently. There should also be efficiency gains from integrating the existing Alberta Sheriffs Branch into a larger Alberta Provincial Police (and perhaps a catchier name for the force would emerge as well).

The arguments for a provincial police force are at least as compelling as they were in 2001. Canada is the world’s only federal democratic country in which the federal government looks after local policing. Maybe the Australians, Americans, Swiss, Germans, etc., are on to something.Tweet

This is not in itself a radical step, and the argument that Alberta is too small to have its own police force is specious. Ontario and Quebec have had theirs since Confederation, when both provinces were much smaller than Alberta is today. Even Ontario did not reach Alberta’s current population until about 1950, and Alberta today has a larger population not only than multiple U.S. states with their own forces, as well as every Canton of Switzerland, but also about 100 other countries. In any case, a majority of Alberta residents are already protected by the police forces of Edmonton, Calgary, and other communities. Lastly, creating an Alberta Provincial Police would be a strong political signal that Alberta is no longer willing to accept second-class status.

Resume provincial responsibility for health-care policy. If Ottawa objects to provincial policy, fight in the courts. If we lose, we can afford the financial penalties that Ottawa may try to impose under the Canada Health Act.
A referendum on equalization could send a powerful political message.

This remains a desirable policy if we are ever to overcome the creeping catastrophe of long waiting times for essential medical services and the other critical shortcomings and inefficiencies in our health care system. Unfortunately, at a time when our provincial finances are so deeply in the red, Alberta cannot afford the loss in federal health transfers, which could more than offset savings generated through other Alberta Agenda elements. Moreover, exiting the strictures of the Canada Health Act would impose no loss on the rest of Canada; indeed, it would provide a financial windfall.

Lastly, even a man of Kenney’s immense energy and intelligence can only fight on so many fronts at once, and an extended battle over the Canada Health Act could preoccupy a provincial government. Consequently, I believe the opportunity for serious health care reform that Alberta had in the early part of this century has passed for the time being.

Use Section 88 of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Quebec Secession Reference [of 1998] to force Senate reform back onto the national agenda. [The Alberta Agenda authors’] reading of that decision is that the federal government and other provinces must seriously consider a proposal for constitutional reform endorsed by “a clear majority on a clear question” in a provincial referendum.

Senate reform is no longer a major issue because the Trudeau government has made substantial changes to Senate appointments, whose implications are still working themselves out. Alberta will continue to hold senatorial elections, but more sweeping reform of the Senate is not on the table for now.

At a minimum, a referendum on Equalization communicates to the rest of Canada how unhappy Albertans are over the threat to the prosperity of their province, and implies that if we don’t get something, we may consider next steps.Tweet
Revivalist: Premier Jason Kenney’s Fair Deal for Alberta will give the Alberta Agenda its second and, it seems, more serious examination.

The provincial referendum strategy remains viable for other constitutional issues, however. Premier Kenney has often mentioned the possibility of holding a referendum on the Equalization program. Critics have argued that this would be futile because Equalization is a federal policy funded wholly by federal tax revenues, and that other federal programs cause a bigger loss to Alberta than Equalization.

These criticisms have some merit in terms of policy, but they miss the political point. A successful referendum could serve as a lever for forcing open a debate on Equalization as well as other policies that disadvantage Alberta. Quebec has gained enormous negotiating victories through use of its referendum strategy. What is there to lose if Alberta does something similar? Nothing else has so far moved the needle; the opposite, in fact, as the Trudeau government responded to Alberta’s even-tempered concerns over Equalization by sending even more money to Quebec. At a minimum, a referendum on Equalization communicates to the rest of Canada how unhappy Albertans are over the threat to the prosperity of their province, and implies that if we don’t get something, we may consider next steps.

The Alberta Agenda’s Enduring Value

There are legitimate fiscal and policy questions about the five items of the original Alberta Agenda. The health care proposal is impractical at the present time. The other four, however, remain relevant – one or two of them more than ever – and I believe implementing them would be beneficial to Albertans. Further, they have a political value that transcends the details of policy. Business as usual is not an option when you are under existential threat from outside political forces. Call it “Alberta Agenda II.” Their enactment would send a powerful message to the rest of Canada that Alberta is not prepared to roll over and play dead as outsiders seek to destroy its principal industry.
The “greening” of Pincher Creek: any new Alberta Agenda will have to pay extra attention to the province’s ailing economy.

The original Agenda can form part of the foundation for a strategy crafted to suit Alberta’s perilous current circumstances. This time around, greater focus needs to be placed on the economy, particularly on saving what is not only Alberta’s principal industry but the driver of so much of the province’s overall success. Premier Kenney was on the right track to incorporate the Alberta Agenda into his newly announced Fair Deal for Alberta. It will be not an end in itself but the beginning of a long process of “Re-Confederation,” of getting fair treatment for Alberta within Canada.

Tom Flanagan is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Calgary and a former campaign manager for conservative political parties.

Western Canada: First, it was the ‘firewall letter’. 
Twenty years later, the Buffalo Declaration tries to encapsulate Alberta’s grievances


Good morning! It’s James Keller in Calgary.
Two decades after the infamous “firewall letter” signed by Stephen Harper and other prominent names in conservative politics, Albertans have another document that’s trying to capture the frustration in the province and force federal politicians to act.
The Buffalo Declaration, which was posted online on Thursday and signed by four Conservative MPs from Alberta, spends 13 pages laying out a list of grievances that stretch back before Alberta had become a province and warning that a referendum on separation is inevitable if they are not addressed. It includes the National Energy Program in the 1980s, the equalization system, carbon taxes and, more recently, the continuing rail blockades linked to a B.C. natural gas pipeline.
It includes more than a dozen proposals, including:
Constitutional changes to “balance representation” in Parliament, such as through an overhaul of the Senate.
The repeal of environmental legislation such as C-69.
Expanded free trade among provinces.
The creation of a national energy corridor (which was a key Conservative campaign promise).
Changes to the equalization formula.
A formal acknowledgement in Parliament of the harms of the National Energy Program, in which the government of Pierre Trudeau attempted to exert greater control over the oil industry.
Recognition that Alberta should be recognized as “culturally distinct."
Many of the ideas are not new within conservative circles and the frustrations echo what Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and others in the province have been saying for quite some time. Those sentiments have been amplified since the federal election that returned the Liberals to power, albeit with a minority.
Mr. Kenney said he hadn’t read the document in detail and didn’t comment on its contents, but said it reflected real frustrations in his province. Still, when asked if he supported the declaration, he said his focus was on his own government’s work to get a “fair deal” for Alberta. He has struck a panel to study a series of ideas designed to give the province more autonomy, such as by starting its own pension plan, creating a provincial police force and collecting its own taxes.
Calgary Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel Garner, who signed the document, is considering running for the Conservative leadership, and even if she doesn’t run, the declaration will likely inject these issues into the leadership race.
Candidates running for the Conservative leadership weren’t eager to engage with the ideas put forward in the declaration.
Erin O’Toole issued a statement that acknowledged real anger in Alberta, but otherwise did not comment on the document. Peter MacKay’s campaign did not respond to an interview request and Marilyn Gladu declined to comment.
This is the weekly Western Canada newsletter written by Globe & Mail B.C. Editor Wendy Cox and Alberta Bureau Chief James Keller.  



Cost of a fair deal: experts break down Alberta government panel’s mandate

Posted December 9, 2019 7:00 am

WATCH: As an Alberta government panel investigates measures to give Alberta more autonomy within Confederation, experts break down the pros and the cons of the province’s ‘Fair Deal’ proposals. Adam MacVicar reports.

This story is part of a special on western alienation. Click here for more coverage.

Alberta’s proposals that are currently being explored by a government-appointed panel may result in higher costs for Albertans, according to some experts.

The Fair Deal Panel, chaired by Oryssia Lennie, formerly the deputy minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada, has been tasked with exploring nine proposals aimed at giving the province a ‘fair deal’ in confederation.

READ MORE: Alberta’s ‘Fair Deal Panel’ begins town hall tour in Edmonton

Premier Jason Kenney announced the panel in early November during a keynote address to the Manning Centre conference in Red Deer.

Collecting income taxes

The first proposal on the panel’s mandate is to explore whether Alberta should establish its own provincial revenue agency to collect directly, as well as seek an agreement to collect federal taxes within the province.

According to University of Calgary economist Trevor Tombe, the move would be costly, with Albertans paying around $500 million per year. 
Trevor Tombe is an economics professor at the University of Calgary. Adam MacVicar / Global News

“We would be spending money to do something that is currently being done for us with no identifiable benefit other than this vague sense of having additional flexibility in terms of how we structure our personal income taxes,” Tombe said. “But it would be expensive and an additional hassle for Alberta individuals.”

Under this model, Tombe said that Albertans would file taxes with the Canada Revenue Agency and a second form with the Alberta agency. The move is similar to one Quebec has undertaken, where Revenue Quebec was created, costing the province $1.1 billion annually. Right now, Canadians and Albertans only fill out one form at tax time.

Tombe said it would most likely result in an increase in taxes due to the creation of a new government agency.

“It would add to the total size of the Alberta government, it would increase total spending by about one per cent, so it’s not something that would be phenomenally large to an individual taxpayer,” Tombe said.
“But it would result in a larger government in Alberta and therefore lower spending elsewhere or higher taxes for Albertans.”

Pulling out of Canada Pension Plan

When it comes to pulling out of the Canada Pension Plan to establish an Alberta Pension Plan, the costs remain relatively unknown.

According to Tombe, no province has ever attempted to pull out of the CPP. Quebec established its own pension plan as the federal plan was created.

“It would be a pretty complex undertaking for the province to separate from the CPP,” Tombe said.

READ MORE: Kenney says proposal to pull Alberta out of CPP due to hostility from others

However, Alberta’s younger population would mean lower contributions in the short- and medium-term, with similar benefits offered in the CPP, and could increase what the rest of the country contributes in Alberta’s absence, Tombe said.

Tombe does admit there are long-term risks in establishing a provincial pension plan, as Quebec now pays the highest contribution rates in the country due to a population that aged differently than forecasts predicted decades ago.

“Alberta withdrawing might have some short-term gains for us, it might have some short-term costs for contributors elsewhere, but who knows what the future holds?” Tombe said. “It would be riskier for Alberta to have its own pension plan.”

According to Tombe, other potential hazards include how the pension funds are invested, as well as the potential to make inter-provincial migration more complicated.
Establishing a provincial police force

Another major bullet point in the panel’s mandate is the proposal to establish a provincial police force.

Alberta had its own police force in 1917, but it was dissolved in 1932 as a measure to cut costs during the Great Depression.

READ MORE: Justice minister promises Albertan-inspired changes to address rural crime

Currently, Alberta spends $235 million per year for the RCMP to provide policing to communities without their own police force. Municipalities larger than 5,000, like Red Deer, can also contract out the RCMP for policing. Depending on the population, between 70 and 90 per cent of the costs could be covered by the municipality.

According to Doug King, a justice studies professor at Mount Royal University, establishing an Alberta provincial police force would likely be a costly venture, but could have benefits that aren’t financial in nature.

Doug King has been a criminal justice professor for 25 years, and worked with the Calgary Police Service research and planning department. Adam MacVicar / Global News

“We’re talking a sizable investment of money, more than we’re currently paying for sure,” King said. “But then the question is, does it achieve a non-cost benefit in terms of being able to deploy people more quickly, respond to crime initiatives like rural crime more effectively?”

READ MORE: Alberta municipalities to pay portion of cost for extra policing

Alberta’s contract with the RCMP expires in 2032, and King said if the government got started on a provincial police force in 2020, it would take at least until 2025 or even 2030 to work out logistics like recruitment, patrol vehicles, training and infrastructure.

“I personally would not say, ‘Let’s use it as a method of saving cost,’ because it won’t. But let’s use it as a method of saying we’re going to get something more for Alberta,” King said.

The panel will also explore opting out of federal cost share programs, an exchange of tax points for federal cash transfers and establishing a formalized provincial constitution.

Are the costs worth it?

The ideas presented for the panel to investigate are similar to those included in the Firewall Letter, written by six Albertans to then-Premier Ralph Klein in 2001 to take these steps.

Then in 2004, an MLA committee was formed by Klein to study and report on the proposals. The committee found that the proposals weren’t feasible and too costly for Alberta taxpayers.

Ken Boessenkool, one of the authors of the Firewall Letter, believes that the benefits shouldn’t be measured in costs despite the high price tag to achieve the fair deal proposals. 
Ken Boessenkool was one of the original signatories of the firewall letter, sent to Premier Ralph Klein nearly two decades ago. Global News

“It’s going to cost more for the government to deliver an Alberta Pension Plan, it’s going to cost the government of Alberta more to have a provincial police force, it’s going to cost the government of Alberta more to have its own income tax, but the benefits of this flow to the population of Alberta,” Boessenkool said.

“If the benefits outweigh the costs, then let’s go for it.”

But one potential benefit that Boessenkool sees from moving forward on the fair deal proposals is suppressing the separatist sentiment stewing in Alberta since the 2019 federal election.

“I’m excited about these proposals. I think the timing, giving Alberta a project to work on, to push away this really dumb and stupid idea of separatism is also very healthy, that is a side benefit,” Boessenkool said.

Alberta’s Fair Deal Panel will hold public consultations on the proposals until Jan. 30, 2020, and will report their findings to the government in March.

‘Firewall’ tactics won’t do much to boost Alberta

By Doug Firby on November 11, 2019

As cathartic as it may be, it’s unclear that anything Kenney has prescribed will do much to improve the business climate in this province

Managing our own affairs is good for business. That, at least, is what Alberta’s premier would like us to believe, following a policy speech delivered to a conservative crowd in Red Deer on Saturday.

But is it?

It depends on how you turn the coin.

Premier Jason Kenney said he was up all night writing his speech to the Alberta Manning Networking Conference. And if the ideas sound familiar to you, there’s good reason.

Kenney said a new panel will look at whether Alberta should pull out of the Canada Pension Plan and form its own pension fund, create a provincial police force to replace the RCMP, and opt out of some cost-sharing programs with the federal government.

The premier also vowed to try to retroactively lift the cap on fiscal stabilization back to 2014-15. That could generate an equalization rebate of $1.75 billion – no chump change.

Longtime Alberta residents will recognize a lot of these themes. Many were included in the “firewall letter” penned in 2001 by Stephen Harper before he was prime minister and Ted Morton, a University of Calgary academic who would become a cabinet minister during the late 2000s in Alberta’s then-Progressive Conservative government.

Kenney told the delegates that he’s seeking “a fair deal” for our province, after years of neglect from what is commonly known as Laurentian Canada – essentially the entitled elites in southern Ontario and Quebec.

He took the federal Liberal government to task for overregulation and a seeming ambivalence toward the province’s oil and gas economy. Federal policies, Kenney argued, have driven investment out of Alberta and to the friendly fields of the U.S.

This is pretty standard stuff, and certainly balm to the ears of frustrated Albertans who have witnessed a steady decline in our fiscal fortunes with the troubles in the oil and gas industry. But, as cathartic as it may be, it’s unclear that anything Kenney has prescribed will do much to improve the business climate in this province.

Along with a steady source of revenue, businesses like certainty and predictability. Pulling out of the Canada Pension Plan, for example, does nothing to advance us toward greater certainty. Nor does the creation of our own police force. If anything, those two moves would actually add a level of uncertainty because of the complexities and possible costs associated with the transition.

Could we make better investments with our own pension plan? There’s little evidence to support it. Could we police our small towns and rural communities better with an Alberta-based police force? It seems doubtful and more likely to simply introduce new administrative costs.

The same applies to raising the cap on equalization. It may feel good to ask for a break but what in heaven’s name would lead us to believe the other provinces will agree?

The purpose of these actions, of course, is to start to distance this province from the federation, in the faint hope that such newfound activism will grab the attention of other Canadians. This, it’s hoped, will lead to more proactive support for our ailing province. Faint hope indeed.

While a new pipeline would certainly improve our fortunes, Alberta remains at the mercy of global developments. For example, the New York Times reported on Nov. 3 that a flood of crude oil is coming even as worldwide oil demand is slowing – from Brazil, Norway, Guyana and, yes, Canada. On Sunday, Iran’s president announced that his country has discovered a new field with more than 50 billion barrels of crude oil.

These challenges are likely to mean that it will be many years before Alberta returns to the good old days of $100 oil. Probably never.

Kenney said Saturday that Alberta is well on its way to becoming “the most responsible barrel of oil produced in the world.” We’ve learned through bitter experience, however, that much of the world is indifferent to our “ethical oil” pitch. As is so often the case, price trumps principles.

To his credit, Kenney once again declared his commitment to the federation. After all, there isn’t much of a business case for Wexit. Kenney wisely knows that Alberta stands a better chance of recovering faster if the federal government finally recognizes our hour of need and gives us a hand up.

Are Kenney’s tactics likely to help Alberta climb out of its economic malaise?

Not unless the federal government and other provinces respond with real compassion and recognition of the vital role the province plays in the federation. In other words, don’t hold your breath.

They will, however, help us work off some frustration. Maybe that alone makes them worthwhile.

Doug Firby is president of Troy Media Digital Solutions and publisher of Calgary’s BusinessEdmonton’s Business and Troy Media.

Former chair of Alberta 'firewall' committee weighs in on UCP-appointed 'fair deal' panel
LISA JOHNSON  November 11, 2019

Edmontonian Jean Innes with then-MLA Ian McLelland (L) and government minister Stan Woloshyn after receiving an award at the fourth annual Minister's Seniors Service Awards on June 7, 2001. JOHN LUCAS

Former MLA Ian McClelland, chair of a 2003 committee that looked into — and ultimately rejected — ideas contained in the famous “firewall” letter, said he was “terribly disappointed” by the announcement of a new panel that will study many of the same concepts 16 years later.

“This is really just an exercise in blowing off steam,” the former Alberta Progressive Conservative MLA and Reform Party MP said.

In its final recommendations, the MLA Committee on Strengthening Alberta’s Role in Confederation said that withdrawing from the Canada Pension Plan and creating a separate Alberta pension plan “is not in the best interests of Albertans.” Collecting our own personal income taxes “would be a costly venture,” and incur “higher out-of-pocket costs” for individuals and businesses.

“If we had to separate that and do our own public service, that would be another building full of public servants doing taxes. So what’s the point?” McClelland said.

The committee also suggested studying alternatives to the RCMP and looking more carefully at the costs, efficiencies and levels of service.

Many of the recommendations were not followed through, including establishing an Alberta office in Ottawa, an idea that also appears under the mandate of Premier Jason Kenney’s Fair Deal Panel announced Saturday, along with potential provincial arms for policing, pension, and income tax proposals.

“There are things that could be done in strengthening the link with other Canadians that haven’t been done,” he said.

McClelland said he was not optimistic that the fair deal panel would lead to constructive policy decisions.

“I’m 100 per cent confident that they’re going to absorb a lot of steam being blown off, and I don’t think they’re going to come up with one damn thing.”

The structural imbalance of power between the west and Ontario and Quebec remains the underlying problem. MPs in Ottawa don’t understand the concerns of Albertans, and these proposed changes will do nothing to alter that, he said.

“The problem has to do with our ability to be represented in parliament.”

While Kenney argued on Saturday that isolation — especially from trade deals like the USMCA — would not benefit Alberta, the panel cannot risk stirring up a conversation about separatism, McClelland said.

“His only danger is in letting people encourage themselves into a position which cannot be fulfilled.”

While the panel appears to be treading much of the same political ground as the 2003 committee, social media has dramatically changed how we talk about political issues.

“We didn’t want to make it a siren call for separation, because we didn’t see that as a viable alternative,” he said.

In 2003, meetings were small and media coverage was scarce. Now, expectations from this panel are high, the conversation is more polarized than ever and populism has run amok, he said.

“(Social media) allows for a mass evangelical movement instantly — we just didn’t have that. If an idea catches fire, it doesn’t really matter if the idea makes sense or not, but if it makes people feel good, that’s what’s likely going to happen.”

Access to health care top of mind for Ottawa women's march

CBC March 6, 2020

An organizer with this weekend's Ottawa women's march says access to reproductive health care is a top concern this year.

Lyse-Pascale Inamuco, a co-vice chair for Women's March Ottawa, is sending a special invitation to women and families affected by the temporary closure of the Pontiac Hospital obstetrics unit in Shawville, Que.

"If one or two could come, even more, that would be great because we could then have the opportunity to see how we could better support them," said Inamuco on Thursday.

That birthing and maternal care unit has struggled with staffing shortages and is expected to remain closed for months, sending patients further away to other hospitals.

The theme of this year's march is bodily autonomy, which includes reproductive health, access to abortion, sexual wellness and other issues related to the body.

The closure of the Pontiac Hospital's birthing unit is an example of women's health being sidelined in the Ottawa region, Inamuco said.

"We want to come together and speak loud and clear that our rights are being threatened and we should not take the progress that we have made and our rights for granted," she said.

"We still need to march, we still need to take action so that our rights are respected."

Inamuco also cited missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, rates of sexual assault and access to shelters as other key issues to address.

The first Women's March was held on Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C., after the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Inamuco said organizers in Ottawa decided to hold the event later in the winter this year when the weather tends to be a little milder.

"We heard participants say that it was really cold and the march was long," she said.

About 2,000 people are expected to gather at Parliament Hill Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and march to City Hall, meaning rolling road closures on Bank, Somerset and Elgin streets.

At City Hall there will be free workshops and a keynote speech from Ottawa author and trans rights advocate Amanda Jetté Knox starting at about 12:30 p.m..
Public high school teachers pause strikes as Premier Ford calls for flexibility


The Canadian Press March 6, 2020

TORONTO — Premier Doug Ford continued Friday to pressure the province's teachers' unions to hammer out new contracts with his government, just days after making what Ford called "tremendous concessions" on class size and online learning.

During a news conference in St. Catharines, Ont., Ford stressed that his government has been flexible in the tense contract talks with the unions, and he asked them to reciprocate.

"We're being extremely, extremely fair to the teachers' unions," Ford said. "Again, we want them back in the classroom."

Ford's request came on the same day one of the province's major teachers' unions announced it was pausing rotating strikes until March 27.

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation said it is pausing its rotating strikes starting next week to minimize the disruption to student activities scheduled around and during March break.

OSSTF has been holding regular rotating strikes since late last year in a bid to pressure the Ontario government during contentious contract talks.

Instead of the rotating strikes, starting Monday the union will instead expand a work-to-rule campaign it has been engaged in since November.

As part of that service withdrawal, teachers will not complete activities like participating in some meetings, organizing professional development day seminars and working on course writing.

Earlier this week, the Progressive Conservative government offered to increase average high school class sizes from 22 last year to 23 next year — instead of the government's original target of 28 — and allow an opt-out for e-learning courses the Tories previously said would be mandatory.

The premier said Friday those concessions should have paved the way to new agreements with the unions. But because it hasn't yet resulted in progress, Ford said it shows the real issue keeping the parties from an agreement is teachers' pay.

"Make no mistake about it, right from day one, we said this is all about benefits, it's all about compensation," Ford said.

The government has offered teachers a one per cent pay increase, while teachers are asking for closer to two per cent.

OSSTF President Harvey Bischof said the government's moves on class size will still result in 1,800 teachers losing their jobs and thousands of courses being cut. The union currently has no dates to bargain with the government and Bischof urged Education Minister Stephen Lecce to order his negotiators back to the table.

"Parents, students and educators want the minister to engage in real, good-faith negotiations," he said in a statement Friday. "Bargaining proposals need to be brought to the bargaining table, where they can be meaningfully discussed, not proclaimed from a podium."

The province has been locked in contentious contract talks with all four major teachers' unions since their contracts expired last summer.

The teachers' unions have said they would not sign a deal that included class size increases and mandatory online learning — two of the cost-cutting measures the government said were necessary to balance the books.

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association was in talks with the government Friday and did not immediately provide an update on those talks.

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario said Thursday it does not currently have any talks with the government scheduled but will announce further job action on Monday.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 6, 2020.


Women and the Social Reproduction of Capitalism

"proletarii, propertyless citizens whose service to the State was to raise children (proles).”Classical Antiquity; Rome, Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism, Verso Press 1974
The issue facing women working at home or in capitalist society is the matter of unwaged servitude versus wage-slavery. The social reproduction of capitalist society is found both in the workplace and the home.

"It is not a question of wages or prices; these are but the reflections of the social relations of capitalism." K. Marx
As Marx states it is not an issue of wages but of the relationship we have to the means of production, wages reflect the minimal share of profit from the social reproduction of value. To that end all relationships are matters of capitalist relations of production.

So the stay at home mother is reproducing the capitalist relationship in the home, and reproducing the proletariat.

"That the abolition of individual economy is inseparable from the abolition of the family is self-evident. " Karl Marx, The German Ideology
The capitalist relationship of the home was structured in the 19th century with the development of the nuclear family. The rise of the ‘modern woman’, and the middle class values of the family were created in this era (which saw the emergence of homemaker magazines dedicated to women’s morality) as the extended family was replaced with the nuclear family. What is often overlooked in this era is that those advocates of the stay at home mother were well off and had servants, nannies or governesses to raise children, the whole age of ‘Upstairs Downstairs’.

The 'woman' in the household was allowed leisure time to persue reforming society because servants, usually Irish immigrant women, did her work. This also applied to the skilled tradesman and his family. They too employed servants to work in the home. This was true right up until the 1920's in North America and the UK. The creation of modern etiquette manuals and homemaker ideology was crafted by these middle class women, who of course were speaking to their own class of women, not to the servants in the household.

The early wave of 19th century feminism that fought for women’s rights, the abolition of slavery also coincided with the movement for temperance and for moral virtue. They blamed drink for working class men’s violence, and fallen women- prostitutes-- who for the most part were unemployed Irish serving girls---for the degradation of the moral virtues of womanhood. The reformers and their feminist agenda were the well off wives of the labour aristocracy and the small business owners.

This class conflict can be seen in the controversy raised when the black former slave Sojourner Truth made her famous speech; 
And Ain't I A Woman, to the 1851 Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio.

Sojourner raised herself to her full height.
"Look at me! Look at my arm." She bared her right arm and flexed her powerful muscles. "I have plowed, I have planted and I have gathered into barns. And no man could head me. And ain't I a woman? I could work as much, and eat as much as man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne children and seen most of them sold into slavery, and when I cried out with a mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me. And ain't I a woman?"




Why Climate-Change Deniers Are Sexualizing Figures Like Greta Thunberg And Naomi Seibt


Lauren Messervey HuffPost Canada March 7, 2020

Greta Thunberg (left) and Naomi Seibt (right). (Photo: Manu R.B/Alterphotos/ABACAPRESS.COM (left); ERIK S. LESSER/EPA (right))More

Nothing makes conservative men opposing climate progress more uncomfortable than an opinionated woman.

Greta Thunberg’s work is legendary, even at 17. She’s worked to create awareness about the dangers of climate change, met with world leaders to discuss the importance of harnessing alternative energy sources, and proposed tangible solutions to potential future climate issues.

Her stance has attracted the attention of critics wishing to silence her, including through the use of unsolicited and explicit sexual comments. An Alberta oil company, X-Site Energy Services, recently took responsibility for a sticker that appeared to depict Thunberg, a minor, in a violent sexual position. A half-hearted attempt at an apology can’t mask how predatory and revolting a move it was on the firm’s part.

This isn’t the first time that conservative trolls have used Thunberg’s physical appearance to define her. U.S. President Donald Trump’s former aide, Sebastien Gorka, referred to Thunberg as “thunder thighs, Greta Thunberg” in an interview with crime writer Andrew Klavan. (She was 16 at the time.) An interview with news outlet Breitbart described Thunberg as “hatchet-faced,” as if harping on her appearance were as legitimate a criticism as calling her “brainwashed” or a “puppet of the climate-industrial complex.” That’s saying nothing of the lewd remarks one finds on social media and in comment sections.

However, Thunberg is not the only victim of numerous sexual comments spewing from the mouths and keyboards of climate-change deniers, or “realists,” as they often prefer to be called. Nineteen-year-old Naomi Seibt, portrayed as Thunberg’s antithesis on both sides of the partisan divide, has also been sexually objectified — often by her own supporters.

Seibt’s pointed views and “don’t-panic-until-we-know-for-sure” environmental message have received praise from conservative climate-change deniers. Nonetheless, her influence, too, is often reduced to the value of her attractiveness. Seibt has been exalted in the minds of conservative climate naysayers because of her blond, white and “conventionally attractive” appearance. Though Seibt makes some valuable points amid her rhetoric, one only needs to peruse the comments of her YouTube videos to see that many people care less about her views than they do about her looks.

Brighton, Brittany and Nicole Pettibone, Lana Lokteff, Lauren Southern and Naomi Seibt.
These women are not only beautiful but they also pursue a wonderful goal:
to counterbalance the blown feminism that ended in Marxist globalistm. #RationalWoman— 🆔 Benny Q Whiteman [⏩📰💬] (@alainthibaut1) December 7, 2019

Why is it that sexualization, and specifically violent sexualization, is used as a tool against some successful, outspoken women, as well as a method to control or co-opt others? And why does this misogyny go unchallenged by some climate deniers, even when the targets are young women?

Thunberg is neither surprised nor fazed by the misogynistic reaction to her climate-action efforts. Why would anyone be? There is a strong link between male-dominated alt-right structures, climate change, and the sexualization of young women and teens.

Studies have found that a common theme for right-wing climate sceptic groups is the perceived threat climate activism — a movement predominantly led by women — poses to the “certain kind of modern industrial society built and dominated by their form of masculinity.” It is the same patriarchal power structure that insists that if you’re old enough to fight for the environment, you’re old enough to be a sexual object.

There is a long history of men weaponizing sexualization to diminish the powerful personas and messaging of influential women. It occurs on both sides of the coin: as both praise for the women who agree to their agenda, and as retribution for those who don’t.

Women are constantly being evaluated for being either a threat to the establishment, or as a tool. If you’re a woman who’s ever been called a slut, a whore or worse for speaking your mind, you’ve been a victim of this mentality. Conversely, if you’ve been told that you’re sexually desirable after agreeing with a man’s objective or opinion, you’ve also become a victim of patriarchal control.

In the eyes of many conservative men, a compliant woman is a useful woman. Constantly reinforcing the link between a woman’s value and her desirability — rather than her contributions or ideas — ensures this compliance and creates a state of dependency.

Ultimately, the threat and tool of sexualizing women works toward the grand objective of the game: to keep women at their most demure, and to keep men at their most powerful.

The Problem With Canadian Politics Is Written Across Catherine McKenna's Window

Disgusting Sticker Of 'Greta Thunberg' Linked To Alberta Oil Company Shocks Canadians

The Casual Misogyny Behind Common Phrases That Women Hate Hearing

Climate change is only one stage on which women’s accomplishments are reduced to their perceived sexual worth. The danger of this, beyond objectification, is that it distracts from the real issues, whether they be the dismantling of problematic socio-political structures or the prospect of total planetary destruction.

I wonder how many more teenaged women will be casualties of the patriarchal structure of sexualization and repression. I’m hoping that, for once, the patriarchy can lay down its sword before the damage to our climate is considered to be irreversible.

A truck smashed one of the sacred statues on Easter Island

Tony Markovich Autoblog March 6, 2020

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Easter Island is known for its sacred statues called moai. More than 1,000 of the carved stone figures pepper the remote location and serve as invaluable pieces of the island's indigenous culture and connections to spirits of the past. So when one was destroyed by a rogue pickup truck, it sparked outrage and debate about current transportation policies.

On Sunday, March 1, 2020, the Comunidad Indígena Ma'u Henua, the indigenous community that manages Rapa Nui national park and preserves the area's archeological and cultural heritage, took to Facebook to post photos of a battered Chevy truck that had run over one of the moai. The statue, which serves as a link to the energy of an ancestor, was destroyed, as was the platform on which it stood.

Thus far, details about what caused the accident are unclear. Some reports indicate the truck lost control due to brake failure, but that is unconfirmed. Further complicating the matter, a CNN caption states that nobody was in the car when it crashed. According to BBC (via CarScoops), however, authorities located the driver and reportedly charged him with damaging a national monument. The investigation is ongoing.

Following the incident, the island's mayor Pedro Pablo Petero Edmunds Paoa revisited a movement to restrict driving on the island that he had originally proposed years ago. He believes the accident is proof that the time for action is now, even if now is already too late.

For more information about the accident, visit BBC, and for more info on Easter Island, 60 Minutes recently produced a feature about the heritage, the people, and the current state of overtourism.
Comunidad Indígena Ma'u Henua
last Sunday
Lamentamos lo sucedido hoy en el sector de Pu A Pau.
Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: outdoor and nature
Image may contain: outdoor
Image may contain: mountain, ocean, sky, car, outdoor, nature and water
Image may contain: outdoor
Ma'u Henua
March 1 at 11:32 AM
En la Comunidad Ma’u Henua, lamentamos lo sucedido esta mañana en el sector de PU A PAU, donde una camioneta impactó a uno de nuestros Ahu, dañando gravemente ...

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Comunidad Indígena Ma'u Henua
on Tuesday
🔴Atención a tour operadores y visitantes🔴
Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, nature and water
Image may contain: one or more people, sky, cloud, outdoor and nature
Ma'u Henua
March 3 at 9:54 AM
Informamos a tour operadores y visitantes, que el sector de Pu A Pau se encontrará cerrado temporalmente.