Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hey Richard I R A Communist

Richard over at the misnamed Let Fredom Reign, or is it Rain? Cry me a river Richard.Anyways he takes umberage at those of us supporting Cuba. Cuba stupid, the people, not Castro. And not the exile terrorist community in Maimi. He says:

Under the SpotLight - Blogging Dippers

Here are some of the headlines from the "Blogging Dippers" aggregator this morning:
Ever wonder what would happen if we let the socialists retake control of Canada? Methinks they should rename themselves. "The Blogging Communists" would be more appropriate.

Yep wll ya got me on that one, Richard I already am a blogging Communist, albeit a Libertarian one. Heh, Heh.

As for the claim about socialists taking control of Canada, we already have a one party state here, its called Alberta, and it is ruled by Conservatives, so we couldn't do worse.

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One Party State

Libertarian Communist

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Before MTV

MTV celebrates its 25th birthday. Its all growed up now. However its claim to fame being the rise and advent of the Rock Video and the Video VJ is suspect. The first ever Rock Video was Frank Zappa's 200 Motels made in 1971. While it was a movie, it was actually recorded on Video and transfered to 35mm. Making Zappa the first Rock Video producer and VJ.

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Classical Rock

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One Party State

What does the One Party State of Alberta and the One Party State of Cuba have in common? Sherrit Inc.

In Cuba, it's business as usual

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One Party State

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The reactionary terrorists in Maimi were out in the streets celebrating the pending death of Fidel Castro.Miami Cubans celebrate, plan for long-anticipated end to Castro's rule Ghouls. He isn't dead yet. They can hope, however even if he passes on their mafia/cia/batista politics will not be welcomed back in Liberated Cuba. Regardless of who is in charge. Why would the people who live in the most developed nation in the region want to return to the horrors of American style capitalism?

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Feel Free To Kill Canadians

Under the Harpocrites Israel is given a free hand to kill Canadian civilians and UN peacekeepers. Unlike the Liberals, who let the U.S. do that to us. But at least under the Liberals they protested the Canadian deaths by 'friendly fire'. This isn't even friendly and the Harpocrties cheer it on, blaming Hezbollah.
Hello, earth to Harper, it was Israeli missles that killed Canadians. Israel who refuses to consider a ceasefire. Israel the terrorist war criminal state.
And if the Israel State Terrorists illegally arrest and detain you and you are Canadian, don't expect any support from the Harpocrites.However they will email you a fundraising letter!

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Misleading Headline

Mackay Holds Fast

Oh I thought he was fasting. Instead he is making sure he gets another date with the cougar of the South, Connie Rice.

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay used apocalyptic language to condemn Hezbollah and brush aside suggestions by opposition critics that he was absent during the early part of the latest Middle East conflagration.

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Now We Are Threatening

Heard on the radio the latest Census Canada ad, ominous male narrator telling me that "by law my household MUST complete a census form". Desperately seeking Albertans to comply with the law. So much for the carrot; ads cajoling us to complete the census, Census Beer (only available in Alberta, eh) The Census ended in May, it's August, and still the civil disobedience of Albertans continues, or else they are all so busy working they have no time to fill in the stupid form.
See: Census

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Israel War Crimes

Israel continues to commit war crimes against the people of Lebanon, with the tacit support of the US, UK and Canada. Shame. Bloody Shame. As Marx said history repeats itself, the first time it is farce, the second time it is tragedy; A bloody, brutal repeat of history

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The Party of Calgary

Why would the front running leadership candidate for CEO of Alberta; Jim Dinning be giving money to the Federal Liberals, and personally supporting then PM Paul Martin? Some would say its Alberta's wierd politics, but it is actually the politics as usual for the PC's, the Party of Calgary.

The Calgary boys represent the traditional Liberal base as recruited by Peter Lougheed. The unholy alliance of Progressive conservatives, Liberals and a rump of the Socreds was Lougheeds legacy, far before the same thing occured in B.C. under current Premier Gordon. That legacy left the Liberals adrift until the battle of the Mayors in the ninties, between Klein and Decore. Klein and the Calgary gang won. Klein won the race for leadership against Red Tory and Redmontonian and later Liberal Leader, Nancy Betkowski. Then he won the provincial election by stealing Decores thunder and debt and deficit hysteria.

Today the decisions made in government are not made in the Alberta Legislature, despite it celebrating 100 years of so called Legislative Democracy in Alberta, but in Kleins southern bunker and HQ in Calgary, they are made by cabinet edict.

Dinning is one of those classic Alberta Liberals, in parliamentary politics its not about principles its about winning and keeping power, regardless of political labels.

Either way you cut it, the PC's will lose votes no matter who replaces Klein and the party is finally doomed to a long intenecine internal battle between the Liberals and Progressives against the social and fiscal Conservatives.

Ah the joys of living in a One Party State, the Party is the People. And in the case of the PC's their internal politics represent all the tendencies in Calgary. Why? Because it is the economic centre of the province, it is the corporate giant where decisions are made.

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Vive Cuba

In power since the triumph of the Cuban revolution on Jan. 1, 1959, Castro is the world’s longest ruling head of government. Only Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, crowned in 1952, has been head of state longer. Castro undergoes surgery, delegates to brother

Castro has stepped down. Unheard of. And the reason is this; he has defeated the U.S. Thanks to the help of Canadians including Trudeau and Sherrit Gordon Inc.

Cuba Comes in from the Cold

Bolstered by New Investments and Beneficial Trade Agreements, the Island’s Economy Surges while Washington Grumbles over Havana’s Possible Big Oil Surprise

For a country long in the grip of a paralyzing economic malaise, and with living standards which have not always endeared government officials to ordinary citizens, Fidel Castro’s May Day boast of 11.8 percent growth in the first three months of 2006 came as welcome news to a long suffering population. The upbeat report, reflecting a far better-stocked national larder than ever before, replaced the usual exhortations for personal sacrifices that the average Cuban was used to hearing from the leadership, which usually offers more fiery rhetoric than caloric intake. In front of more than one million people gathered at Havana’s Revolution Square, Castro trumpeted progress in all sectors of the economy, despite an unshakeable U.S. trade embargo. Since then, and in widely different locales, Fidel has continued to boast a climbing rate of economic growth, claiming that Cuba’s economy had expanded by 12.5% in the first quarter of this year. “We should thank [the blockade] because it has forced us to grow and rise to the occasion,” the near-octogenarian leader satisfyingly declared on May Day.

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Made In Cuba Green Policy

Nothing To Worry About In Bolivia

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