Friday, February 14, 2020

The officer for animal research of the Max Planck Society explains new regulations

"The Mendelian rules cannot be suspended"
A mouse in a Max Planck Institute. Scientists sometimes have to breed more animals than they need for the actual studies. Credit: MPI f. Biology of Ageing/ K. Link
For the first time, the European Union has published detailed statistics on animal research. Andreas Lengeling, the officer for animal research of the Max Planck Society, explains the backgroud to the new figures.
What are the reasons for keeping more animals at research facilities, than are used in animal experiments?
Andreas Lengeling: There are several reasons. One of the most important reasons is to ensure that  carried out in basic research are scientifically meaningful. The genetic status of  is very important in this context. For addressing certain questions, it is often necessary to breed laboratory animals that have a number of genetic characteristics. A classic example would be the breeding of different lines of mice, in order to combine different genetic characteristics in a new line of mice; such as a missing gene, a fluorescent marker for conducting microscopic analyses of particular cells, or an activator/deactivator for a particular genetic activity.
What is the role of genetics in this context?
This type of breeding can be very complex, and it takes place in line with Mendel's laws that describe the biological laws of inheritance. These rules cannot be suspended, so it is inevitable that animals are born, who do not carry all desired genetic characteristics. This is all about statistical likelihood of inheritance. It is therefore necessary that scientists breed more animals than they are ultimately going to need for their actual studies. Smart breeding schemes allow for the number of animals to be reduced to a certain extent. This is where strategies for reducing the number of animals required for breeding take effect. However, it is unfortunately not possible for us to bypass the biological laws of inheritance. In addition to these genetic reasons, there are other reasons for keeping animals that are not directly used in experiments, albeit in much smaller numbers.
To what extent does the age of test animals play a role?
You do need to take the animals' aging process into account. This means that researchers often have to work with narrow time slots when it comes to using experimental and control groups. The immune systems of zebrafish or mice become less effective as they get older, or their immune response might be reduced. As a result they are no longer suitable for addressing certain scientific questions. Strong age homogeneity is necessary to be able to compare datasets from different experimental groups. This means that the animals have to be roughly the same age. Again, this has an impact on the number of animals that need to be bred, and age homogeneity is another important criterion that determines the quality of animal studies.
Are these animals treated differently from test animals?
All animals receive the same attention, nurturing, medical care and so on, as the animals used in actual experiments. As soon as it becomes clear, for example, that mice can no longer be used for further breeding or in experimental studies, they are killed in a painless manner. A number of different research groups at our Institutes cooperate closely, to keep the number of these animals as low as possible, and they also exchange animals if needed.
Are there other animals that are bred and not used in experimental studies?
In addition to the complex breeding process, I should mention backcrossing and the so-called sentinel animals.
Let's first talk about backcrossing: mice, for example, have a very wide range of genetic 'backgrounds." Each particular line of mice differs genetically from other lines, in a way that is similar to different dog breeds. When genetic changes from different backgrounds are brought together, you will get mixed lines. Backcrossing genetic changes into animals with a particular, clearly defined background, is important for making future experiments comparable. Such backcrossing can result in multiple generations of animals, as they represent an intermediate genetic status. An undefined genetic status can give rise to disadvantages with regard to repeatability of animal experiments.
Sentinel animals are the 'guards' of the animal facilities and they are important for ensuring hygienic animal keeping. These animals live alongside experimental animals in their own cages and they are regularly brought into contact with some of the bedding of all other animals, including any pathogens. They are then examined for a range of infectious diseases, by a veterinary medical diagnostics service. This means that sentinel animals can be used as representatives for the health status of the entire colony. So these animals are very important, as they are used for checking and safeguarding the health status of all animals kept in an animal facility. If certain pathogens were not ruled out through such measures, this would not only be a risk to the health of all animals kept in a facility and undetected pathogens can also have a negative impact on research results. Safeguarding scientific quality of research results is key in this context, as well.
Is it not possible to breed in a more targeted manner, and to avoid producing animals that cannot be used in experimental studies? Or to at least reduce the numbers?
There are good, smart breeding strategies, in which sibling animals are taken into account, for example. Careful planning allows us to avoid producing animals that are not directly used in experiments to a certain extent, but not entirely. Unfortunately this is not possible. An experiment must be statistically sound and meaningful at the end of the day, and to achieve this we need suitable animals in suitable numbers.
Is it desirable that a greater effort is made in this direction?
If the Institutes cooperate and enter into an intensive exchange of their experiences regarding the harmonization of strategies, and if technologies that already exist are used more, then it should be possible to do quite a bit more to reduce these numbers.
Which technologies do you have in mind?
Here is an example: there are animals that are merely kept for maintenance breeding. Their breeding is continued, because researchers do not want to loose valuable animals featuring genetic changes or other characteristics. Cryopreservation could be an option here. This means that embryos are frozen in liquid nitrogen, at temperatures below –195°C. If needed, these can be implanted into surrogate mothers to restart breeding at the time it is required. Another example is in vitro fertilization, where an oocyte and a sperm meet in a petri dish. Sperms and oocytes from the animals that are to be preserved are used here. It works in the same way that is familiar to us from human reproductive medicine. This allows, for example, for time-consuming backcrossing to be sped up so that fewer animals are needed for breeding.
For what purpose do you need to breed mice, for example, with a particular characteristic? Would an approximation of the desired genotype not be sufficient?
With regard to the genetic background, an approximation can lead to problems. For example if researchers do not breed mice for control groups themselves, but buy them from a breeding company. The genetic background might not match, and the microflora might differ. Put simply, there is too much background noise that will compromise precise research results. It is therefore important to pay attention to where the animals come from, and to resort to backcrossing or the technologies mentioned before, if necessary.
Can the CRISPR/Cas9 method help to change genetic information in a more targeted manner, and to thus avoid producing surplus animals?
CRISPR/Cas9 technology, so-called genetic editing, allows for new genetic changes in animals to be achieved quicker and more precisely. A number of steps can be skipped this way and it is, for example, possible to introduce multiple desired genetic characteristics into the genome of founder animals of a mouse line at the same time. However, there is the risk of off-target effects that we are not fully familiar with yet. This is where the gene scissors cut the genetic material in the wrong place. This must be checked very carefully with sequencing, which is the reading of genetic material. I think we should be open for this new method, and my assessment is that this is currently the case in many research facilities.
Can the situation be improved, for example, through national or international cooperation among researchers? If so, how?
That definitely makes sense. A lot can be achieved through institutions such as the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA). Genetically changed lines of mice are collected here and are, for example, archived in bio-archives through cryopreservation, and can be provided to scientists for research purposes on request. This service is used by numerous institutions around the world. EMMA plays an extremely important role for genetic quality assurance, for example. This is essential. It is also important to provide and exchange technology such as cryopreservation and in vitro fertilization.
Do you think of killing animals that are not used in experiments as a 'waste' of life?
I do not think that killing these animals is a waste of life. As mentioned earlier, sentinel animals have a very important function. There is certainly room for further improvement, when it comes to collaboration among institutions. It is important in this context to focus on the issue of reduction in the 3Rs principle. That is to reduce the number of test animals to the necessary, yet statistically sound minimum.
Even if these animals are not needed in experiments, they are still important to the scientific endeavour. They are an essential part and not a waste. They are especially important when it comes to breeding with different genetic changes.
Are you happy with the current severity categories for animal testing?
A different classification system for laboratory animals should be considered with regard to the degree of severity, in my opinion. In Great Britain, for example, there is another severity category called 'sub-threshold." This refers to animals subjected to pain that is less severe than a pinprick. This severity degree can be used to describe animals that are used only for breeding, for example, but not for actual experiments that might cause them distress. These breeding animals are fine, their genetic characteristics do not come into effect at the intermediate breeding stages, and they receive the same care and attention as all other animals. They are just not immediately needed for animal experiments. This would allow for a clearer distinction and for greater transparency with regard to scientific use of laboratoryanimals. I am very much in favour of introducing this type of category in Germany, too.
In your opinion, what is the role of animal studies in biomedical research?
A lot of basic research is conducted at the Max Planck Institutes. Animal experiments are particularly important in this field, as they provide insights into general biological processes that might also be relevant to human health. As researchers we have a moral obligation. If we want to abandon  altogether, we would automatically sacrifice future findings that may revolutionize our knowledge of basic functions of organic and biological systems. In this context it is also important to include primates in research. There are urgent issues, such as brain research, for which non-human primates are essential. They should be used in specific cases, where we need to work very closely to humans. For example in research into particular infectious diseases that cannot be examined in any other animal species, or in basic research conducted on the brain.Animals reduce the symmetry of their markings to improve camouflage

Q&A: Coronavirus likely to infect the global economy

Coronavirus likely to infect the global economy
Harvard Business School Professor Willy Shih, an expert on Asian industrial competitiveness, discusses the impact the coronavirus has had on global commerce. Credit: Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer
The rapid development of China's coronavirus crisis coincided with the annual idling of much of the country's economic activity due to the Lunar New Year break, which typically runs for a week or two. Global economists have been watching the post-holiday economic restart closely. Delayed a week to allow public health officials to get a better handle on the contagion, experts are looking for clues about the extent to which one of the world's largest economies is coming back to life amid widespread coronavirus concerns. The Gazette spoke with Harvard Business School's Willy Shih, an expert on Asian industrial competitiveness and the Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Management Practice.
Q&A: Willy Shih
GAZETTE: Do you have a sense of whether this will be the biggest event affecting the global economy in 2020?
SHIH: I think so. I don't think people have fully appreciated what the impact is going to be because it occurred during the Lunar New Year break, and many companies that have supply chains or rely on products coming out of China had already planned for the disruption. They already had some inventory on hand and knew there was going to be a break in production. It happens every year. A lot of Chinese companies were supposed to start reopening yesterday, and what I'm hearing from numerous sources is that it's spotty.
GAZETTE: Why is that, because of virus fears?
SHIH: A lot of workers come from inland provinces, that's the whole Chinese manufacturing model. Can they get back? With all the transport shut down, it's really hard, especially the lower-cost, long-distance buses. High-speed rail is too expensive for many workers. So that—and cities basically imposing quarantines—makes it very hard for them to get back to work. Then, if you look at the Chinese manufacturing model, they have a lot of semi-skilled labor that they can throw onto assembly lines for products where you have manual assembly. You have buildings with maybe 10,000 people in fairly close quarters working on assembly of physically small products. If you're assembling a smartphone, you'll have workers organized into assembly cells—maybe 15 people, maybe 30—and they're passing these products along as they each do one stage of the assembly process. You can imagine being a factory manager: "I have all these people working in close quarters. I don't have enough test kits. I don't have enough masks. I don't have enough protective garments. If one of them gets sick, and I have contagion in the factory, how am I going to quarantine them?" You can imagine that a lot of people are being very cautious about restarting production.
GAZETTE: Has the Chinese government weighed in one way or another on whether to restart manufacturing?
SHIH: Some regional governments and some people in Beijing have said, "Hey, be conscious of the economic impact. We need to get life back to normal." But if you think about Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, it's still locked down, and my question is: How many of these factories have people who went home to Hubei province? I think it's a lot, so factories are going to be short-handed. Will that impact production? Absolutely. I recently took a class to China, and we visited one of the huge container terminals in Shenzhen, Yantian International Container Terminal. They are a primary export port for the Pearl River delta. Eastbound trans-Pacific and westbound traffic going to Europe via Suez and the Straits of Malacca primarily goes out of there. And there was almost no traffic there this morning [Tuesday]. When we were there, they said they handled 20,000 trucks a day. I think people are going to start to realize it when the merchandise shipments that they were expecting or the parts or components that they were expecting don't come through.
GAZETTE: It seems clear that this is going to impact the Chinese economy and their projections of annual growth are pretty much out the window now, but what are the ways in which this will trickle out to the global economy?
SHIH: The  in finished products as well as components will be impacted. China is such a force in the global economy. There are some things that are only made in China these days, and not just the usual electronics and toys—consumer products—it's active pharmaceutical ingredients that go into pharmaceutical supply chains worldwide. If you look at travel, a number of airlines have shut down all flights. I don't know if it is because of risk of contamination or that demand fell off. There was a piece in Aviation Week last week that tallied the number of carriers that have canceled all flights through March—not just through February. A lot of that is for lack of demand, both business travel and tourism travel. There was also a report out of France that I saw about how the number of Chinese tourists shopping for luxury goods in Paris has fallen off a cliff. Chinese outbound tourism is a major factor in Europe and Singapore, in Macau, and the U.S. These things are just kind of trickling out, and people are just beginning to realize it. I'm surprised people haven't stood back and looked at the bigger picture yet and said, "Oh, this is going to have a much bigger impact."
GAZETTE: What about American business sales in China versus American companies running factories there to make things to sell elsewhere?
SHIH: We've seen what's happened with Starbucks [which closed more than half its 4,300 stores in China]. Disney has closed both the Shanghai Disney park and the Hong Kong park. China is the second largest motion picture market in the world, and all the theaters have been closed because they don't want people in large public gatherings. So there's an impact on Hollywood studios who rely on that for a significant part of their income now.
GAZETTE: How long until this is felt broadly in the U.S. economy?
SHIH: It was reported in the Nikkei Asian Review yesterday that Foxconn could not reopen its Longhua complex. Foxconn is a supplier to Apple, so I think supplies are going to be tight for things like phones, not only iPhones, but Android phones. Over the last year, there has been some movement to diversify supply chains out of China, but there's still a lot of notebook computers and TVs—the Chinese are now the dominant manufacturers of the flat panels used for those displays—made there. There are a significant number of factories in Wuhan. There are also always some surprises. If you go back and look at the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011, there were surprises because people didn't know that they had a supplier to a supplier to a supplier—a third- or fourth-tier supplier—who was impacted. I think we're going to see the direct impact of primary suppliers who are unable to fill orders in the short term and then we'll also see secondary effects because somebody in the supply chain somewhere couldn't make a delivery. There's also been a lot of discussion about the U.S.-China trade deal and China's commitment to import American products. Well, China can easily declare force majeure here. They have no ability to absorb that level of imports.
GAZETTE: Are there any potential counterbalancing forces? Projections show oil prices going down.
SHIH: I'm not the expert in that area, but every time I go to Beijing or Shanghai, there's traffic all over the place and now nobody's driving around. That's probably a fairly temporary supply/demand imbalance. There's less consumption of jet fuel and so on. Those things will come back to normal once we get past this. One of the problems is how are you going to make up lost production. Once things start to go back to normal, we're probably going to see a lot of overtime. But right now the uncertainty is probably driving people crazy.China's factory activity falls in January as virus fears grow

Climate change will lead to abrupt shifts in dryland ecosystems, study warns

Climate change will lead to abrupt shifts in dryland ecosystems, study warns
Credit: Juan José Gaitán, INTA (Argentina
Drylands cover about 41% of the Earth's land surface and host one in three humans inhabiting our planet. In these areas, life is highly influenced by aridity, i.e. the balance between the amount of rainwater and the water lost by evaporation. In this sense, aridity is increasing worldwide as a result of climate change. A study conducted by the Dryland Ecology and Global Change Lab at the University of Alicante (UA) led by Fernando T. Maestre and published in Science revealed for the first time that as aridity increases, dryland ecosystems on the planet undergo a series of abrupt changes.
"In the study we found that numerous ecosystem characteristics had a non-linear response to small  increases. This means that there are levels at which faster, sometimes even abrupt shifts occur as a result of relatively small aridity increases. Therefore, it can be said that, when certain aridity thresholds are crossed, the ecosystem undergoes disproportionate changes and becomes even more arid," Santiago Soliveres, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UA and co-author of the study, explains.
Three phases of change
Three phases of change were identified by the researchers. First, when aridity levels cross values of around 0.54, "the ecosystem becomes limited by the lack of water. The vegetation changes and it becomes dominated by species adapted to drought, such as grasses and shrubs, as is already the case in many areas in the Iberian Peninsula," UA researcher Fernando T. Maestre says.
Credit: Universidad de Alicante
After these initial vegetation changes, when aridity values exceed 0.7, the soil becomes much less fertile. It loses its structure and becomes more vulnerable to erosion. Moreover, soil organisms that play essential roles in maintaining soil nutrients are radically affected, with a dominant presence of pathogens at the expense of more beneficial organisms.
Finally, beyond aridity values of 0.8, an abrupt loss of diversity and plant cover takes place. "Once this threshold is crossed, the water deficit is such that plants cannot thrive in these conditions. Biological activity is drastically reduced and life becomes conditioned by the windows of opportunity that occur during infrequent rain events. The ecosystem has become a desert," according to Maestre.
20% of global lands affected by 2100
According to climate forecasts, more than 20% of the emerged lands of the planet may cross one or several of the aridity thresholds identified in this study by 2100. "Life will not disappear, but our findings suggest that these  may experience abrupt changes that will reduce their capacity to provide ecosystem services to more than 2 billion people, such as soil fertility and biomass production," says Miguel Berdugo, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the UA Dryland Ecology and Global Change Lab until January 2020.
Minimizing negative consequences
The findings of this study are of great relevance in understanding the impacts of climate change on dryland ecosystems, as they could help establish mitigation actions. "While we will not stop climate change, I believe we still can minimise its negative consequences on these ecosystems, which are essential to achieve a sustainable development," says Maestre. "By providing information on how vegetation and soil properties change as aridity increases, and by mapping those areas most sensible to such increases, our results can be used to optimise monitoring and restoration efforts, preserve biodiversity and avoid the desertification of these ecosystems," he adds. Ricard Solé, a co-author of the study, ICREA researcher at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, UPF-CSIC) and lecturer at the Pompeu Fabra University, hopes that "this study will help develop potential intervention scenarios that may include the use of synthetic biology to modify ecosystems at risk." This "terraformation" of ecosystems is part of the ongoing collaboration between the UPF and the University of Alicante.Increasing aridity reduces microbial diversity

More information: Miguel Berdugo et al. Global ecosystem thresholds driven by aridity, Science (2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aay5958

Climate change will lead to abrupt shifts in dryland ecosystems, study warns

Climate change will lead to abrupt shifts in dryland ecosystems, study warns
Credit: Juan José Gaitán, INTA (Argentina
Drylands cover about 41% of the Earth's land surface and host one in three humans inhabiting our planet. In these areas, life is highly influenced by aridity, i.e. the balance between the amount of rainwater and the water lost by evaporation. In this sense, aridity is increasing worldwide as a result of climate change. A study conducted by the Dryland Ecology and Global Change Lab at the University of Alicante (UA) led by Fernando T. Maestre and published in Science revealed for the first time that as aridity increases, dryland ecosystems on the planet undergo a series of abrupt changes.
"In the study we found that numerous ecosystem characteristics had a non-linear response to small  increases. This means that there are levels at which faster, sometimes even abrupt shifts occur as a result of relatively small aridity increases. Therefore, it can be said that, when certain aridity thresholds are crossed, the ecosystem undergoes disproportionate changes and becomes even more arid," Santiago Soliveres, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UA and co-author of the study, explains.
Three phases of change
Three phases of change were identified by the researchers. First, when aridity levels cross values of around 0.54, "the ecosystem becomes limited by the lack of water. The vegetation changes and it becomes dominated by species adapted to drought, such as grasses and shrubs, as is already the case in many areas in the Iberian Peninsula," UA researcher Fernando T. Maestre says.
Credit: Universidad de Alicante
After these initial vegetation changes, when aridity values exceed 0.7, the soil becomes much less fertile. It loses its structure and becomes more vulnerable to erosion. Moreover, soil organisms that play essential roles in maintaining soil nutrients are radically affected, with a dominant presence of pathogens at the expense of more beneficial organisms.
Finally, beyond aridity values of 0.8, an abrupt loss of diversity and plant cover takes place. "Once this threshold is crossed, the water deficit is such that plants cannot thrive in these conditions. Biological activity is drastically reduced and life becomes conditioned by the windows of opportunity that occur during infrequent rain events. The ecosystem has become a desert," according to Maestre.
20% of global lands affected by 2100
According to climate forecasts, more than 20% of the emerged lands of the planet may cross one or several of the aridity thresholds identified in this study by 2100. "Life will not disappear, but our findings suggest that these  may experience abrupt changes that will reduce their capacity to provide ecosystem services to more than 2 billion people, such as soil fertility and biomass production," says Miguel Berdugo, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the UA Dryland Ecology and Global Change Lab until January 2020.
Minimizing negative consequences
The findings of this study are of great relevance in understanding the impacts of climate change on dryland ecosystems, as they could help establish mitigation actions. "While we will not stop climate change, I believe we still can minimise its negative consequences on these ecosystems, which are essential to achieve a sustainable development," says Maestre. "By providing information on how vegetation and soil properties change as aridity increases, and by mapping those areas most sensible to such increases, our results can be used to optimise monitoring and restoration efforts, preserve biodiversity and avoid the desertification of these ecosystems," he adds. Ricard Solé, a co-author of the study, ICREA researcher at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, UPF-CSIC) and lecturer at the Pompeu Fabra University, hopes that "this study will help develop potential intervention scenarios that may include the use of synthetic biology to modify ecosystems at risk." This "terraformation" of ecosystems is part of the ongoing collaboration between the UPF and the University of Alicante.Increasing aridity reduces microbial diversity

More information: Miguel Berdugo et al. Global ecosystem thresholds driven by aridity, Science (2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aay5958
NASA flights detect millions of Arctic methane hotspots
by Jane Lee, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The image shows a thermokarst lake in Alaska. Thermokarst lakes form in the Arctic when permafrost thaws. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Knowing where emissions are happening and what's causing them brings us a step closer to being able to forecast the region's impact on global climate.

The Arctic is one of the fastest warming places on the planet. As temperatures rise, the perpetually frozen layer of soil, called permafrost, begins to thaw, releasing methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These methane emissions can accelerate future warming—but to understand to what extent, we need to know how much methane may be emitted, when and what environmental factors may influence its release.

That's a tricky feat. The Arctic spans thousands of miles, many of them inaccessible to humans. This inaccessibility has limited most ground-based observations to places with existing infrastructure—a mere fraction of the vast and varied Arctic terrain. Moreover, satellite observations are not detailed enough for scientists to identify key patterns and smaller-scale environmental influences on methane concentrations.

In a new study, scientists with NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE), found a way to bridge that gap. In 2017, they used planes equipped with the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer—Next Generation (AVIRIS—NG), a highly specialized instrument, to fly over some 20,000 square miles (30,000 square kilometers) of the Arctic landscape in the hope of detecting methane hotspots. The instrument did not disappoint.

"We consider hotspots to be areas showing an excess of 3,000 parts per million of methane between the airborne sensor and the ground," said lead author Clayton Elder of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "And we detected 2 million of these hotspots over the land that we covered."

The paper, titled "Airborne Mapping Reveals Emergent Power Law of Arctic Methane Emissions," was published Feb. 10 in Geophysical Research Letters.

Within the dataset, the team also discovered a pattern: On average, the methane hotspots were mostly concentrated within about 44 yards (40 meters) of standing bodies of water, like lakes and streams. After the 44-yard mark, the presence of hotspots gradually became sparser, and at about 330 yards (300 meters) from the water source, they dropped off almost completely.

The scientists working on this study don't have a complete answer as to why 44 yards is the "magic number" for the whole survey region yet, but additional studies they've conducted on the ground provide some insight.

"After two years of ground field studies that began in 2018 at an Alaskan lake site with a methane hotspot, we found abrupt thawing of the permafrost right underneath the hotspot," said Elder. "It's that additional contribution of permafrost carbon—carbon that's been frozen for thousands of years—that's essentially contributing food for the microbes to chew up and turn into methane as the permafrost continues to thaw."

Scientists are just scratching the surface of what is possible with the new data, but their first observations are valuable. Being able to identify the likely causes of the distribution of methane hotspots, for example, will help them to more accurately calculate this greenhouse gas's emissions across areas where we don't have observations. This new knowledge will improve how Arctic land models represent methane dynamics and therefore our ability to forecast the region's impact on global climate and global climate change impacts on the Arctic.

Elder says the study is also a technological breakthrough.

"AVIRIS-NG has been used in previous methane surveys, but those surveys focused on human-caused emissions in populated areas and areas with major infrastructure known to produce emissions," he said. "Our study marks the first time the instrument has been used to find hotspots where the locations of possible permafrost-related emissions are far less understood."Arctic permafrost thaw plays greater role in climate change than previously estimated
More information: More information on ABoVE can be found here: Clayton D. Elder et al. Airborne Mapping Reveals Emergent Power Law of Arctic Methane Emissions, Geophysical Research Letters (2020). DOI: 10.1029/2019GL085707
Journal information: Geophysical Research Letters

FEB 07, 2019

Thawing permafrost releases old greenhouse gas
Lab investigates underpinnings of political polarization
Lab manager Garret Walker ‘19 is currently helping undergraduate students run studies that examine the influence of personality traits on political ideology. He believes that understanding the science behind political polarization is one step toward shaping a better society. “Ultimately, I find this work interesting because there's the promise of change,” he said. Credit: Adrienne Berard
Immigration. Abortion. Guns. Name a third-rail conversation topic and chances are Xiaowen Xu is talking about it—and she knows you are, too.
Xu, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at William & Mary, researches . Her lab inside the Integrated Science Center is currently studying ways to foster constructive dialog in an era of increasing political polarization.
"We're running studies looking at hot-button issues," Xu said. "If we want to have people from different parties, from different ends of the political spectrum, discuss these issues in a constructive way, we have to ask 'what are ways to help improve that discourse?'"
Xu's research group, composed entirely of , is currently studying the effectiveness of political messaging tailored to personal characteristics. For example, the students may show a study participant a  arguing for support for increased gun control, which is usually a stance endorsed by liberals, she explained.
However, the message could be written to emphasize how such policies will increase societal order and structure, which is generally valued by conservatives. She said the students will examine whether framing a "liberal" message to emphasize conservative values will make the message more palatable to conservative individuals, and vice versa.
"We're trying to see if we can reframe political messages to address a person's personality and see if that makes them more receptive to that message," Xu said.
Garret Walker '19, who worked with Xu as an undergrad and currently serves as lab manager, says the study is ongoing, so the team is limited in what they can share about their methods. The data they collect will come from a series of surveys administered to participants online and in the lab. He hopes the results will shed some light on how to break down ideological barriers.
"This work feels especially relevant today, when everything is so divided and bipartisanship seems really difficult," Walker said. "If we can reframe a political argument and it's able to reach the other side, that may help heal that rift."
The students have been central to the  from the beginning, Xu explained. They helped design the study, established ethics protocols, are currently running the study and will be charged with making sense of the data they collect.
"I cannot give enough praise for William & Mary undergrads. They are just fantastic," Xu said. "The students are involved from the inception to the end of this project."
The goal in reframing political messages, she says, should not necessarily be to persuade that person to come to the other side, but rather to get them to understand the motivations behind the other side's thinking. The first step is seeing someone as a full person, not an opponent, she explained.
"Unless you can understand the things that they value, the things that are central to who they are as people, it's going to be hard for them to listen to you—and even harder be persuaded by you," Xu said. "You might not see eye-to-eye, but you should be able to recognize their humanity."
Xu describes her work as examining the psychological origins of political orientation. She studies how dispositional and individual differences work together to shape a person's political ideology. Her most recent published research takes a look at the conservative end of the spectrum.
Last fall, she co-authored a paper on the influence of media consumption on political attitudes and voting preference. In the spring, she was the lead author on a paper examining the link between sensitivity to disgust and political conservatism.
"I want to understand why some people adopt liberal ideologies and some people adopt more conservative ideologies," Xu said. "What drives them? What motivates them to endorse these different types of belief systems?"
In her study of disgust, Xu found that individuals who are more easily disgusted tend to be more politically conservative. Her data suggests that disgust-sensitive people tend to display a preference for physical order that extends into the sociopolitical environment, which could be one reason conservatives tend to value the strengthening of traditional norms, she explained.
"From an , disgust evolved to help us avoid things that could kill us," Xu said. "There's a reason we are repulsed by rotten meat, but there is a social component to disgust as well. The idea is there are those who use disgust as a way to reject people for certain social transgressions. They may not bring physical harm, but they are disrupting the societal order and that can be threatening."
Xu's findings illustrate the ways in which emotional, cognitive, and personality processes work together to influence political orientation. They show that political ideology is deeply nuanced and may have more to do with a person's daily life than any given political stance. For example, she found that media preference can predict the types of conservative attitudes people endorse and, in turn, can even predict the candidate they endorse.
"Let's say you hacked into my Netflix account and saw the types of shows I watch," Xu said. "From that data, you should be able to see a general pattern and get a sense of what my political ideology might be. The media that people expose themselves to reveals a general ideology. Knowing that, you should have some predictive power for voting preference."
Xu and her co-authors found that preferences for media genres that focus on action-based topics predicted stronger libertarian-independent attitudes, which generally emphasize self-reliance and decreased support for government-funded programs.
"The media products need only to contain general values and concepts that resonate with consumers' political intuitions," the researchers wrote.
Much of the team's results are not surprising. For instance, those individuals with strong libertarian-independent attitudes tended to value traditional masculinity, freedom from government control and protection against foreign threats. When asked, they said they were less inclined to endorse Clinton or Sanders in the 2016 presidential election, but were more likely to endorse Trump, as he projected similar beliefs and attitudes.
While Xu's research and analysis has revealed insights about past elections, she is clear she's not in the business of forecasting results.
"What makes ideology such an interesting topic is that there are so many little factors that come into play. You never really know what could influence an election outcome," Xu said. "I see it as this one piece of a giant puzzle. Even if I'm going to add just a tiny little bit to that puzzle, it's still going to help me understand ideology better and why people endorse certain candidates or certain policies."
For Walker, understanding the science behind political ideology is one step toward shaping a better society for the future.
"Ultimately, I find this work interesting because there's the promise of change," he said. "If we can just change how we talk to each other, then maybe as a culture we can function more holistically. I realize that's a far-fetched goal, but we do research in the hopes of improving ourselves and improving the societies that we create, and this work has the potential to do that."
Political affiliation may help drive and shape a person's morals

More information: Xiaowen Xu et al. Distinct types of conservative attitudes mediate the link between media preference and presidential can

Court rules Apple must pay California workers during bag checks

California's Supreme Court called out Apple for hypocrisy in its characterization of the iPhone as unnecessary for its own emplo
California's Supreme Court called out Apple for hypocrisy in its characterization of the iPhone as unnecessary for its own employees
The California Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that Apple must pay employees for time spent waiting for their bags and personal electronic devices to be searched when they leave work.
The decision means that the tech giant will have to pay millions of dollars to more than 12,000 hourly workers at California retail stores who fall under the mandatory bag-search policy.
According to  documents, Apple employees are required to clock out before submitting to an exit search which can take from five to 20 minutes.
On the busiest days, employees say the wait time can be as long as 45 minutes. Those who refuse to have their belongings searched are subject to discipline, including termination.
A lower court had previously sided with Apple, ruling that time spent by employees waiting for the exit searches cannot be considered "hours worked" under California law.
The plaintiffs escalated the case to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which asked the Supreme Court to address the state law issue.
The state's  in its decision issued on Thursday rejected Apple's argument that its employees could easily avoid a search by choosing not to bring a bag or iPhone to work.
Quoting from a US Supreme Court decision, it noted that cell phones are "now such a pervasive and insistent part of daily life that the proverbial visitor from Mars might conclude they were an important feature of human anatomy."
"The irony and inconsistency of Apple's argument must be noted," the court added.
"Its characterization of the iPhone as unnecessary for its own employees is directly at odds with its description of the iPhone as an 'integrated and integral' part of the lives of everyone else."
Apple representatives could not immediately be reached for comment on the ruling.
The Apple case is the third the state high court has considered in recent years as related to  and time during which workers are under employers' control.
In 2018, the court ruled that Starbucks has to pay for off-the-clock work—such as going through the checklist for closing the store—that can last a few seconds or minutes past someone's shift

The Antarctica Factor: Model uncertainties reveal upcoming sea level risk

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Within this century already, due to Antarctica alone, global sea level might rise up to three times as much as it did in the last century. This is a finding of an exceptionally comprehensive comparison of state-of-the-art computer models from around the world.
"The 'Antarctica Factor' turns out to be the greatest risk, and also the greatest uncertainty, for sea-levels around the globe," says lead-author Anders Levermann from the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Columbia University's LDEO in New York. "While we saw about 19 centimeters of  in the past 100 years, Antarctic ice-loss could lead to up to 58 centimeter within this century. Coastal planning cannot merely rely on the best guess. It requires a risk analysis. Our study provides exactly that: The sea level contribution of Antarctica is very likely not going to be more than 58 centimeters."
Thermal expansion of the ocean water under  and melting of mountain glaciers, which to date have been the most  for sea-level rise, will come on top of the contribution from Antarctic ice-loss. The overall sea-level rise risk is thus even bigger, yet the 'Antarctica Factor' is about to become the most important one, according to the study now published in the journal Earth System Dynamics of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Large range of estimates makes the results very robust
The range of sea-level rise estimates from the 'Antarctica Factor' provided by the scientists is rather large. Assuming that humanity keeps on emitting  as before, the range the scientists call "very likely" to capture the future is between 6 and 58 centimeters for this century. If  were to be reduced rapidly, it is between 4 and 37 centimeters. Importantly, the difference between a scenario of business-as-usual and a scenario of emissions reductions becomes substantially greater on longer time-scales, hence farther in the future.
The researchers accounted for a number of uncertainties in the computations, from the atmospheric warming response to carbon emissions to oceanic heat transport to the Southern ocean. Sixteen  modeling groups comprised of 36 researchers from 27 institutes contributed to the new study, which was coordinated by PIK. A similar study six years earlier had to rely on the output of only five ice sheet models. This development reflects the increasing importance of research on the Antarctic ice sheet.
"Risks for coastal metropolises from New York to Mumbai, Hamburg to Shanghai"
"The more computer simulation models we use, all of them with slightly different dynamic representations of the Antarctic ice sheet, the wider the range of results that we yield—but also the more robust the insights that we gain," says co-author Sophie Nowicki of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change who led the overarching ice sheet model intercomparison project, ISMIP6. "There are still large uncertainties, but we are constantly improving our understanding of the largest ice sheet on Earth. Comparing model outputs is a forceful tool to provide society with the necessary information for rational decisions."
Over the long-term, the Antarctic ice sheet has the potential to raise sea level by tens of meters. "What we know for certain," says Levermann, "is that not stopping to burn coal, oil and gas will drive up the risks for coastal metropolises from New York to Mumbai, Hamburg or Shanghai."
Antarctica could raise sea level faster than previously thought

More information: Earth System DynamicsDOI: 10.5194/esd-11-35-2020

Massachusetts health reform tied to decrease in advanced cancer

Massachusetts health reform tied to decrease in advanced cancer
(HealthDay)—Following state health reform, there was a decline in advanced-stage colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnoses in Massachusetts, according to a study published in the February issue of Medical Care.
Lindsay M. Sabik, Ph.D., from the University of Pittsburgh, and colleagues used data from the Massachusetts Cancer Registry and Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results registries (2001 to 2013) to determine whether the expanded insurance coverage in Massachusetts reduced the likelihood of advanced-stage CRC and  (BCA) . Comparisons were made to states without expanded coverage (Connecticut, New Jersey, Georgia, Kentucky, and Michigan).
The researchers found a decline in the proportion of advanced-stage CRC cases. Before the reform, approximately half of the CRC patients in Massachusetts and control states were diagnosed at advanced stages. After the reform, there was a 2 percentage-point increase in this proportion across control states and a slight decline in Massachusetts. After reform, adjusted difference-in-difference estimates suggested a 7 percent decline in the likelihood of advanced-stage diagnosis compared with baseline, although this result was sensitive to years included in the analysis. There was no significant effect of reform on BCA stage at diagnosis.
"The decline in the likelihood of advanced stage CRC diagnosis after Massachusetts health reform may suggest improvements in access to  and CRC screening," the authors write. "Similar declines were not observed for BCA, perhaps due to established BCA-specific safety-net programs."
One author disclosed financial ties to a pharmaceutical company.Decline in late stage cancer diagnoses after health reform law

New research: Climate change could reduce lifespan among hundreds of species

invasive species
Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Researchers from Queen's University Belfast and Tel Aviv University in Israel have carried out one of the most comprehensive studies to date to better understand what affects life expectancy among all living vertebrates in the world.
The findings not only challenge a long-accepted theory around , but also suggest new evidence that  could have a huge impact on the  among cold-blooded species—that is, reptiles and amphibians.
The 'rate of living' theory has long been accepted as an explanation as to why organisms age. According to this theory, the faster the metabolic rate the shorter the lifespan. In other words, the 'faster' the species lives in terms of the speed of internal body functions and how soon they start to reproduce, or how 'slowly' in terms of these internal body functions and of lower reproductive rates, will determine how long they live. This is an explanation as to why some vertebrates, like frogs, can only live for a few months, while others, such as whales and turtles, can live for centuries. Over 100 years old, until now the theory had not been tested at a global scale with all land vertebrates and there were limitations with the range of species the theory was tested on.
The researchers from Queen's University and Tel Aviv University analysed data from over 4,100 land vertebrate species from across the planet to test the prevailing 'rate of living' . They found that 'rate of living' does not affect aging rates, rejecting the previously accepted link between metabolism and lifespan.
The study, published today (Friday 14 February) in Global Ecology and Biogeography, found that rates of aging in cold-blooded organisms including amphibians and reptiles are linked to high temperatures. These findings led the scientists to propose an alternative hypothesis: the hotter the environment is, the faster the rate of living that in turn leads to more accelerated aging and a shorter lifespan.
Dr. Daniel Pincheira-Donoso, co-author and lecturer in evolution and macroecology at the School of Biological Sciences at Queen's University Belfast, explains: "Our findings can have critical implications for our understanding of factors that contribute to extinctions, especially in modern times when we are facing a worldwide decline of biodiversity, with cold-blooded animals being particularly endangered. Now we know that the life-expectancy of cold-blooded vertebrates is linked to environmental temperatures, we could expect to see their lifespans further reduced as temperatures continue to rise through global warming."
According to the IUCN Red List of endangered species, amphibians are, on average, the most threatened group. Nearly one in five of the world's estimated 10,000 species of lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles and other reptiles are threatened with extinction.
Gavin Stark, lead author and Ph.D. student at Tel Aviv University and first author on the paper said: "The link between lifespan in cold-blooded animals (amphibians and reptiles) and ambient temperatures could mean that they are especially vulnerable to the unprecedented global warming that the planet is currently experiencing. Indeed, if increasing ambient temperatures reduces longevity, it may make these  more prone to go extinct as the climate warms."
Dr. Pincheira-Donoso concluded: "We need to further develop our understanding of this link between biodiversity and climate change. Only armed with knowledge will we be able to inform future policies that could prevent further damage to the ecosystem."Warm-blooded crocs thrived in Jurassic cold snap

More information: Gavin Stark et al. No evidence for the 'rate‐of‐living' theory across the tetrapod tree of life, Global Ecology and Biogeography (2020). DOI: 10.1111/geb.13069