Friday, May 22, 2020

Lawyer for Tara Reade drops her as a client

 May 22, 2020 By Sky Palma

The lawyer for Tara Reade announced that he will no longer represent her regarding claims that she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden in 1993.

“Our Firm no longer represents Tara Reade. Our decision, made on May 20, is by no means a reflection on whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted Ms. Reade,” Douglas Wigdor wote. “On that point, our view — which is the same view held by the majority of Americans, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll — has not changed.

“Much of what has been written about Ms. Reade is not probative of whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her, but rather is intended to victim-shame and attack her credibility on unrelated and irrelevant matters,” he added. “We genuinely wish Ms. Reade well and hope that she, as a survivor, is treated fairly. We have and will continue to represent survivors regardless of their alleged predator’s status or politics.”

The announcement came just one day after defense lawyers in California said they were reviewing whether Reade misrepresented her credentials when she testified as a witness in past cases.

Defense lawyers look to reopen cases where Tara Reade testified as an expert

Reade stated under oath she had an undergraduate degree that her college said she never earned and appears to have exaggerated her role in Joe Biden’s office.

Tara Reade. | AP Photo/Donald Thompson


Under the name Alexandra McCabe, Tara Reade has for years testified for the prosecution as an expert in domestic violence cases.

But a number of California defense attorneys are considering challenging the convictions of their clients amid questions about whether Reade misrepresented her credentials under oath.

Reade, the former Joe Biden staffer who recently accused him of sexually assaulting her in 1993, stated she had an undergraduate degree that her college says she never earned and appears to have exaggerated her role in Biden’s office, according to trial transcripts in two court cases reviewed by POLITICO.

Six cases involving Reade’s testimony are already under review by the Sixth District Appellate Program, Executive Director Patrick Murray told POLITICO Thursday. The state-funded office oversees appointed defense counsel in appellate cases covering four California counties, including Monterey County, where the prosecution often tapped Reade as an expert witness.

The review will determine whether the attorneys can petition a judge to review their clients’ conviction, and potentially order a new trial.

“I have at least six cases where she testified and I have lists pending from various attorney groups where she testified as a violence expert. I expect that list will expand significantly,” said Murray. “We’re trying to get the lists together. We’re aware of Ms. Reade, we’re in the mode of trying to review the transcripts to see if she misrepresented herself in court.”

He said the calls for a review came as news reports raised questions about her background and detailed her credentials, including the fact that she did not complete an undergraduate degree.

“Last week, I was informed she testified as an expert. Last week I was also informed she lied about her credentials. I didn’t connect the dots on the significance of those two things until yesterday when I was contacted by an attorney,” Murray said.

The concerns about Reade’s testimony come after she leveled sexual assault charges against Biden in March. In 2019, Reade at first alleged sexual harassment, but she has since explained that she wasn’t yet ready to tell the full story — an experience Reade and her attorney argue is common with victims of abuse.

Reade has written and talked extensively about her own experience as a victim of domestic violence. In 1996, a judge in San Luis Obispo Superior Court authorized a temporary restraining order against Reade’s then-husband. Her former husband has denied her claims.

An attorney for Jennifer Vasquez, a woman convicted of attempted murder, said he is currently reviewing options for his client in the wake of recent revelations about Reade.

In that December 2018 case, Reade gave an account of her educational background that conflicts with the account of university officials. When asked to detail her credentials as an expert in domestic violence in the case, Reade testified that she had a law degree from Seattle University and graduated from Antioch University in Seattle with a bachelor’s degree.

Karen Hamilton, a spokeswoman for Antioch University, said in a statement that Reade did not graduate and was never a faculty member. Reade attended Antioch for three academic quarters, in 2000 and part of 2001, the university said.

Reade declined to comment for this story and instead texted a screenshot from a previously published article where she claimed she obtained an undergraduate degree under a special arrangement with a former chancellor of the university, Toni Murdock.

However, university officials conferred with Murdock, an Antioch official told POLITICO, and confirmed that no special arrangement existed.

Seattle University School of Law confirmed that Reade graduated from there in 2004. According to a 2009 article in the law school’s alumni magazine, Reade entered law school under an alternative admission program.

In a follow-up question about whether students in that program can be admitted without a bachelor’s degree, a spokesman pointed to current requirements, which require an undergraduate degree.

“Our current admission requirements are publicly posted on the Seattle University School of Law website, which apply to all admitted students,” David Sandler said. “As in the past, they are consistent with American Bar Association standards for law schools. Federal privacy regulations prevent us from sharing additional information about the educational records of former students.”

Reade also appears to have embellished her role in Biden’s office. Reade served in his Senate office from December 1992 to July 1993 as a staff assistant, a relatively junior position. Reade has said she managed interns for a time. But when queried about her job experience at the trial, Reade referred to herself as a legislative assistant — a more senior job classification that conveyed more responsibility — in his office, according to the transcript.

“I worked with domestic violence prevention for over 20-some years in different capacities. I started working for US Senator Joseph Biden. I was a legislative assistant. He worked on the Violence Against Women Act, the federal act,” Reade testified.

She was later asked if her degree from Antioch University was in political science.

“Liberal arts, yeah,” Reade responded.

“But your resume says liberal,” the attorney followed up.

“Yeah. The focus was political science. I worked for Leon Panetta and Joe Biden and then moved on to King County prosecutor's office,” she said.

In response to a question from the lawyer about whether she was being compensated, Reade said she was paid a stipend and provided with a hotel room.

Vasquez’s attorney, Scott Erdbacher — who directed questioning and whose objection to her as an expert witness was overruled by the judge overseeing the case — said he is revisiting the issue.

“We’re just looking at it to see if there is a reason to reopen it,” Erdbacher told POLITICO. “ I’m sure that anybody who had her on a case will be looking into it very closely. Her testimony in cases, especially if her credibility is a problem, those are all things we would have asked her at trial that would have influenced the outcome.”

Prior to her testimony in the Vasquez case, defense attorneys were given Reade’s resume, a copy of which was provided to POLITICO.

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The resume cites a BA from Antioch, as well as separate work for the university.

“Ongoing Online Visiting Professor since 2007 for various Student BA packet reviews: Review the final papers with students via phone and email; provide guidance for final BA,” reads one line from her resume.

A university official confirmed that Reade was not a faculty member, though she did several hours of administrative work total as an independent contractor over 2008, 2009, 2010.

Reade testified in at least two cases for the Monterey County district attorney’s office as recently as last year. In a January 2019 press release, the prosecutor’s office specifically touted Reade’s testimony as pivotal to the conviction.

“Tara McCabe, a domestic violence expert, provided critical testimony which aided the jury’s understanding as to why victims of domestic violence recant, minimize, and frequently stay in abusive relationships,” the office said.

The prosecutor’s office did not respond to a request for comment, nor did Reade’s attorney.

Reade has long described herself as a domestic violence survivor and victims’ advocate, citing past work with domestic violence survivors, including as a volunteer for a time in King County, Washington. A spokeswoman with the King County prosecutor’s office confirmed that someone named Alexandra McCabe was employed as a victim advocate from Aug. 1999 through October 2000.

Tara Reade Stood Apart In Joe Biden's 1990s Senate Staff

People who worked for Biden in 1993 say they’re skeptical of Reade’s allegations — but they also barely knew her. Inside an office culture 27 years later.

BUZZFEED NEWS Posted on May 21, 2020

Wally Mcnamee / Getty Images
Then-senator Biden in 1993.

Sen. Joe Biden’s office had a good reputation. It was the kind of thing staffers remember talking about in 1993 — a time of cultural upheaval on Capitol Hill, witnessed at close range by the aides who began their careers working for the junior senator from Delaware.

They watched their boss preside over the fraught Clarence Thomas hearings, where Anita Hill’s televised testimony brought sexual harassment into the American lexicon, making employers and employees more aware of the way women were treated at work. They saw Washington constantly waver between old and new — an “old boys network” undergoing a “sea change” as they walked the halls and sorted mail. Working next door to conservative Sen. Strom Thurmond, they remember “a lot of ‘Go fetch me a cup of coffee, darlin’’ type of stuff” — while in their own office, women held senior roles and men took on “menial tasks.”

According to interviews with 10 of the former staffers who worked there at the time, Biden’s Senate office stood out as a professional environment with a close-knit cohort of junior aides, many of them in their twenties, some just out of college. During the workday, they embraced a culture of structure and diligence. Outside of the office, they played softball in the summers and did happy hours near the Capitol at the Tune Inn and Tortilla Coast.

But among their number was an exception: Tara Reade.

The California native, then age 28, was employed as a staff assistant from December 1992 to August 1993, but she left little impression on her colleagues at the time. Those who remember working with Reade — and some don’t remember her at all — didn’t know much about her. They described their coworker, largely, as something of an outsider: She didn’t show much interest in socializing with the other junior staffers in the office, nor did she fit their particular mold of a khaki-and-blue-blazered DC professional. Looking back, Reade was a passing figure — an indistinct memory during a time they otherwise recall with vivid detail.

Courtesy of Tara Reade
Reade in an undated handout photo.

Reade, now 56, came forward this spring with an allegation of sexual assault, claiming Biden digitally penetrated her in an empty Senate hallway when she was asked to bring him a gym bag in 1993. She has said that she also filed a harassment complaint, for which she was retaliated against by being relieved of her duties overseeing interns and put inside a “windowless office,” where she was required to check in and out with a senior staffer.

Biden has denied Reade’s claims and asked the National Archives and the Senate to release any complaints from Reade that exist.

None of the people interviewed for this story — all of whom worked for Biden at the same time as Reade — said anything to disprove or corroborate her central allegation of sexual assault. But in interviews, former staffers questioned many of the same basic aspects of her account, saying they clashed strongly with their memory of Biden’s office culture and of a time of heightened awareness around the treatment of women in the workplace.

One former colleague, Ben Savage, directly disputed Reade’s claim that she left the office as a result of retaliation — saying that she was pushed out over concerns he remembers bringing to his supervisor about her performance.

“Did I campaign against her? No,” Savage said in an interview. “Did I provide honest feedback and complain about her? Yeah, I did. I’m 100% certain it contributed to her getting fired.”

Savage, a California resident who worked as a tech administrator in Biden’s Senate office for three years, said he likely spent more time with Reade than any of his colleagues. He started shortly after Reade in February 1993. They were the sole full-time staffers with desks in the mail room, an area adjacent to Biden’s reception area on the second floor of the Russell Building, where they worked together on keeping track of the senator’s mail.

In multiple interviews this month, Savage described their relationship as friendly but not particularly close. She confided in him about her personal life, including about a health problem, he said. Yet Savage also found Reade to be a difficult colleague. Beyond small annoyances — he remembered she banged on her keyboard loudly and threw the windows open in the middle of winter — Reade caused repeated problems with the mail program, he said, and struggled to “keep up with the pace and professionalism of the office.”

Savage said he has reached out to a range of news outlets to try to defend his former boss.

Together, Savage and Reade were responsible for parts of the senator’s expansive correspondence program. Any mail that came into Biden’s Senate office — from constituent letters about a problem in Delaware to petitions for issues like abortion — would be sorted by issue and sentiment, then forwarded to one of three legislative correspondents who sat in an office downstairs. The legislative correspondents would compose a response on behalf of Biden, often with the help of a policy aide, before passing the drafts back to the mailroom. Multiple people who worked on the mail program, including Savage, said they remember the Biden Senate office made it a priority to promptly respond to every letter he received.

Savage described two main issues with Reade: First, he claimed, she often miscategorized incoming mail. Soon after he arrived, he said, he took over that responsibility himself as a result, developing a new coding and cataloging system on a software called Inter-America.

The second problem came later: When legislative correspondents sent drafted responses back to the mail room, Savage said Reade threw out photocopies of the responses instead of properly filing them, causing a problem in the record-keeping system that made it seem like the mail had gone unanswered. Initially, Savage said, he and his supervisor, Dennis Toner, blamed the legislative correspondents for the problem, until Savage asked Reade about the photocopies, and she told him she had been mistakenly throwing them away, he recalled.

Savage said he took his complaints about her work directly to Toner. He also remembers Toner asking him about Reade’s performance. When reached for comment, Toner said he did not remember Reade, or any problems with the mail program in 1993 — though he did not doubt the specifics of Savage’s account. He recalled Savage as a “disciplined” and “conscientious” employee who helped the office function more efficiently.

One of the legislative correspondents at the time, Cara Ameer (then Cara Nader), said she remembers attending a meeting with Toner and the other legislative correspondents where he addressed problems with the mail program, but made no mention of Reade.

Savage also remembered Reade telling him in the spring that she believed she was being pushed out because of her health issues, an element of his account first reported by CNN. Doug Wigdor, Reade’s lawyer, confirmed she had a health issue at the time, but added that she did not recall Savage well enough to remember specific conversations with him.

Wigdor did not dispute Savage’s account of the mail program, except to say that that the criticism of Reade’s performance occurred in the context of retaliation for her complaining about alleged harassment. By then, he said, she had already raised concerns about at least one alleged incident — where she said a supervisor had asked her to serve drinks at an event because Biden liked her legs.

“It’s not uncommon in retaliation cases for an employee to complain and then to be micromanaged, or nitpicked, and ultimately told, like Tara was, that she wasn't a good fit.,” Wigdor said.

John Earnhardt, another staffer, said he took over as Reade’s successor in the mail room in April 1993 while she was still on payroll. He said he was never told why the previous person in his role had left, but he did recall a heavy emphasis during his onboarding on not throwing out the mail, though he said the person training him never mentioned Reade.

“I do remember it was like, ‘Hey, this is the job. Don't throw any mail out,’” Earnhardt said. “I do remember that specifically, like, ‘That's the worst thing you can do.’”

No one interviewed for this story remembered any incidents of women being harassed or made uncomfortable in the office, nor did anyone remember hearing any allegations about Biden specifically. In more recent years, Biden has been accused of touching women in a way that made some of them uncomfortable. He addressed the issue last yearsaying, “The boundaries of protecting personal space have been reset” and “I’ll be much more mindful.”

Reade’s time in the office followed Anita Hill’s 1991 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Biden at the time, that left some Democrats deeply unsatisfied with the way Hill had been treated. Biden reportedly expressed “regret” in a phone call to Hill last year for her treatment, though Hill has said she didn’t consider that to be enough.

Decades later, new reporting in the #MeToo era revealed that Capitol Hill was and remains a place where lawmakers set up a system to push harassment or discrimination allegations into a confusing, archaic system of adjudication.

But at the time, those hearings also started a national conversation about women’s treatment in the workplace and ushered in the “Year of the Woman” in 1992, when several women senators were elected, changing the makeup of Capitol Hill.

“There was a sea change,” said David Long, who worked for Biden on the Judiciary Committee from June 1992 to around July 1994, starting as a receptionist. Long described how he had found the Capitol to be an “old boys network” when he arrived in 1991 to work for Sen. Ted Kennedy. “It really became a much more inclusive and equal place, I think, as a place to work.”

Former Biden staffers described their environment as more amenable to women in leadership roles than other offices on the Hill. Some of his senior staffers were women, such as Evelyn Lieberman, his press secretary, or his legislative director, Jane Woodfin. Biden was “ahead of the curve,” Long argued, when it came to elevating women in the office.

CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images
From left: Sens. Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois, Dianne Feinstein of California, and Joe Biden of Delaware, Nov. 13, 1993.

According to Earnhardt, the staff assistant who replaced Reade, Biden was “very sensitive about women really doing anything for him that was looked [at] as menial” — a sentiment repeated in interviews with other men who worked there at the time. Earnhardt said he was once asked to bring the senator Tylenol or Advil. On the dais during Judiciary Committee hearings, there was an “unwritten policy,” he said, that if Biden wanted a cup of coffee, “a guy had to bring it to him.”

One aide who worked in close proximity to the former senator for decades, including in the early ’90s, said he never heard him comment on a woman’s appearance. There was no “locker room talk,” as he put it.

Reade’s account of the office culture, including her interactions with the senator, differs sharply from those of her former coworkers. While others said Biden almost never interacted with junior staffers, with the exception of an annual staff photo day, Reade has said she remembers seeing the senator around the hallways and him touching her neck and shoulders.

In an email to her lawyer, Wigdor, which he read over the phone, Reade wrote, “I experienced sexual harassment and assault from Joe Biden, so it’s a rather obvious answer that I did not find it a safe and friendly environment for women. It was the opposite of empowerment for me. I felt objectified and after the assault, traumatized with no recourse except the end of my career.”

Former staffers were skeptical about some aspects of Reade’s story, like her contention that she was asked to serve drinks at an event or bring Biden his gym bag, saying that those tasks would not have normally been assigned to someone in her position.

Biden had an assistant, Terry Wright, who handled personal errands for him. He “was the person who schlepped [the senator’s] bags around and accompanied him on the train and made sure that he was where he needed to be at the right time. That was his job. So why would someone else do Terry's job?” said Melissa Lefko, who served as a staff assistant in the office from August 1992 to August 1993.

Reade maintains that she was asked to bring Biden the gym bag, and through Wigdor she also recalled once being asked to bring the senator a folder. “She didn’t have a close relationship with [Biden], but there were days that she didn’t see him and days that she did see him,” Wigdor said.

According to Reade’s coworkers, Biden didn’t spend much time in Washington apart from his business on the Hill, and he eschewed cocktail parties and after-hours events. He didn’t keep an apartment or a car in DC, largely relying on Wright to shepherd him to and from the Capitol. Former staffers remembered begging their counterparts in the office of Sen. George Mitchell, then the Senate majority leader, for his schedule of the day’s final vote, so they could book the earliest Amtrak from Union Station to Wilmington, Delaware.

Junior staffers embraced Biden’s efficient routine: The atmosphere was “very buttoned-down, very professional,” said Long. It was not a place where entry-level employees got points for trying to get face time with the senator, or muscle their way into meetings, they recalled. Employees were expected to fulfill their duties, stay in their lane, and respect the chain of command. Time spent in the office was time spent working, they said. “And we worked hard all day long,” said Lefko.

"You were in a professional environment, so you wanted to be professional in every way — to look and act that way,” said Cara Ameer, the legislative correspondent.

That ethos of structure and professionalism formed a social fabric for the young people on staff. Reade never joined their circle.

“It was a very, very tight-knit group,” said Long, the staff assistant for Biden on the Judiciary Committee. “We worked incredibly long hours for no money. I knew where all the happy hours were so I could eat for free. I don't remember her being part of any of that.

“I don't have any definitive memories of her.”

Some suggested that Reade simply wasn’t a good fit for the culture of the office, but they struggled to pinpoint exactly why they felt that way when they knew so little about her. Two people brought up the clothes she wore to work — specifically recalling that she wore capes and dressed in a “hippie” style — as an example.

“She definitely seemed to me to march to her own drum,” said Ameer. “Maybe she didn’t like us. Maybe she thought we were a bunch of preppy Capitol Hill staffer types. If there was a mold of a Capitol Hill staffer, I would kinda say we probably fit it. We were well dressed.”

Reade’s attorney, Wigdor, said that while she did participate in a few social events, such as touch football, she was “private in the office,” and most of her friends were outside work, like in Thompson-Markward Hall, a dormitory for young women where he said Reade lived at the time.

But Reade also described a class divide between herself and the rest of the staff.

“She felt that most of these staffers and interns went to elite colleges, and she didn’t, and they looked down on her, is the best way to describe it,” said Wigdor.

Payroll records indicate that she worked in Biden’s office for a total of eight months. But according to Reade, she was only an active presence in the office for about half that time.

John Duricka / AP
From left: Women's activist Eleanor Smeal, Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and Biden on Capitol Hill, May 27, 1993.

By April 1993, John Earnhardt had already assumed her responsibilities, quickly befriending the other young people on staff. Earnhardt said he never met Reade or saw her around the office. Savage, her old colleague, said he doesn’t remember telling her goodbye. After Earnhardt arrived, he didn’t see or speak to her again.

By Reade’s own recollection of spring 1993, she was still in the Senate — working from the “windowless” room, cut off from the rest of the staff.

According to her attorney, she thinks the room was somewhere between reception and the mail room, but she isn’t sure. What she does remember is being moved into a room without windows, only a door, by late April or May 1993, and a telephone and computer were installed for her. She said she was given a “desk audit,” meaning she had to check in with senior staff before leaving the office.

By then, Reade has said in interviews, her job was to “show up and just look for another job.”

Sometime that summer, Wigdor said, Reade stopped coming into the office.

When her tenure as staff assistant officially came to an end weeks later on Aug. 6, 1993 — Reade’s last day on the Biden payroll — few of her colleagues noticed.

“It was a pretty awesome time of life,” said Long, the Judiciary Committee staffer, describing his own memory of Biden’s office in those years. “We worked really hard as a group. We socialized. We knew each other really, really well. All the support staff were really tight, and we looked out for each other.

“And I certainly would hope for Tara that her memories would be good as my own, and I certainly see that they're not.”

Tara Reade Knows She Has A Difficult Allegation. And She’s Had A Difficult Time Getting A Hearing.
Rosie Gray · April 30, 2020
Henry J. Gomez · May 1, 2020

Ruby Cramer · April 28, 2020

Ruby Cramer is a politics reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.
Contact Ruby Cramer at

Rosie Gray is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.
Contact Rosie Gray at

Lindsey Graham’s own words get thrown back in his face in new anti-Trump attack ad

Published on May 22, 2020 By Brad Reed 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is getting hit with a new attack ad that throws the senator’s own words back in his face.

The ad, which was produced by a super PAC called “Lindsey Must Go,” shows all the times that Graham attacked President Donald Trump before abruptly changing to becoming a major supporter of the president.

“I think he’s a kook,” Graham says at the start of the ad. “I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.”

The ad then cuts to Graham at a Trump rally repeatedly thanking Trump for being “a damn good president.”
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Other choice cuts include Graham called Trump a “jackass” who says “one dumb thing after another,” before cutting to a clip in 2018 of Graham saying Trump “deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.”

“Honestly, they’re both terrible,” the ad says of the two versions of Graham. “But the new Lindsey stands for nothing but his reelection… This November, vote him out.”

Watch the video below.

History will not be kind to the billionaire Trump whisperers responsible for so many COVID-19 deaths

Published May 21, 2020 By Thom Hartmann- Commentary

Several new studies and models suggest that if Donald Trump had simply declared a state of national emergency, largely shutting down the country, a few weeks earlier than he did, tens of thousands of people who are dead right now would still be alive.

He certainly had the information available to him. We now know that he was receiving classified briefings in December and January warning about the virus coming, and Peter Navarro had written a memo to him explicitly warning of exactly what is happening right now.

The problem is that Donald Trump doesn’t read. He doesn’t read his classified briefings, he doesn’t read memos from his senior staff, he doesn’t read his speeches before he gives them; he apparently doesn’t read anything at all except Twitter.

While Trump may have some natural skills as a huckster, salesman and grifter, most the evidence – including statements by his previous teachers and professors – indicate he otherwise has a mediocre or even poor intellect.
So here’s how banal our crisis is: our president is a man who is not particularly smart and doesn’t read.

He gets all his news from billionaire Rupert Murdoch‘s propaganda channel, Fox News, which is famously filled with lies and scams.

Meanwhile, billionaires like Betsy DeVos are funding groups pushing defiance of stay-at-home orders or mask-wearing that save lives.

The feedback loop between Fox, groups funded by right wing billionaires, and Trump has produced policies that have led tens of thousands of Americans to die unnecessarily.

Putting a billionaire in the White House, while other billionaires are funding misinformation and disinformation groups, and another billionaire is running a national television propaganda channel, may lead to as many as a quarter million dead Americans by the end of the year.

History will not be kind to these oligarchs

(c) Thom Hartmann, used with permission
Skeptical experts in Sweden say its decision to have no lockdown is a terrible mistake that no other nation should copy

People at a restaurant in Stockholm on May 8. JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images)

More than 2,000 experts across Sweden in April urged the country to change its unusual decision not to have an enforced coronavirus lockdown.

Its per capita death toll in recent days has been the highest in the world, and some of those experts told Business Insider they remained convinced the plan was a historic mistake.

"This is not an example to follow. I don't want thousands of people around the globe to start dying," one science professor said.

They say much of Sweden's advice — including on masks, on the risks to children, and on who should self-isolate — is out of step with other countries'.

They are urging Sweden to test more so it can better understand its outbreak and give information to the rest of the world.

Sweden's strategy for dealing with the novel coronavirus so far has not included a lockdown.

Instead, the country has allowed people to go to parks, bars, and restaurants and to keep working, while encouraging but largely not enforcing social distancing.

It's a strategy that most in the country appear to support.

But it has sparked alarm among some experts who point to the country's relatively high death toll, the effects on vulnerable groups, and what they say is an approach that ignores much of the best research on COVID-19.

Two open letters signed in April by more than 2,000 experts across the country urged tougher measures with compulsory elements.

Sweden's state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, at a briefing in Stockholm on May 6. CLAUDIO BRESCIANI/TT NEWS AGENCY/AFP via Getty Images

But the letters did not change government policy. Sweden's death toll on a per capita basis is now among the highest in the world and was the highest of any country in the seven days that ended Wednesday.

Business Insider spoke with some of those experts, who said Swedish health officials were not looking closely enough at new research.

They said they hoped no other countries tried to imitate Sweden, which lockdown opponents and some US politicians have held up as an example of a better approach.

Olle Kampe, a professor and senior consultant in endocrinology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, said: "We are sacrificing old people and people with diseases."

People protesting Minnesota's stay-at-home order with a "Be Like Sweden" sign outside the governor's residence on April 17. Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune via Getty Images

"So I don't that it's something that anyone should copy."

Is Sweden gambling on herd immunity?

Sweden has said its strategy is not meant to achieve herd immunity — the point at which so many people are immune to a virus through infection or vaccination that it cannot take hold in a population.

But Anders Tegnell, Sweden's state epidemiologist and the main figure behind the country's plan, has highlighted Sweden's progress toward such a state. He said in late April that up to 20% of people in Stockholm were immune and that this could help guard against a second wave.

Many understood this as a quiet acknowledgment that herd immunity was the strategy. But scientists around the world have warned that there is no guarantee that catching the virus gives permanent immunity — and even if it did, the human cost of reaching that state would be huge.

"They are denying it in practice, but if you look at their actions, they're clearly going for herd immunity — that's why they are keeping schools and everything open," Marcus Carlsson, a mathematician at Lund University, said.

People in Stockholm on April 22. ANDERS WIKLUND/TT NEWS AGENCY/AFP via Getty Images

Kampe said Sweden was trying to "reach herd immunity by killing people."

"It's saying that people who are old, or have a disease like obesity, like diabetes, are worth less than the rest of us, so we can just let them die and we get herd immunity," he said.

Kampe said Sweden's radically different approach meant it had a special responsibility to justify itself. "The burden of proof is very strong," he said.

A public-health ad in Stockholm on May 4 encouraging social distancing. JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images

Experts say Sweden's plan ignores science

Kampe said much of Sweden's approach was "not based on facts."

"If you have a virus that's totally new, you know very little about it, why don't you take a step back and say you are trying to infect as few people as possible until we know more?" he said.

"Sweden's strategy is the opposite: Infect as many people, reach herd immunity."

He pointed to new things discovered about the virus, including young people experiencing blood clots and strokes and a new inflammatory syndrome that has killed least four children.

People at a Stockholm shopping center on May 12. HENRIK MONTGOMERY/TT NEWS AGENCY/AFP via Getty Images

He noted that Sweden did not consider children to be an at-risk group. They are expected to go to school, even if they have preexisting conditions known to increase adults' risk.

Christopher Plumberg, a theoretical physics researcher at Lund University, noted that the stance on children "stands in stark contrast to the United States and the United Kingdom."

Carlsson said the differences showed that Sweden's Public Health Agency had "a strange view on how to do science and research."

"They claim to be more logical while the rest of the world is panicking, claiming to be the voice of rationality."

He described the authority as being "picky about evidence" — insisting on unusually strong levels of proof before taking steps to mitigate the virus, as the rest of the world goes further.

He pointed to how the Public Health Agency had urged people to stay at home only when they show symptoms.

Swedish officials have said it is "still too early to say" how much the virus is spread by those without symptoms.

It is a stark contrast to other public-health bodies, which mostly recommend staying home when possible to mitigate the risk of asymptomatic transmission.

Carlsson said waiting for definitive proof in this case meant waiting too long and risking lives.

Lunch at a restaurant in Stockholm on April 21. Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images

"Evidence-based is good science over time, but in emergency response to an unknown virus, you cannot sit and wait for a peer-review process," he said. "Science is very slow."
Sweden's renegade advice

Sweden diverges from the consensus in more ways than its advice on which people should stay home.

Even after people have been ill, Sweden recommends isolation for only two days after recovery. Other countries advise seven days, and the World Health Organization recommends a full two weeks.

Plumberg said Sweden had not "adequately adhered to the European Union precautionary principle," which says lawmakers should act to prevent harm even if they are not yet totally sure it will work.

"More succinctly, the principle cautions: 'Better safe than sorry.'"

Plumberg said he agreed with Tegnell's own statement that Sweden's death toll had been "horrifying."

People in Stockholm on April 8. AP Photo/Andres Kudacki
But he said Sweden should have looked closer at what was happening in other countries.

"To make no decision on condition of 'too little evidence' is already to make a decision," he said. "The virus itself has forced a rapid policy response, and Sweden seems philosophically opposed to making such changes."

Tegnell, the state epidemiologist, responded to the open letters in April by defending the scientific basis for Sweden's policy and calling the figures they cited "inaccurate."

He also said Sweden's death toll was inflated because the virus had spread in nursing homes to a greater extent than in other countries, causing more people to die.

The signatories say Sweden needs to collect more data about its outbreak and to allow an open debate between the Public Health Agency and other scientists.

Flying blind on testing

Sweden is prioritizing its coronavirus tests for healthcare workers who show symptoms and patients already in the hospital.

It then gives priority to police officers and emergency responders. The health agency says people who have cold or flu symptoms "will not be prioritized for testing" but should stay home.

Sweden has only just expanded its testing to include those with mild symptoms.

Lena Hallengren, Sweden's health minister, said at the end of March that targeted testing, rather than mass testing of the population, was the right way to go for Sweden.

A restaurant in Stockholm on May 8. JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images, an English-language news service for Sweden, reported that as of May 8, about 1,000 people were being tested in Stockholm a day.

It said the country was hitting around a third of its goal of 100,000 a week.

Sweden's testing rate is at 17.6 per 1,000 people, according to tracking by the website Statista. Norway, its close neighbor, has a rate of 37.9.

Kampe, the science professor, said more testing was necessary to assess Sweden's strategy: "To evaluate this afterwards we have to have data."

"We still don't have data to calculate the projections people are making. It still doesn't exist," he said.

Carlsson said testing was especially important as Sweden's strategy was so different. "Because we chose a different path, we are in a unique position to provide valuable information for the rest of the world," he said.

"If we test a lot, we could provide so much information for the world. And save individual lives."
'Sacrificing' the old and weak

Sweden says its plan is meant to protect the most vulnerable: People over 70 are urged to stay at home, and visitors have been barred from nursing homes.

But about half of Sweden' deaths have taken place in nursing homes, and about 88% of its deaths are people over 70, a figure similar to some of Europe's hardest-hit countries like the UK and France.

Nursing-home workers have reported having to work without access to personal protective equipment.

A memorial to coronavirus victims in Stockholm's Mynttorget square. ONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images
Some staff members have complained that they do not have permission to give oxygen treatment to patients with the virus and say they have been told not take the patients to hospitals.

People with conditions that make them more vulnerable have also told Business Insider that Sweden's plan has left them frightened as they choose to isolate themselves.

"We are sacrificing old people and people with diseases," Kampe said.

Tegnell denies that Sweden's plan involved sacrificing certain groups. Instead, he said, the high deaths were an unforeseen event, not part of the plan. The health minister, Hallengren, has publicly said Sweden "failed to protect our elderly."

The Public Health Agency has said it started enforcing greater hygiene measures and has seen fewer nursing-home deaths.

But Sweden's death toll — at 3,698 on Tuesday — has soared above its Nordic neighbors that locked down early.

Per capita, its deaths are about four times those in Denmark and eight times those in Norway — countries with similar healthcare systems, political systems, and population densities.

People lined up to buy alcohol at a state-owned Systembolaget store on April 25. JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images

Sweden is also reporting more than 400 new cases a day, compared with about 20 a day in Norway and about 60 a day in Denmark.

'Don't copy us'

Kampe said Sweden too had the ingredients for a low death toll: It is not very densely populated, has a high degree of education, and has low rates of diseases like diabetes and obesity.

Be, he said, "and still there are so many deaths." He continued: "As a physician you don't accept any unnecessary deaths. But we have thousands. If this continues, we will have tens of thousands.

"I don't think that it's something that anyone should copy."

Carlsson said Sweden was at "a very dangerous point in time" as its plan received international attention: "People want a way through without a lockdown," he said.

But he said the strategy would jeopardize lives anywhere it's employed.
"We are not testing," he said. "We are totally in the dark. This is not an example to follow."
So far, it has not indicated that any change is coming.

A Swedish catastrophe: Conservatives’ favorite pandemic policy turns out to be quite deadly

May 21, 2020 By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

Many conservatives are praising Sweden for its decision to not issue stay-at-home orders or close down businesses like cafes and restaurants. Indeed, anti-lockdown protesters have started using “Be more like Sweden” as a mantra in their attempt to convince American policymakers to put an end to the lockdowns that have swept the country.

Yet the public health data suggests that Sweden’s hands-off approach to fighting the pandemic has been dangerous.

The country’s per capita death toll is among the highest in the world, according to a report by Johns Hopkins University earlier this month. It was also the highest of any country as of the week that ended on Wednesday. Last month, more than 2,000 scientists and experts across Sweden signed a pair of open letters that urged tougher measures and compulsory safety policies, with one of them telling Business Insider that she believes Sweden’s current public health policies are immoral.
“We are sacrificing old people and people with diseases,” Professor Olle Kampe, a senior consultant in endocrinology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, told Business Insider. “So I don’t [think] that it’s something that anyone should copy.”

There are other signs that Sweden’s policy has been a catastrophe. More than twice the usual number of people have died in Stockholm as a result of the outbreak, according to The New York Times, which shared Kampe’s observation about the elderly paying a disproportionate price because of the government’s more laid-back approach to the crisis. (Most of the people who have died so far in Sweden have been over the age of 70.) The increase in Stockholm is greater than the rise in deaths from American cities like Chicago and Boston, and is mirrored by the fact that almost 30 percent more people died during the epidemic than would normally have passed away in Sweden at this time. The jump is much greater than in countries near Sweden and comparable to that of the United States, which does not have Sweden’s advantages in terms of its health care system.

“It’s not a very flattering comparison for Sweden, which has such a great public health system,” Andrew Noymer, a demographer at the University of California at Irvine, told the Times. “There’s no reason Sweden should be doing worse than Norway, Denmark and Finland.”

This is not to say that Sweden’s approach has been an unmitigated disaster. Hospitals have not been overwhelmed, as many predicted, and Google mobility figures reveal that Swedes nearly matched residents of neighboring countries in their decision to visit restaurants, stores and other recreation spots with less frequency as a precautionary measure. Yet Sweden had certain advantages, including the fact that it has a low population density and has fewer multigenerational households, which are particularly vulnerable to the virus.

This is why Sweden’s approach probably would not work in the United States. Indeed, a recent study published in the journal Health Affairs revealed earlier this week that social distancing has reduced the COVID-19 growth rate in the United States.

Adoption of government-imposed social distancing measures reduced the daily growth rate by 5.4 percentage points after 1–5 days, 6.8 after 6–10 days, 8.2 after 11–15 days, and 9.1 after 16–20 days,” the authors of the study wrote. “Holding the amount of voluntary social distancing constant, these results imply 10 times greater spread by April 27 without [shelter-in-place orders] (10 million cases) and more than 35 times greater spread without any of the four measures (35 million).”

How cosmic rays may have shaped life

Before there were animals, bacteria or even DNA on Earth, self-replicating molecules were slowly evolving their way from simple matter to life beneath a constant shower of energetic particles from space.
In a new paper, a Stanford professor and a former post-doctoral scholar speculate that this interaction between ancient proto-organisms and cosmic rays may be responsible for a crucial structural preference, called chirality, in biological molecules. If their idea is correct, it suggests that all life throughout the universe could share the same chiral preference.
Chirality, also known as handedness, is the existence of mirror-image versions of molecules. Like the left and right hand, two chiral forms of a single molecule reflect each other in shape but don't line up if stacked. In every major biomolecule - amino acids, DNA, RNA - life only uses one form of molecular handedness. If the mirror version of a molecule is substituted for the regular version within a biological system, the system will often malfunction or stop functioning entirely. In the case of DNA, a single wrong handed sugar would disrupt the stable helical structure of the molecule.
Louis Pasteur first discovered this biological homochirality in 1848. Since then, scientists have debated whether the handedness of life was driven by random chance or some unknown deterministic influence. Pasteur hypothesized that, if life is asymmetric, then it may be due to an asymmetry in the fundamental interactions of physics that exist throughout the cosmos.
"We propose that the biological handedness we witness now on Earth is due to evolution amidst magnetically polarized radiation, where a tiny difference in the mutation rate may have promoted the evolution of DNA-based life, rather than its mirror image," said Noémie Globus lead author of the paper and a former Koret Fellow at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC).
In their paper, published on May 20 in Astrophysical Journal Letters, the researchers detail their argument in favor of cosmic rays as the origin of homochirality. They also discuss potential experiments to test their hypothesis.
Magnetic polarization from space
Cosmic rays are an abundant form of high-energy radiation that originate from various sources throughout the universe, including stars and distant galaxies. After hitting the Earth's atmosphere, cosmic rays eventually degrade into fundamental particles. At ground level, most of the cosmic rays exist only as particles known as muons.
Muons are unstable particles, existing for a mere 2 millionths of a second, but because they travel near the speed of light, they have been detected more than 700 meters below Earth's surface. They are also magnetically polarized, meaning, on average, muons all share the same magnetic orientation. When muons finally decay, they produce electrons with the same magnetic polarization. The researchers believe that the muon's penetrative ability allows it and its daughter electrons to potentially affect chiral molecules on Earth and everywhere else in the universe.
"We are irradiated all the time by cosmic rays," explained Globus, who is currently a post-doctoral researcher at New York University and the Simons Foundation's Flatiron Institute. "Their effects are small but constant in every place on the planet where life could evolve, and the magnetic polarization of the muons and electrons is always the same. And even on other planets, cosmic rays would have the same effects."
The researchers' hypothesis is that, at the beginning of life of on Earth, this constant and consistent radiation affected the evolution of the two mirror life-forms in different ways, helping one ultimately prevail over the other. These tiny differences in mutation rate would have been most significant when life was beginning and the molecules involved were very simple and more fragile. Under these circumstances, the small but persistent chiral influence from cosmic rays could have, over billions of generations of evolution, produced the single biological handedness we see today.
"This is a little bit like a roulette wheel in Vegas, where you might engineer a slight preference for the red pockets, rather than the black pockets," said Roger Blandford, the Luke Blossom Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford and an author on the paper. "Play a few games, you would never notice. But if you play with this roulette wheel for many years, those who bet habitually on red will make money and those who bet on black will lose and go away."
Ready to be surprised
Globus and Blandford suggest experiments that could help prove or disprove their cosmic ray hypothesis. For example, they would like to test how bacteria respond to radiation with different magnetic polarization.
"Experiments like this have never been performed and I am excited to see what they teach us. Surprises inevitably come from further work on interdisciplinary topics," said Globus.
The researchers also look forward to organic samples from comets, asteroids or Mars to see if they too exhibit a chiral bias.
"This idea connects fundamental physics and the origin of life," said Blandford, who is also Stanford and SLAC professor of physics and particle physics and former director of KIPAC. "Regardless of whether or not it's correct, bridging these very different fields is exciting and a successful experiment should be interesting."
This research was funded by the Koret Foundation, New York University and the Simons Foundation.

Study: Ancient ocean oxygen levels associated with changing atmospheric carbon dioxide

A Texas A&M-led study analyzed ocean floor sediment cores to provide new insights into the relationship between deep ocean oxygenation and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the 50,000 years before the last ice age
Why do carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere wax and wane in conjunction with the warm and cold periods of Earth's past? Scientists have been trying to answer this question for many years, and thanks to chemical clues left in sediment cores extracted from deep in the ocean floor, they are starting to put together the pieces of that puzzle.
Recent research suggests that there was enhanced storage of respired carbon in the deep ocean when levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were lower than today's levels. But new research led by a Texas A&M University scientist has reached back even further, for the first time revealing insights into atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the 50,000 years before the last ice age.
"One of the biggest unknowns about past climate is the cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide variability over global warm-cold cycles," said Franco Marcantonio, lead author of the study and professor and Jane and Ken R. Williams '45 Chair in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M. "Here we investigated the 'how' of varying carbon dioxide with the 'where' -- namely, the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, which is an important region of the world ocean where, today, significant carbon dioxide is exhaled into the atmosphere and the greatest rates phytoplankton growth are found."
The National Science Foundation-funded research was recently published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Research journal.
To examine ancient carbon dioxide levels, Marcantonio and a team of researchers analyzed an ocean floor sediment core extracted from the deep Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The 10-meter long core spans about 180,000 years, and the chemistry of the layers of sediment provide scientists with a window into past climates. The chemical measurements they make serve as a proxy for oxygen levels of the deep sea.
Measuring minute traces of uranium and thorium isotopes, the team was able to associate periods of increased storage of respired carbon (and low deep-sea oxygen levels) with periods of decreased global atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during the past 70,000 years.
"By comparing our high-resolution sediment record of deep-sea oxygenation in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific with other areas of the Pacific and Southern Ocean, we find that the Pacific Ocean, like the Southern Ocean, is a location for deep-ocean respired carbon storage during periods of decreased global atmospheric CO2 concentrations," he said. "Importantly, we put constraints on the location in the water column of the extent of the respired stored carbon pool during cold periods.
"Understanding the past dynamics of Earth's carbon cycle is of fundamental importance to informing and guiding societal policy-making in a warming world with increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide."
Co-authors of the study were Ryan Hostak, a former Texas A&M graduate student who earned his master's degree in geology in 2019; Jennifer E. Hertzberg, who received her Ph.D. in oceanography from Texas A&M in 2015 and is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University; and Matthew W. Schmidt, associate professor of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion. Marcantonio and his colleagues designed the study, he and Hostak performed the isotope analyses, and the team interpreted the data.
"By performing similar studies in sediment covering a wider swath of the deep Pacific Ocean, we'll be able to spatially map the extent of this past deep pool of respired carbon," Marcantonio said, looking forward to future research.
The study's radiogenic and trace element analyses were conducted in the College of Geosciences' R. Ken Williams Radiogenic Isotope Facility. The sediment core was extracted by Marcantonio and colleagues on an NSF-funded research cruise aboard the R/V Melville in 2010.

In China, quarantine improves air and prevents thousands of premature deaths

Soon after coronavirus appeared, an all-encompassing quarantine put into effect by the Chinese government slowed the spread of the disease and saved lives, but the quarantine also produced another unanticipated health benefit.
A new study led by researchers at the Yale School of Public Health and published in the journal Lancet Planetary Health, finds that China's countrywide ban on traffic mobility from February 10 to March 14 greatly limited automobile emissions and sharply reduced the country's often severe air pollution.
The improved air quality, in turn, prevented thousands of pollution-related deaths. More premature deaths were avoided by cleaner air--an estimated 12,125--than lives lost from the pandemic--4,633 as of May 4, the study finds.
"This is a very surprising result. The pandemic continues to be a terrible thing for China and the rest of the world, but the decrease in emissions that accompanied it has actually conferred some positive health results," said Kai Chen, assistant professor at the Yale School of Public Health and the study's first author. "The question is, how can we have one without the other?"
Although the findings cannot be directly applied to other countries due to different severity of and responses to COVID-19, as well as differing air pollution levels and population characteristics, reduced air pollution levels have been detected in other Asian and European countries and the U.S. after their own lockdowns, Chen said. He notes that this reduction in pollution has likely conferred similar health benefits.
The study found that ground-level air pollution levels dropped remarkably throughout China, with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) dropping by 12.9 μg/m3 (or 37% compared with before the quarantine period) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) dropping by 18.9 μg/m3 (30%) across 367 Chinese cities. The decline in NO2 across China during the quarantine period was so dramatic that it was detected by satellite measurements.
NO2 is a gaseous air pollutant, which is mainly produced from fuel burning in vehicles and power plants. NO2 level before the quarantine (January 5 to 20) was as high as 40.5 μg/m3 in Wuhan, where the outbreak began in China. During the quarantine (February 10 to March 14), those levels had fallen to 18.8 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter).
Particulate matter includes all solid and liquid particles suspended in air, many of which are hazardous when inhaled. This mixture includes both organic and inorganic particles, such as dust, pollen, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets. Before the quarantine, PM 2.5 (fine inhalable particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or smaller) levels were measured at 62.5 μg/m3 in many Chinese cities. During the quarantine, the fine particulate matter reading has been 36.5 μg/m3 in those same locations.
The authors then calculated the number of avoided deaths attributable to these decreases in NO2 and PM2.5 across China based on the short-term association between these pollutants and daily mortality using data from a previous epidemiological study of 272 Chinese cities, and mortality data from the China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook 2018. The authors found that among the more than 12,000 avoided deaths, about two-thirds were from avoided cardiovascular diseases (hypertensive disease, coronary heart disease and stroke) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The findings illustrate the substantial human health benefits related to cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality that can be achieved when aggressive air pollution control measures are put in place to reduce emissions from vehicles, such as through climate mitigation-related traffic restrictions or efforts to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, the authors said.
"This unexpected health benefit suggests that if we were to address the climate crisis as aggressively as we are combating the COVID-19 pandemic with strong political will and urgent action, we could prevent the enormous health burdens associated with climate change," said co-author Paul T. Anastas, professor at the Yale School of Public Health and the Teresa and H. John Heinz III Chair of Chemistry for the Environment.
The authors said that they want to further identify whether climate or weather-related factors and air pollution could influence population susceptibility to COVID-19.
The paper was written with researchers from the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions and Boston University School of Public Health.